The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 17

My Villains Episode 017

5—2. Maintenance (2)

The gang that Uncle Gilius belonged to consisted of a total of 6 people, 4 warriors, 1 archer and 1 priest. The leader of the gang was a mercenary named ‘Grania’.

It was thanks to Uncle Gilius’s flair that I was able to get along with this gang.

After the Battle of the Docks was over, I was getting paid and I was collecting loot, and I was pretending to be friendly.

Of course, even within the Grania gang, there were a few people who didn’t like me. It was a natural reaction since he would have seen me run amok during the battle. It was also a technique that gave off an ominous appearance in many ways.

But because of my good manners and good looks, I soon made some friends with everyone. It was the attitude that I don’t like idiots, but if it’s idiots on our side, it doesn’t matter.

Then, after a drink together, the entire gang moved their lodgings to the Batgo-dong Inn. They said they were dissatisfied with the inn they were staying at, but… they were truly exciting mercenaries.

The person I became closest to after Uncle Gilius was Grania, the leader of the gang.

The vermillion-haired female warrior whom I admired in a battle by the docks. She was Grania.

I don’t know what she’s like as a leader, but from my point of view, she was definitely a skilled fighter.



” oh.”

Taking advantage of my distraction, Grania pushed up the original shield and cut off my wooden sword and arm.

As soon as the guard opens, Grania’s neck sword strikes at her chin.

Woo = 7 Ha

quickly pulled up the buckler to block it, but Grania tapped the buckler and turned her wrist using a long anti-elastic force.


hit the other shoulder.

“Tsk right.”

When I backed down, admitting defeat, Grania also stopped and asked a question.

“Isn’t the gap between the shield and the sword widened again this time?”

“That’s right.”

“When to operate the buckler?”

“Pay special attention to the coordination of both hands.”

“okay. go again.” As soon as he finished speaking, Grania took a posture.

It was the posture of holding a sword in the middle, covering the head and shoulders obliquely with the circle shield held in the left arm.


I took a deep breath and took a pose.

It was the posture of stretching both legs slightly apart and bending them, then gathering the wooden sword and buckler forward.

Among the mercenaries, Grania had excellent skills.

No matter how much I was limiting my strength and speed, Phoenix was still absolutely superior to Grania in terms of physique and Lich’s weight.

However, because of the difference in skill and experience, I could hardly stand her.

The sparring between me and Grania ended in as short as four or as long as fifteen, and it started again immediately. In such repetition, I

was able to

continue receiving corrections, experiencing, and embodying the theory .

It had already been five days since he had been learning swordsmanship from Grania morning and night like this. No, it’s not just swordsmanship, it’s supposed to be learning about overall combat skills including shields.

The reason for this was because of my request. Remembering her skills, I offered her a price and asked her to teach me.

Upon receiving my request, Grania looked suspicious at first.

I am the one who earned the not-so-funny nickname of ‘Crazy Prosecutor’ for my performance on the dockside.

I thought that Grania was teasing me when I asked her to teach me swordsmanship.

Of course, after a couple of sparring sessions, I dispelled those doubts. It was because he realized that I was a beginner who did not even know the basics of sword fighting.

Grania was suspicious of the huge gap between my skills and body, but she didn’t ask any other questions. He only sparred as much as he was paid for.

Grania’s teachings were, as expected, practical and unexpectedly scientific. Shouldn’t it be epidemiological?


When the wooden swords collided in the air, I pushed them against each other while maintaining the binding (keeping the blades in contact with each other).

Grania, who had been stepping back, let out a short breath, raised the original shield, and shook off my sword.

A small gap created like that.


The wooden sword that penetrated the small gap in an instant hit my breastplate and made a light sound.

“Grunt. lost.”

“Be careful of external forces. And when binding, don’t just press and hold…

“Press and pull or press and push. flexible.”

“that’s right. Are you going again?”

Grania took up her posture again and started approaching.

Uh, the top is blocked by a shield, so I don’t have the motivation to aim.

Breaking through Grania’s shield and striking an effective blow required a great deal of concentration and luck.

Grania wasn’t that big. Maybe mid 160’s tall?

Of course, being short didn’t mean looking weak. The scars across her nose, the tanned skin, and small but strong muscles represented the experiences she had accumulated.

I stepped carefully and looked for gaps.

He was wearing a round helmet and quilted armor, but his lower body was only wearing cloth pants that exposed his calves.

In the end, I couldn’t resist the strong calf’s temptation and stabbed the wooden sword toward the bottom.


Damn it, Grania quickly pulled her butt back and aimed at my head with a wooden sword before striking it down.


After deflecting the attack with a buckler, he targeted Grania’s arm and stabbed it with a wooden sword. The swiftly extended stab succeeded in hitting her chest, but it was already after Grania’s wooden sword had gone through my wrist.

When I raised my hand, Grania took a short breath and then stepped back and asked.

“Whoa, whoa, where is the arm attached?”

“On the shoulder.”

“Whoa, where is it?”

