The Blue Eyes

Chapter 136 - LUCY IRVINE

"You mean, Benjamin Lowell and Charlotte Lowell?"

The other person in the room nodded to answer the question. He walked over to the sofa and sat on the spot he occupied before. "Yes," he answered. "The two people in the photo are my foster parents, aren't they?"

Kevin was sure that the two people were his foster parents. He had become their son for more than seventeen years, so it was impossible for him to mistaken them.

"I'm amazed that you could recognize your foster parents in that old photo, Kevin," the older man replied while smiling softly. "We all have a very good relationship for so many years. Yeah, except for your father, who had betrayed us."

Kevin was quiet for a moment. His mother did tell him that she was friends with his foster parents, but he didn't know that they had been friends for so many years. He also didn't have any idea that Derek Dawson was also in their circle.

"And what about the other girl in the photo, Uncle?" The young man asked again after he remembered that there was still a figure he hadn't questioned yet.

There was a girl he didn't recognize in the photo. She was pretty with her short brown hair. She was the one who hugged her biological mother's shoulders in the photo. He tried to remember her face, but he was certain that he had not met the woman before.

The former General's expression changed after he heard Kevin's question. Kevin was not sure what kind of expression was that, but he could sense that there was a change of feeling in the old man's heart.

"She is Lucy Irvine. She had passed away many years ago."

Kevin was stunned after he heard the answer. The answer had explained the reason why he had never seen the woman before. That also answered his curiosity about the former General's sudden change of expression.

"It looks like she was very close to my mother?" Kevin asked again.

The older man smiled while nodding his head. "She was your mother's best friend. Her death was so sudden, and your mother was so shocked back then," he explained.

"What was the cause of her sudden death?" The young man asked again.

This time, Derek frowned and didn't immediately answer. It seemed like he tried to recall his memory.

"I have no clue about that," he finally answered after thinking for a few seconds. "Lucy was very introverted back then, and she could only open herself up to your mother. Moreover, she was missing in action for months before her death. Perhaps only your mother knew about the truth."

If it was only his mother who knew the truth, then Kevin wouldn't be able to reveal it. His mother had died, so he couldn't ask her.

"My mother never told me anything about that before," Kevin finally replied.

"Lucy died before you were born, Kevin. Maybe it was three or four years before your mother gave birth to you. It's normal if she didn't tell you anything. The tragedy had happened a long time ago. She probably didn't want to open up her old scars, so she didn't tell you anything."

Kevin remained quiet. Just how many secrets his mother had in her life? It seemed that there were still things he didn't know about her. He now understood why his mother had tired of living in this world. Her life was full of pains.

"Let's not talk about the past, Kevin. It will only ruin the mood," the older man spoke again before he stretched his hand to grab a cup of tea on the table. "Drink your tea, Kev. It will help to calm yourself," he continued as he sipped his tea.

Kevin nodded absentmindedly before grabbing his cup. He carefully sipped the tea that was no longer warm. The maid had made the tea for them since minutes ago, so it was no wonder that the tea had lost its warmth. The sweetness was just right. It was surely effective to refresh the mood.

After finished drinking the cold tea, Kevin put the cup back on the table and looked up at the former General. It seemed that he would start throwing another bait.

"Uncle," he called out the grey-haired man. The man had put down his teacup on the table and now focused on his guest. After he got full attention from the older man, Kevin continued, "Are you still participating in the army's activity?"

The older man frowned. "Participating in the army's activity?" He asked back, and Kevin nodded. "I'm no longer an active soldier, so I'm just taking part as the army's adviser now. I don't know why, but the army still depends on me until now. I have retired for twenty years, but they are still the same." He chuckled a bit.

Kevin just gave a small smile at the story. "After the war ended, how is the army's current situation? Are they still on guard?" He asked again.

"Of course they are still on guard," the grey-haired man answered immediately. "Even without the werewolves' threat, the army is always on guard to protect the country. That's mandatory for them."

Kevin nodded in understanding. "How about the country's borders, Uncle? Is there any change to the guards on the country's borders after the war ended?" He carefully brought up a new subject.

"I think the country borders' guards are still the same from year to year. Maybe it's just the weapons that had changed, but the protocol and non-technical things are still the same," the older man explained. "But, why did you ask me about the country's borders? Are you bothered by anything related to the country's borders?"

Kevin had expected that the older man would feel strange because of his question, so he had prepared an alibi. "I plan to go on a holiday in Rodein District, Uncle. I heard that they're famous for their seafood, and I really love seafood," he answered confidently.

The young scientist noticed a slight change in the older man's expression. The wrinkled face darkened for a bit after the owner of the face heard his answer.

"Why do you choose Rodein out of all districts in the city, Kevin? Rodein is not a safe place, and it's not a place for a holiday. You better change your plan. I'll give you recommendations to safer and better places in the city."

Kevin could understand that the older man was worried about him. It was not a secret that Rodein was not a good place for a holiday.

"I'm no longer a kid, Uncle," the young man answered while chuckling a little. "But, is it true that Rodein is so dangerous, Uncle? Didn't the government do something for the district?"

The young man could hear Derek sighed before answering his question, "The government had done everything they could to bring peace to the district, but the location on the country's border is such a hassle. Moreover, the neighboring country is Primea. I'm sure you know how bad the two countries' relationship is."

Kevin nodded before he replied, "I know about that, Uncle. But, is the two countries' relationship still bad until now?"

"Yes, the relationship is still bad," the older man quickly answered. "The two countries had signed the peace convention, but they are still unwilling to start the cooperation in any sector, including the economic sector. That's why there are many smuggling cases in Rodein."

Kevin felt that his bait was finally eaten by the big fish. "So, it's not possible for any trading activities between Calenta and Primea, right? I heard Primea is famous for its technology, especially its weapons. It's such a shame if Calenta can't do any trading activities with them."

This time, it was the former General who nodded firmly. "You're right," he replied. "Primea is indeed better than us in terms of weapons. When I was still an active soldier, I tried to persuade the government to buy weapons from Primea, but they rejected my idea. They said that they shouldn't lower their pride to the enemy country."

Kevin nodded in satisfaction. It seemed like he just got a new plan to investigate their case.

"That's just a little story about Rodein, Calenta, and Primea. You shouldn't visit Rodein by any means. Your mother will scold me from Heaven if you insist on going to the district."

Kevin chuckled for a bit upon hearing the scolding. "My mother said that she's in the Underworld now, Uncle. She's not in heaven," he replied casually.

The older man could only sigh while shaking his head.

"Ah! I just remember about one important thing, Kevin," he suddenly spoke again as he solemnly stared at the young man. "Have you made up your mind to do the antidote's extraction? The government keeps pressing me. They said the werewolves are quite troublesome in the prison, and it's hard for the government to keep them in check."

The young man's smile vanished after he heard Derek's statement. He gazed back at the older man and said, "I've made up my mind, Uncle. I'm going to do the extraction procedure this week."

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