The Billionaire's Genius Wife

Chapter 297 Meet Noah Withers (4)

'Too late, uncle! I'm a core member of The Fox!' Scarlett quietly talked to herself.

She felt a little strange because even without knowing her mother's real life as the heir to the ruler of the underworld, she followed her mother's path, and she became a killer as well.


Scarlett is in conflict.

Confused about whether to tell Noah her secret identity as Three. Her heart raced as she struggled with the decision. After a moment, she remained tight-lipped, uncertain of how to begin.

Observing Scarlett's hesitation, Noah grew curious and probed, "So am I right?"

Scarlett shook her head, still uncertain about how much to disclose. With a deep breath, she chose to reveal only a fraction of her abilities. "I'm skilled in hacking, CGI, and visual effects..." she offered, hoping it would quell his curiosity.

Noah was taken aback, surprised to learn that his niece possessed such a talent. Suddenly, the pieces began to fall into place, and he finally understood how she had entered this place. Noah's voice stiff with defeat as he asked, "So, you know everything in here? How did you get my password?"

Scarlett grinned widely, impressed by Noah's perceptiveness. "Uncle, cracking your password was a piece of cake," she replied calmly.

Noah was momentarily speechless. He believed that his formidable hacker protections guarded his digital devices flawlessly. If Scarlett could bypass them, she must indeed be an exceptional hacker.

"Scarlett, you must install new protections on all my digital devices. I'm afraid Jude has someone who can hack me. There will be a problem if that happens..." Noah said worriedly.

"Uncle Noah, no worries! I'll install new and more robust security measures on all your digital devices," Scarlett replied reassuringly, sensing her uncle's anxiety. "You don't even have to ask me to do it." She smiled. 

Noah sighed with relief, grateful for his niece's expertise. "Thank you, Scarlett. It's a relief to know that I can count on you."

"Of course, uncle. And to ensure that our communication remains secure, I will give you a special app..." she suggested. He couldn't say a word but was proud of her.


"So, are you currently employed?" he inquired. He knew Scarlett was married. However, after hearing about her talent, he couldn't help but feel that it would be a shame if she didn't utilize her impressive computer skills.

Without missing a beat, Scarlett replied, "Well, I'm not employed. But I am currently running my own company called Red Animation Studio." She felt proud to be able to share her passion and success with her uncle.

"RAS!? The movie maker... No, I mean the animation and games?" Noah asked, surprised.

Scarlett smiles while nodding.

Noah's eyes widened with surprise. "That's amazing, Scarlett! Do you really own Red Animation Studio?" he exclaimed, impressed by his niece's achievements. "Ugh... Isn't it a US-based company?" he asked, recalling recent news articles about successful tech companies.

Although Noah wasn't directly involved in business, he enjoyed staying informed and enriching his knowledge about current events. He was always eager to learn about the latest developments in the digital world, as it sparked his curiosity.

"Yes, that's correct. However, I don't want to be registered as the official owner to avoid any risks associated with my profession," Scarlett explained, aware of the potential dangers involved in her line of work. 

Scarlett revealed the need to use an alternate identity in case her true identity as a hacker was exposed. 

"I agree. It's best to avoid attracting any unwanted attention. Especially now that you're related to Withers," Noah said, his expression clouding with concern. He was aware of the potential risks — His brother would definitely hunt down Scarlett if he knew about her hacking abilities.


Scarlett's mind wandered to another topic bothering her as they finished discussing her work.

"Uncle, can I ask you something?" she began. "I'm curious. Why did you believe me so easily when I told you I was Rosalie's daughter? You didn't even ask me for a DNA test or proof."

Noah paused, considering her question. "Well, for one thing, your face is similar to hers. Although not exactly the same, there are strong resemblances, particularly your jaw and how you walk and stand." 

Scarlett nodded slowly.

"But more importantly, something in your voice reminded me of your mother. It was like hearing her speaking to me," Noah explained, his voice tinged with emotion. " triggered something in my brain, and I immediately remembered your mother. Your voice and the way you speak, you are your mother's daughter." he continued. 

There was a feeling of melancholy now surging within him. He remembered watching the videotape Rosalie had left him before she ran away. He watched it so many times that he knew Rosalie's voice by heart.

Scarlett felt a lump in her throat, touched by her uncle's words. "Thank you, Uncle. That means a lot to me," she said.

Hearing her uncle's explanation could make Scarlett remember what Aunt Lana and Aunt Martha had told her, that her voice was similar to Rosalie Withers's.

"I never realized that my voice sounded so much like my mother's," Scarlett said, feeling mixed emotions. It was bittersweet to know that she didn't look much like her mother, but she couldn't help but feel grateful for the connection she shared with her mother through her voice.

Noah chuckled at how happy Scarlett was. "Indeed! As I mentioned before, Rosalie was talented in many ways, did you remember?" he said, with a hint of nostalgia in his voice.

"Yes, I remember…." She said, 

Noah was curious about Scarlett's self-defense skills. "Did you also know martial arts and how to use a gun?" he asked.

Scarlett hesitated for a moment before answering. "Hmm... I do have some basic knowledge, but maybe not as good as my mother," she said, not wanting to raise any suspicions.

Noah nodded, seeming satisfied with her response. "That's good to hear. As a woman, it's important to know how to defend yourself," he said, feeling relieved that Scarlett could protect herself.

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