The Blue Eyes

Chapter 146 - THE MEDUSA LADY

"Why did you lie to them?" Kris asked as soon as his foot pressed the gas pedal.

The red car sped through the busy street this afternoon. The street was quite full of any kind of vehicle, but the car could still move without a hassle on the street. Kris didn't speed up, though. They still had some time before Blue's school was over.

"I didn't lie to them," Kevin, who was sitting at the front passenger seat, calmly answered. "I told them the truth. It's their choice if they didn't believe in me."

Kris frowned, and Jack on the back seat looked confused as well.

"Did Professor Selena Beischel really leave such guidance before she died?" Jack asked curiously.

"That's impossible," Kris replied. "I don't know anything about such guidance. She never told me anything about that."

Kevin could only smile when he heard the two men conversed. He calmly looked outside of the windows. Nothing was interesting there, but he enjoyed the normal view. He was happy to see the city returned to normal again after the war ended.

"My mother didn't leave any guidance, but she came to my dream last night to tell me about the guidance," Kevin finally responded.

"Hey, Kevin," Jack suddenly called out his name. "Do you think you are Mike Allaband who lied to his people using a fake dream? You can't lie to me using the same method."

Kevin was stunned and turned to Kris. "Your father lied about his dream?" He asked in confusion.

"Yes," Kris answered. "Do you remember about the blue-eyed werewolf prophecy? That was just a fake prophecy. My father lied about that to his people. He just wanted to give some motivations to his people by faking the prophecy."

"So, you also knew about your father's bullshit, but you didn't tell us?" Jack asked again.

"I knew the truth about the blue-eyed werewolf, so of course, I knew that my father was lying when he told his people about his dream and the prophecy."

Jack groaned angrily at the back seat. It seemed that he felt so stupid to believe in Mike Allaband all those times.

"Your father was cruel to fool his own people," Kevin commented.

"I know," Kris replied. "But I believe that my father didn't have any bad intention for his people. He just didn't want to see his people lost their spirit."

"You keep supporting your father after he died, but you couldn't stop betraying him when he was still alive. You are so funny, Kris," Jack chimed in again as he stared at Kris through the rearview mirror. He smirked when he caught Kris stared back at him.

Kris no longer responded to Jack's words and focused on driving his car. They were heading to Blue's school to pick up the girl, but they couldn't stop debating in the car.

"But I'm serious about my dream," Kevin broke the silence once again as he kept gazing at Kris. "What I said in the meeting earlier was not wrong, right, Kris? The process to return you and Jack to normal humans again is not easy, is it?"

Kris frowned. It seemed like he was pondering hard before answering, "I think you are right. Professor Selena once told me that I have to get ready to bear the pain when I get the antidote injection. I assume the process is not that simple."

Kevin smiled after he heard his lover's answer. "So, my mother didn't lie to me when she came to my dream last night," he spoke again while shifting his gaze to the front. "I'm the one who can do the injection, and I will do it carefully."

"You believe in your dream?" Jack chimed in again. "You are a scientist, but you are not that scientific. How can you believe in a dream?"

Kevin ignored what Jack had just said and let the tattoed man mumbled annoyedly at the back seat. Jack seemed to be biased toward him after their tense moment a few days ago, so he wasn't surprised now when Jack kept slandering him.

"I trust you, Kev. I know you will try your best to successfully inject the antidote."

And Jack rolled his eyes when he heard Kris's sweet words. The two men couldn't stop their PDA even at a time like this.

The red car finally stopped in front of Blue's school. The school had ended, and Blue had been waiting for them in front of the school gate. The young girl immediately ran toward the car after she recognized her uncle's car.

"How was the meeting?" She asked as soon as her body was inside the car.

Kris chuckled seeing his niece's attitude. He then pressed the gas pedal and drove the car on the smooth asphalt again. "Your brother argued with the medusa lady again," he then answered.

"Medusa lady? Who is her?" The girl asked again curiously.

"Think again. Who is the coldest, cruelest, and most arrogant woman in the world?" Jack chimed in.

Blue frowned, but she didn't immediately give a response. It seemed that she was still trying to find the answer by herself. "Do you mean Grace Hasler? She's the medusa lady, right?" She asked upon finding a name in her head.

Kris and Jack laughed. They were currently in a bad term, but they were in a team when they were defaming the head of the Intelligence Agency. Both of them didn't seem to realize that they looked like a solid team just now.

"Don't be like that to Mrs. Hasler," Kevin scolded the two men. "Just like what Mr. Dawson said earlier, Mrs. Hasler is not a bad person."

Kris and Jack stopped laughing, but they were still smiling at the image of the medusa lady in their heads.

"Can someone explain to me what happened earlier in the meeting? I don't understand what you are talking about," Blue chimed in again.

Kevin smiled and peered at the young girl at the back. "I expressed my intention to personally do the injection to you, Kris, and Jack, but Mrs. Hasler didn't agree with my idea. She said I'm arrogant because I'm the only son of two genius scientists," he explained casually.

Kevin could explain casually because he didn't feel offended even after the lady accused him in front of some important people in the country. He didn't think he was arrogant, so he didn't take the lady's words to heart.

"That woman is such a snake!" Blue commented angrily. "My brother is the most humble person in the world. How could she embarrass my brother in front of many people?"

Kevin just smiled. He knew that Blue cared about him and felt warmth in his heart when he saw her concern. Blue didn't change a bit even after they went through so many difficulties in the past few months. The girl was even more protective toward him and Kris.

"But I think we should be careful of that woman," Jack joined the conversation again. "She looked so angry before she left the meeting room. If a look could kill, we would have died in the meeting room."

"That woman works for the government and has a reputation. I believe she is not that stupid to kill us even if she hates us to the core," Kris responded.

"I agree with Kris," Kevin replied. "Mrs. Hasler is not stupid, and I think she is a professional woman. She will not mix her personal feeling with her work."

Jack just shrugged and leaned his back against the back of the seat. None of them speaking after Kevin expressed his opinion. Perhaps it only needed five minutes before they reached the orphanage building.

"But," Kevin suddenly broke the silence. "I'm curious about Mrs. Hasler's background. Mr. Dawson told us that she is a daughter in a military family, and that's such an interesting background. Should we investigate the background?"

"Hey, Kevin," Jack called out the scientist's name again. "Why do you keep adding things you want to investigate? I remember a few days ago you said that you wanted to investigate a dead woman, and now you want to investigate another woman. Do you have a thing for older women?"

"Shut up, Jack!" Kris immediately shouted at the blonde. "Kevin is a reasonable man, and he has a reason for everything he is doing. If he feels the need to investigate those women, then he must feel something is not right with them."

Jack sighed after he heard Kris's rebuke. "Always siding with your boyfriend? Yes, I always know about that," he replied lazily.

Kris was about to retort again, but Kevin patted his shoulder while shaking his head at him. "Kris was right, Jack. I have a reason why I want to investigate Mrs. Hasler," he said as he peered at Jack at the back. "Mrs. Hasler's father is an important figure in this country, but Mr. Dawson told us earlier that he used dirty tricks to seize his high position. Perhaps he is related to the case we are investigating."

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