The Ancients World

Chapter 292: The Legacy Class

Chapter 292: The Legacy Class

{I want to let everyone know that I have a p-a-t-r-e-o-n with two new exclusive stories on it. One is The Aeternus Universe, and I've also started up a new VRMMORPG called the Libertas Dive. If you wish to read that as it develops, head to my p-a-t-r-e-o-n. I won't be uploading The Libertas Dive on webnovel until I've reached 30 pages on it. So get it while it's young and cheap. I hope you guys will give it a chance. The link is Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word.}

I land the last blow on The Witch Queen, and she dies. Marking the first defeat of the dungeon boss since it was discovered. I'm mentally exhausted... Staying awake this long and continuing battle isn't something that I've done before. This is by far the longest I've spent in a dungeon. "You did it! You beat the Witch Queen!" Jasmine runs up to my side, and she's covered in dirt and dust, just like me. After we beat the boss before the Witch Queen, I took care of the group we came in with. This marks the end of our time in The Wish Dungeon.

I look over to the Witch Queen to see her drops, and I see the glow of a powerful class on the ground. I look at Jasmine as she hugs me from the side. "Don't waste your time hugging me. Go and get the legacy class." Realization dawns on her, and she slowly stands up. She looks at it with hesitation but walks towards it regardless. I watch her pick it up, and she's enveloped in light. After a few seconds, she's done with her class chance, and a worldwide announcement goes off. Informing all the players that the Legacy class has been taken.

[Worldwide Announcement: The Legacy Class: Last Wish has been taken from The Wish Dungeon! This is a one-of-a-kind class and will be removed from the pool of possible classes! Congratulations to the NPC who's received it! The Wish Dungeon can still be used to find more weapons and armor! There is still a Legacy Grade weapon yet to be found in The Wish Dungeon! Good Luck to all the players in the area of The Wish Dungeon and on the way there!]

The announcement repeats a few times. I'm grateful it didn't give her name out. "This is absolutely amazing!!" I watch Jasmine jump up and down with excitement. "These skills and buffs from this class make my old Rare Class look like crap!" The NPC's have their own ways of viewing their information. Jasmine told me it appears in their lead like a list. It's not in the form of a screen or interface like us players. I stand up and dust the dirt off myself and stretch my body out. This marks the end of our time here. We can head to the inn we've rented and stay an extra day.

I want to get some rest before we actually get this trip started up again. We've been in this dungeon for almost 12 hours. It's probably daytime again outside. "I'm glad that you're excited. Let's get out of this place and head back to the town. I want to get some good food and get some rest before we start the trip up again." She nods her head, and I can tell she also likes the idea of rest. We head to the back of the boss room, and we walk through a door taking us outside to an area away from the entrance. As soon as we're out, I can hear the screams of Victor in the distance.

We make our way in the opposite direction and back towards the city. He won't be able to cause any trouble for us. He's not strong enough. "I can't wait to eat and get a good night's sleep for the first time in at least a day and a half of traveling and dungeon diving. Do you think new people will continue to go for the rewards in The Wish Dungeon?" She asks a valid question. I'd say that anyone who wants something one of a kind and unique will keep attacking it. There is still a Legacy weapon up for grabs in the dungeon.

I take a relaxing breath and lay my hand on top of her head. "That doesn't concern us anymore. Let's get back to the inn and get some food in us and rest all day and night for tomorrow's trip." It's morning now, and there is a frosty cold rolling into the area. We can see the city from here. We walk back and fill the time with conversations and ideas for food. Jasmine has one of the largest appetites I've ever seen. It's bigger than my dad's, and he ate crazy amounts of food. He was a factory worker, after all. It was the tradition of the day for him.

While Hailey and Jasmine continue walking and talking, Cera and Sally are having their own fun. Sally is loving the idea of going to a festival with Cera, but there is one problem. It's a festival they know nothing about. Some festivals are specific to Certain Gods or religions. The same goes in this situation. Some traditions need to be followed, and this could prove troublesome for Cera and Sally. One of the biggest obstacles is the fact you have to dress in traditional garbs. One that noblemen and noblewomen wear. Nothing is allowed to obstruct the face either.

Sally and I both read the pamphlet for the upcoming festival, and I didn't realize how tedious and annoying it is to go to one of these. "Why in the hell aren't we allowed to hide our faces. That seems almost intentional." She brings up valid points. This is suspicious by all accounts. It might be safer not to go. However, I want to go with her. I want to have fun with her at a place that isn't related to blood, revenge, or battle. An actual date would be nice. I'm having a serious internal debate right now. Do I take the risks, or do I cancel it?

I sigh, knowing that I'm going to regret this, but Sally and I deserve a moment of normality. Even if there is a risk of being discovered, I want this to be something fun and positive. "This does change some things, but we're still going. I want to spend time with you that isn't plotting revenge, getting revenge, or in battle. A date, you know." I watch a small blush spread across her face at the mention of the word date. We've never formally used that word between the two of us, but that's what I want this to be. We have a right to something normal for a change.

She knows there are risks involved too, but she can't help smiling. The thought of us spending time together and having moments that are like a real couple is sorely missing from our relationship. "I really like that idea... How big of a chance of discovery do you think there might be?" It depends on who'll recognize me and who'll think I'm just a normal festival-goer. Those who've seen my posters placed around by the church might put the pieces together. However, there is no influence of the church this close to the Elven Kingdom.

So the odds of that scenario happening are slim to none. Now the part that I'm actually worried about. The ones deliberately looking for me. They'll know what I exactly look like, and they'll be quick to notify the elven authority in the area. "I think we blend it as much as we can, and that means we get these garbs. If we don't stick out, no one will be the wiser to know that I'm here. Take away my gear, and I look like a normal man." If I'm wearing similar clothing to everyone else, then there is a very low chance that I'll be found out.

This is the best version of the plan, and it's the only one we can really use. "We'll have a normal night and a normal date. Uninterrupted by any outside influence and anything else related to our mission here. We should go out to one of the local stores and find the required clothes. It's going to cost me more since I'm a new person, but it's worth every bit of money." She has a smile that I've never seen her have before. One that has heartfelt happiness and excitement at the idea of us having an actual real date. One that people have when they're in relationships. I know it's going to be fun.

I stand up, and Sally follows along. We make our way to the door and leave. I lock our room behind us. We make it outside the inn, and we both look down the streets to see many decorations being put up for the festival. It's actually beautiful. "Let's go and shop. Make sure you keep your hood on. It's still safer for us to do it now." She nods, and we start walking down the street with our hoods up. It's going to be my first festival.

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