The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 7

My Villains Episode 007

3. The Elemental Wizard< 2) By the time I reached the dockside with my help, the girl opened her mouth with tears streaming down her face. “Beggars- I will take revenge.” I looked down at the wheezing girl with complicated eyes. There were footprints all over the brown robe, and blood was flowing from his knees. The girl murmured, but did not stop muttering. "I'll find out later and kill you somehow. No, I'd rather be begging you to kill me. Cut off all of your hands and toes, and then “ Just! "evil!" The girl who had been in agony during my sleepy night lifted up her messy face with tears running down her nose and wrote a curse at me. “What are you doing, idiot!” "jerk? Don’t be like you or an idiot.” The elemental wizard was a typical white girl with blonde hair. Since I had lived my whole life as Korean Kim Seung-soo, I couldn't accurately guess, but no matter how much I looked at him, I couldn't mistake him for an adult. So, if this was a normal country in modern times, Elemental Wizards would have been subject to thorough protection by the law. However, the atmosphere of the worldview I felt while playing the short experience and the dark world reminded me that this is not a world where such common sense works. On my second day of being a part of this world, I realized that this is a shitty place. But even though he is young, he has lived all his life in this world and acts so stupid. The girl bit her lower lip, widened her eyes, and raised her voice. “Are you acting like an idiot? I'm talking about the rights I have to exercise. Right to revenge!” “Yes, revenge. Who said dry?” I spoke in an admonishing tone to the guy who was glaring at me while wheezing. “You say things like you’re going to kill someone or you’re going to get revenge, only when you’re alone. Cover it with a blanket and do it.” "...I didn't ask you to listen." “Yes, I guess. But think carefully.” “When I took everything you had and handed it over to the soldiers, they said, ‘This bitch is a fugitive without a magician’s card. What if I said, “I was possessed by magic for a while and talked nonsense for a while, but it’s nothing with me and my companions?” "...what? how do you know that?” The guy stammered with a look of great bewilderment. Then, with her mouth shut and her sniffling stopped, she looked up at me. Ah, it must be a secret that you are a fugitive from the palace of La Palais. I said with a calm face as I saw doubts and wariness rise in his eyes. “I was just giving an example. But when I heard you muttering to yourself, I said, 'Oh, if you put this next to me, you'll get into trouble. What should I do if I think, ‘I have to lose money quickly’?” “Hand loss?” “Oh hand-off. Don't you know stop loss? Ross cut?” "what is that." "Uh-that's not important. I want you to be careful. Be it actions or words.” At my advice, he quietly pouted his lips. His stupid behavior and sullen expression were just like that of a child his age. Hey, how did you look like a princess, but why do you look so salty? Scattered ropes, leather sacks, wooden barrels with their contents leaking out, heaps of loosely stacked crates, etc. It was about the time we left the crowded docks with all sorts of cargo and many people and entered a street lined with taverns and street vendors. The girl pointed to the shade of a large tree with a pale face. “I want to go get some treatment.” "uh? okay." I nodded my head coolly, but suddenly I was lost in thought. what should i do with him? Since the elemental magician is a character from the Dark World, it is clear that he will play an important role... A short worry brought another worry. important role? what about? Are you trying to save the world with this guy? Cooperate like playing in a party, farm items, and even beat bosses? I? A 30-year-old office worker? Even as I supported him and seated him on a flat rock in the shade, my worries continued. How do I get back to Earth? Trickster daddy said it was a hidden quest or an invitation. Could it be that the hidden quest is to clear the campaign in live action? What the hell is a trickster man? Is it a god or a transcendent? Will Elemental Mage be the end? The blood knight is me. optician? Paladin, Soul Sorcerer, Arcane Hunter, Necromancer, Kwonbeop, Swordsman While thinking that, he took out a potion and took a sip. Then, as if trying to heal his knee, he grabbed his pants and began to whimper. I stopped worrying and took out the dagger from my waistband and crouched down in front of him. “Give me this.” “Q” I cut off the blood-stained top of the knee with my dagger. Unlike my leather pants, they were made of sheer fabric and were easy to cut. “Oh, it hurts.” The spear seemed to have gone into the hamstrings and pierced below the knees. As I wiped the blood away with a piece of cloth I cut, he clenched his teeth as if a wound had been touched. "Ugh..." Then she frowned and started crying again. Well, I don't know, but it was natural since all of my bones, tendons, and ligaments were damaged. I took the potion he was holding and sprinkled a little on his wound. It was disgusting to see the flesh bubbling up from the wound, but he didn't show it. “Are you hurt anywhere else? I'll