The Billionaire's Genius Wife

Chapter 269 I Know You Lie

Before Xander was about to leave the room, Rex's cell phone suddenly vibrated, and he saw Rex's forehead wrinkled, staring at his cellphone screen. His look made Xander curious to know who the caller was.

Could that be Scarlett? 

Xander decided to stand still, in silence, before Rex and wait.

Rex frowned as he saw Seven's name on his cell phone screen. His heart raced with worry. He knew that Seven was in Country X to assist Nine, and he would call this early if something was wrong. His mind immediately went to the Withers family, whom they were investigating.

With a tense heart, he answered the phone after the fourth ring. 

Instantly Rex's face stiffened with shock and worried when he heard his report. That made Rex's blood boil; Scarlett was flying to Country X to investigate the Withers. 

How dare she take such a reckless action? Did she not understand the danger she was putting herself in? 

Rex was fuming with Scarlett's attitude. He would scold her the next time he met her.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself before responding to Seven's report. "I need you to keep a close eye on her. We cannot afford any mistakes or risks. We'll talk more about this later..."

With that, Rex hung up the phone and began to pace back and forth in the room while scratching his head, trying to process the news. Scarlett was always headstrong, but this was a new level of recklessness. 

He couldn't believe she would take matters into her own hands like this. He was worried about what might happen to her and angry that she didn't trust his plan to investigate Withers's family.

"Rex, is that Scarlett?" Xander's sudden question caught Rex off guard, and he cursed silently for not realizing that Xander was still in the room.

"No!" Rex snapped, turning to face Xander. But Xander wasn't buying it.

"Don't lie to me, Rex Morrison! I can hear what you're saying on the phone," Xander said, his tone serious. "Tell me, is she okay? Where is she now? Please, Rex, I need to know."

Rex sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair in frustration. He didn't have time for this. "She's fine. Try to give her time to cope with her shock," he said, his voice showing how irritating Xander had been. "And I will help you to give her alone time. So, I won't tell you where she is right now."

Xander glared at him, clearly not satisfied with that answer. Rex approached the glass wall, trying to avoid Xander's intense stare. He wasn't in the mood for an argument. His mind was already preoccupied with what might happen in Country X.

He didn't know what to expect from Scarlett's investigation, and the thought of her putting herself in danger gave him a headache. He wished he could tell Xander more, but he knew that keeping Scarlett's whereabouts a secret was necessary for their mission's success.

Taking a deep breath, Rex turned back to face Xander. "I promise, as soon as I have more information and that she lets me tell you, I'll let you know," he said, hoping to appease his friend's worry.

Xander's expression darkened at Rex's response. He couldn't wait any longer to meet his wife, and Rex's hesitance only fueled his frustration.

"Rex, please," Xander pleaded, his voice low and sincere.

Rex turned to face Xander, his own emotions conflicted. He wanted to help his friend but also needed to protect Scarlett and The Fox.

"Don't do this to me, Rex! Please," Xander pleaded. His despair could make Rex feel like vanishing from this room.

Rex gritted his teeth, feeling the weight of his friend's request. He couldn't betray Scarlett's trust but didn't want to disappoint a fully despaired but sincerely in love Xander.

"Tell you what," Rex said, finally breaking the silence. "I'll help you give Scarlett the CCTV footage. Let's see her reaction first, whether she wants to meet you or not..."

Xander's eyes lit up with hope, and Rex could see the gratitude in his friend's expression. He knew it wasn't the ideal solution, but it was the best he could offer without betraying Scarlett.

"Thank you, Rex, my friend," Xander said, his voice filled with relief. "I appreciate it more than you know! I will wait for your good news in my apartment below..."

Rex was stunned. Now that he understood why Xander could enter this building, this man also had a unit in the same building. 

"Alright, I will call you later..." Rex promised. He couldn't help but wonder what Scarlett's reaction would be. He only hoped that his decision wouldn't come back to haunt him.

After watching Xander disappear behind the door, Rex returned to his office, sat on his desk, and opened a drawer. He retrieved a black phone from within and opened a particular app, quickly typing codes before initiating a video call. 

He waited patiently for the call to connect on the other end. After a few moments, he finally saw Scarlett's face appear on the screen, looking surprised to see him.

"Oh, my pretty sister, where are you now?" Rex asked, although he already knew her current position. He just wanted to test her mood.

Scarlett's expression turned panicked. "Why do you ask? I'm at home," she lied.

"You look refreshed, not like someone who just woke up or was shaken up from seeing a terrible scene..." Rex chuckled, knowing she was lying, as the time difference between Astington and NYC was only two hours. Rex also subtly signaled to her that he knew something was up.

Instantly Scarlett's face turned tense realizing her stupidity. "Ugh, well... More like I haven't slept yet!" She was telling the truth. Since leaving Astington, she had not been able to sleep at all. Even after hours of sitting on the plane, her brain can't stop thinking, full of Xander!

Rex sighed, feeling disappointed at his little sister's lack of honesty. "Scarlett, I know you're lying. You're not in Astington but X Country..."

Scarlett's eyes widened in shock. "Shit!! Did Seven tell you that? How could he betray me so quickly..." She was really pissed off!

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