The Blue Eyes

Chapter 131 - BRANDON HALE

The two people were stunned when they heard the "werewolves" word been mentioned by the other person. It felt like they didn't expect to hear such a word this soon.

"You know something about werewolves?" Kris was the first one who asked a question.

The red-haired bartender smirked at him and answered, "Of course." He leaned forward to Kris. "I can give you some pieces of information related to them if you kiss me."

Now it was time for Kevin to fume. He quickly moved his body closer to Kris and leaned toward the bartender. "I can give you a kiss with my foot if you want to," he said sarcastically.

The bartender straightened his body again and laughed out loud. "You guys are so interesting," he commented.

Kevin glared at him. It seemed like they chose the wrong person to investigate tonight. The bartender was such a flirt!

"Is your story about werewolves related to this place's name?" The young scientist finally asked.

"This place's name? You mean, the 'Wild Wolf' name?" The bartender stopped laughing and asked back. Kevin nodded, and the red-haired man continued, "It's not related to the name. The owner of this bar is just crazy. He has seven wives and countless mistresses out there. He calls himself the wild wolf, and that's why he named this place like that."

Kevin and Kris were speechless upon hearing the absurd story. They were overestimated the bar's owner. They thought the name had something to do with the werewolves, but they were wrong.

"If your story is not related to this bar's name, then is it related to the war?" Kris boldly made a random guess.

The bartender's eyes sparkled when he heard Kris's guess. "How could you know about that?" He asked in amusement. "Are you a physic?"

Kris just rolled his eyes and sipped his vodka again. The bartender was very annoying. They had wasted their time with his nonsense.

"He only made a guess," Kevin chimed in. "Can you tell us more about the war?"

The red-haired man turned to him and frowned. He placed his hand on his clean chin and stroked it slowly. "Something had changed in this district after the war ended," he started his story. "This district was not peaceful before. It was like a hell, and many thugs cause trouble every second. But, things changed since the war ended. Those thugs didn't cause trouble anymore, and this district turned into a paradise just like what you see today. There's no crime in this district after the war ended."

Kevin and Kris didn't expect that kind of story. They did notice that something was off with the district, but they didn't expect it had something to do with werewolves and the last war.

"Some people assumed that those thugs were so scared of the werewolves and didn't dare to cause troubles anymore, while other people assumed that perhaps those thugs were killed by the werewolves. Those are just assumptions, though. No one knows the truth."

Those assumptions were made sense. The war was quite frightening that probably it affected the thugs' mindset. And it was also possible that those thugs were killed by the werewolf monsters.

"How was this district during the war? Did werewolves also attack this district?" Kris asked again.

The bartender nodded. "Of course they attacked this district, but it was not so severe. I heard that Nozheic suffered the most damage because of the war," he replied.

This time, it was Kevin and Kris's turn to nod their heads simultaneously.

"Before or during the war, did you notice anything strange in this district?" It was Kevin's turn to query.

The bartender couldn't answer immediately. It seemed like he needed some more time to recall the memory. A few weeks had passed, so it must be difficult to remember some events.

"I think there was something strange before the war," the bartender finally replied. It seemed like he remembered something, so he continued, "There was a man who came to this bar and ordered a vodka and got drunk after he finished the liquors. He started mumbling about weapons, war, and Primea. He was mumbling incoherently, so I didn't quite understand the meaning of those words."

Once again, the two men looked surprised by the bartender's story. They were thinking so hard about the story, even ignoring the loud music around them. The crowds around them got wilder as time went by, but they couldn't care less.

Weapons, war, and Primea. Those three words reminded them about the tavern lady's story.

"Is it possible if that man bought the weapons from Primea to supply the war?" Kevin asked again.

The bartender unexpectedly laughed heartily. "The 'bought' word does not exist between Calenta and Primea. It's more likely the man smuggled the weapons from Primea to Calenta," he stated.

That was quite made sense. They remembered the lady's story about her husband and her son who worked for someone powerful in the city. They didn't work for the government, so they likely smuggled the weapons from Primea.

"Talking about Primea," Kris suddenly chimed in. "Aren't there any guards on the country border? We went to the border today, but we didn't see any guards there."

The bartender frowned at the question. "That's impossible," he replied. "The army was guarding the country border all the time. Perhaps they were just taking their lunch break when you went there."

That was quite strange as well. Even though the guards were taking a lunch break, they should've done it in turn and shouldn't have left their post. That was strange, but both Kevin and Kris didn't voice their thoughts.

Kevin sighed and took a sip of his soda. "Don't you recognize the man who got drunk here before the war?" He then asked after finished sipping.

"I don't recognize him," the bartender answered. "He was not a local. His age probably around 40-50, he was quite tall and sturdy, but I don't remember his face."

Kevin nodded in understanding. He knew that it was not an easy job for bartenders like him to remember their customer's faces. It was good that he still remembered some characteristics like that.

The black-haired man peered at Kris and found that his lover quickly finished his vodka. Kris looked a bit wasted and unfocus. It seemed that they had to end their investigation now.

"Thank you so much for your nice hospitality, Mr. Bartender. We have to go back to the hotel now," Kevin said as he got up from his seat before carefully pulling Kris's arm to get up.

"You're leaving, huh?" The bartender asked, and Kevin nodded to answer him.

He and Kris then started walking to leave the bartender, but their steps halted when he heard the bartender shouted.

"My name is Brandon Hale! Don't forget to put my name on your articles!"

Kevin just smiled and continued his steps. It seemed like the bartender mistook them for journalists.

They arrived at the parking lot, and Kevin started rummaging Kris's pants pockets.

Kris squirmed under the touch and muttered, "We can't do it here, Kev. Let's go back to the hotel first so you can touch me all you want."

The shorter man rolled his eyes as he fished the car keys out of Kris's pants pockets. He then opened the passenger door and shoved Kris's big body inside. He closed the door again and walked over to the driver's seat.

He positioned himself behind the wheel and glanced at his lover. He sighed when he noticed that Kris didn't fasten his seatbelt. He leaned forward and carefully fastened the other man's seatbelt.

Kris just watched him with his foggy eyes before naughtily stealing a peck on his lover's thin lips.

Kevin glared at him afterward. "Such a naughty drunken boy!" He exclaimed as he straightened his body again. He then fastened his own seatbelt and added, "I thought your alcohol tolerance was the highest, but it seems like I was wrong." He started the car engine and brought the car to the road.

"The vodka didn't get me drunk," Kris rebuked. "I'm drunk because of you, Kev. I love you so much that I'm drunk."

Kevin rolled his eyes, but that action couldn't stop him from blushing. His fair cheeks turned red as the rose.

The car's wheels rolled slowly on the cold asphalt. It was almost midnight, but there were still some cars on the roads. The street was still busy even if it was already late at night.

"Do you have any new plan, Kev?" Kris asked while leaning his back on the seat. He seemed to try hard to keep himself sober.

"Let's discuss with Blue and Jack first," the scientist replied. "Blue texted me this afternoon, but I haven't replied to her yet. She asked me about our investigation here, but I think it's better to discuss it together in Nozheic."

Kris nodded but didn't give him a response. He just closed his eyes peacefully. It seemed like the drowsiness started to kick him.

Kevin peeped at his lover a little and sighed before breaking the silence, "I've made up my mind, Kris." Hearing the sentence, Kris opened his eyes and peeked at his lover. Kevin once again lamented and continued, "I'm ready for the extraction."

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