break it.” “…my hands and arms are a little sore. Ankle too.” "which?" All of the parts he had exposed were swollen or stained blue. I applied a little potion to each of those wounds. The effect of the potion was so great that I could see at a glance that the wound was improving. It was like taking a video of the treatment process and playing it back at about 5000x speed. “Do you have another bottle?” To my question, he answered by rubbing his face with his sleeve. “Looks like it’s done now.” “Stop talking and give it to me.” He seems to have gained quite a bit of trust in me, lifted his robe, took out a potion from a small bag that looked like a slingback, and handed it to me. “Ah, just in case you didn’t know… After receiving the potion, I stood in front of him and shook it. “This is mine.” "...what?" “I saved your life. Aren’t you a trader in painting a bottle?” “Lee—” I echoed what he had said and teased him, and his big eyes filled with anger and water. I smiled and opened the lid. “What kind of sad face are you making? Originally, people get what they give.” “This dog-” The girl, who was about to curse with a resentful face, opened her eyes wide. It's because I poured the potion on his knee. “So this is what you owe me?” To my embarrassment, the boy kept his mouth shut. Seriously, I thought about using it, but the wounds were already scabbed, perhaps because of the effect of the passive skill 'Flowing Blood'. I had a little bit of a desire to bully him, but seeing the messed up look, my motivation plummeted. And no matter how precious the potion was, it was clear that the Elemental Wizard was an important figure in the context. It seemed foolish to take the potion with him and Chuck. I asked as I watched the flesh rise from his lap. “But what is your name?” “......Ellen.” “Ellen?” It's a somewhat familiar name. Ellen. Ellen? Ah, Elemental Wizard's default name was Elenar. I think Ellen is a nickname or a pseudonym or something. " you?" "me? I... What should I say? The name of this character is 'Nukejaegiya', but... you can't use that as a name. Then Kim Seung-soo? No, that doesn't seem too bad either. I came up with a plausible name without difficulty. Blood knights also have a default name. “Phoenix.” “Phoenix... Ellen seemed to be chewing on my name for a moment. After speaking, the tone is not very good. “Just call me uncle. That's more comfortable.” "mister'?" "huh. why?" Ellen looked me up and down and then narrowed her brows. “How old are you?” "uh?" Oh right. The male blood knight character was a cold-looking handsome man in his mid-twenties. okay. Mister is a title suitable for an old 30-year-old craftsman! Convinced in an instant, I brushed my hair and gave a wonderful smile. “Then Oh-” “I know what. I'll call you Uncle." "What did you say?" “…nothing.” A wizard is a being who draws and uses the energy of another dimension. Perhaps because of this, the theory that the Dark World and the Middle World, that is, the other world and the present world, became closer as magic was used, spread like common sense. It was an unproven theory, but in fact many people viewed wizards negatively. It is to treat them as selfish beings who hasten the destruction of the world for their own greed. So, it was common for wizards to hide that they were wizards and live their lives. Of course, there were cases where this was not the case. Those who worked for a powerful person, belonged to a powerful organization, or belonged to a traditional school would proudly reveal themselves as magicians. The Elementary School, which had the La Palais Palace as its base, was one of them. The School of Elements was the most famous school of magic in Middle World, and as you can guess from the name, the Elemental Wizard also belonged to this school. As far as I know, most of the spells except for the ultimate skills of the elemental wizard's skill tree belonged to the elemental school. The spell blade that Ellen showed on the ship was also a type of elemental magic. In the game, it was a skill that could be learned from level 15, so I thought Ellen's level would be at least over level 15. Well, it was a bit strange that he was level 15, so he was attacked by ordinary soldiers... but he was unknowingly attacked, so it wasn't something he couldn't understand. Because the class itself, Elemental Mage, is also a typical glass cannon. So I thought I was lucky to have met Ellen. Until I heard the details from Ellen. “So... I sighed heavily as I looked at Ellen, who was sitting across from the shabby wooden table. "In short, you're... a redundant human right now?" “A surplus human.” “Oh noisy. Shut up for a moment, I'm in a bit of a mess right now." Ellen frowned, but I ignored it and took a wooden mug and drank beer. It wasn't carbonated and it was lukewarm, so as a beer maniac I didn't want to touch it, but I couldn't help it because I was burned. Even if I want to drink water, I don't mind something floating and cloudy. “So the wand that broke earlier was inherited from Master.” nod “Is it the power in the wand that used the magic?” ...nod. Shut up and shut up well. "You can't use any magic without a wand?" ...nod. “What kind of wizard is that?” It's a wand stand, you idiot!

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