“Not your ass.”

“okay. When aiming for the bottom, you lose as much in reach, so you always have to be careful of the top.”


As soon as the words were over, the Dalian resumed.

When Grania made three or four simple check attacks, I calmly slashed the wooden sword and slowly approached.

Then, Grania suddenly swallowed her breath and rushed.


Grania’s hands crossed and the tip of her sword pressed against the inside of her original shield. Then the original shield flipped to the right and a wooden sword came out from behind.

It was an irregular stabbing attack in which the position of the shield and weapon changed in an instant.


I quickly turned my wrist to parry the attack with my wooden sword, then pushed Grania’s shield away with my buckler. Then he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and walked her legs.

Grania swung the wooden sword again, but since I was already close to her, it was impossible to strike effectively.

“Oops. Grania tried to hold on somehow, but the upper body was already suppressed and even her legs were hung.

I walked over and completely knocked over Grania.


There wasn’t enough space to finish with the wooden sword, so I quickly let go of the wooden sword and lightly tapped Grania’s chin with my fist.

“It’s gone.”

Grania, who admitted defeat, grabbed my hand and stood up.

“I’m used to wrestling now. No, it’s not that I’ve gotten used to it, have I become more experienced?”

“Fuh, does that make a difference?”

At my question, Grania shrugged her shoulders with a wry smile.

“I thought I was good at technology, but now I don’t know. Are you really learning for the first time?”

When I smiled silently, Grania was making a disgusted expression.

You don’t think I’ve spent five pieces of silver for a joke, do you?

No matter what she thought, Grania’s teaching was worth the price I paid. It even made me wonder if I had given too little.

It was only five days of practice, but I made great progress.

The match against Grania was 41 losses in 43 matches on the first morning, 11 losses in 21 matches this morning… In terms of win rate, it jumped more than ten times. If the me on the first day and the me now fight, maybe nine times out of ten I would win.

This was partly because Grania’s teachings were great, but it was also because of the memories inherent in my body.

The playable characters in the Dark World game were not ordinary civilians from the beginning, but were sufficiently trained.

Even the Elemental Wizards were, according to the setting, not boys and girls who knew nothing about magic, but wizards who had been trained in the Palace of La Palais for ten years.

It was the same with the blood knights.

Phoenix was the knight’s seed. The class name itself, ‘Blood Knight’, was due to this setting. It is the setting of a knight who manifested blood sculling.

A knight’s seed was a being who spent most of his teenage years mastering combat skills, starting from childhood.

Poinix probably did the same, and it seemed that the techniques he had mastered at that time were engraved on his body, even if they did not remain on his head. This is probably the reason why my skills rapidly improve while sparring.

And if you carefully guess, you probably still haven’t pulled out all of Phoenix’s skills.

It was because Phoenix, who had not been appointed and was no different from a knight, would not have less skills than a mere mercenary.

In the sparring that followed, I finally let go of the green onion kimchi after winning three times.

Grania, who was sitting on the edge of the well, grunted while wiping off sweat and dirt.

“Ha ha ha – I’m going to die. Are you going to do it tonight too? I heard the sewer goes down tomorrow?”

“You should rest today. And I’ll practice alone for a while.”

“okay? Well, there’s nothing to teach anymore. Try to refine it in practice. If you really learned it for the first time, you would be a born genius, so your skills would improve quickly.”

Grania nodded as if she was relieved, and asked as if she remembered something.

“Oh, didn’t you say you ordered a shield?”

“huh. I was about to go find it soon.”

“Your buckler looks pretty good, isn’t it a pity? You’ve learned quite a bit how to handle it.”

I’ve only experienced two actual battles, but I learned a lot while going through the crisis of crossing death.

And the most threatening thing in that crisis was none other than the arrow.

I was injured enough to die from being hit by an arrow on the boat, and I was almost exhausted from the arrow on the pier.

I was several times more afraid of the arrow that flew in the blink of an eye than the spear or ax in front of me.

That’s why he ordered a large round shield like the one Grania was using.

It didn’t matter if the buckler he was using was a magic item or whatever. If things hadn’t happened, I would have taken off the door and carried it around. That’s why I was afraid of arrows.

“are you okay. Because I practiced a lot with Gilius’s shield. And I wished it was a bit heavier. It’s a lump of iron, but it’s so small.”

“Well, though the buckler is easy to carry, it lacks stability. It’s a bit disappointing to use it in a big battle.”

When Grania entered the inn after talking about this and that, I drew water from the well and washed my face, as was customary.

It was then.

” hey.”


After blowing my nose, I looked up and saw Ellen standing there.

what is this guy Where do you keep popping out?

I quickly finished washing my face and asked while wiping my eyes with my sleeve.

“Didn’t you go to meditate?”

“I tried to, but I can’t concentrate.”

“Concentration? Hey, originally, even if you can’t concentrate, you do it with your butt. What a young guy?

” Don’t try to teach me when you’re only a few years older than me.”

…This bitch was quiet for a while, and then it’s like this again.

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