The Ancients World

Chapter 290: The Wish Dungeon V

Chapter 290: The Wish Dungeon V

{I want to let everyone know that I have a p-a-t-r-e-o-n with two new exclusive stories on it. One is The Aeternus Universe, and I've also started up a new VRMMORPG called the Libertas Dive. If you wish to read that as it develops, head to my p-a-t-r-e-o-n. I won't be uploading The Libertas Dive on webnovel until I've reached 30 pages on it. So get it while it's young and cheap. I hope you guys will give it a chance. The link is Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word.}

We've spent 2 hours navigating this maze of pathways, and we've lost one member of our group in the process. There are only 4 in our little pack now. The good news is we're the first ones at the door to the next boss. The others shouldn't be that far behind us. My concerns are what is going to happen when we reach the Witch Queen's boss room. Victor and his closest allies will try and get rid of Jasmine and me before the boss ends. I'm going to have to get rid of them before they try that for us. I'm confident Jasmine and I can take the boss on.

After the next boss fight, I'll eliminate all the people other than Jasmine and me. We'll make our way to The Witch Queen's boss room and take her on ourselves. I have many powerful skills that can and will kill her. "If we succeed, what are you going to do with your winnings? There's a chance that one of us might get the Legacy class." One of the members of our group starts talking to another. Jasmine and I are off in our own little corner and patiently waiting for the rest to arrive. Jasmine is going to be the one to get the Legacy class. I'm making sure of that.

The amount of betrayals in dungeons is one of the main problems among the players. The only ones you can really trust are the ones in your guild. I've considered joining a guild before, but with my class, a lot of unwanted responsibility and pressure would be added. When you have a lot of power, people look to you for leadership and direction. It isn't something that I want in my life. I'm not a leader, and I'm not a team player. Jasmine is different cause she's my friend. Since I'm going to be getting rid of all these players, it's no better proof of how selfish I am.

Being selfish doesn't mean I'm evil. "How long do you think the other groups will be... I'm getting really tired... And we still have one more boss to face before the Witch Queen..." Jasmine yawns as she speaks. I'll agree that this is taking way too long. I never expected it to take this much time. It's almost deliberate. I'm willing to bet Victor is doing this on purpose so everyone that isn't his immediate friend will be easy to eliminate once this next boss battle is over. It's rather smart. Attacking when your opponents are weak and tired from dungeon diving.

I lean against the wall and close my eyes. I'm going to relax since all we're doing is waiting. "I don't know, Jasmine... We could be in here for another 6 to 7 hours, for all I know... It really depends on how fast we beat the next boss and The Witch Queen... Take a load off while you got a chance..." Jasmine takes my advice and leans against the wall and slides down, and sits next to me. "You want something to eat?" I packed some food for the trip. While it won't be the best tasting, it'll fill both of us up. She nods her head with a hungry look.

I pull the food out of my inventory with a smile and hand her some. I take another serving out for me. We both slowly start eating, and that's when I see the others in our group look over to us with hungry looks. "I take it that none of you prepared for a long trip like this?" They all nod their needs confirming my words. "I only have enough for my friend and me. Maybe next time, you'll prepare for a long dungeon dive." Their looks grow more desperate, but it does not affect Jasmine or me. It's their own fault, and it should be no reason to share with them.

While Hailey and Jasmine wait for the rest of the dungeon party to arrive, there is much progress happening in the events regarding the war in Bellvia. However, that isn't what this is about. Gregory has finally decided to move his troops towards Zenith. However, he's gotten reports from his spies that King Jackson has sent many of his forces back to Zenith. The Dryad Queen leading them. This has effectively thrown a wrench into Gregory's plans. He's currently sitting in his office and trying not to explode with rage. He's failing miserably.

I slam my palms on my desk, and I shove the reports and papers off. "GOD DAMN IT!!!" The many maids slightly cringe at my outburst. My butler at my side stays stoic, though. He's used to these moments. They've been happening way more frequently now. There is no way in hell the King of Bellvia contacted Jackson. My spies would have intercepted and stopped anything like that from happening. That only means a few things could've happened. The first being that one or more of my spies have betrayed me. This is the most unlikely.

The second is Jackson has anticipated something. He might have thought that this war was going too easy and decided to play it safe. The damn man guessed right that I was planning an attack, but he likely didn't know it was me. The third and most likely option is he's overconfident that he's won this war and has sent some of his troops home. These options all have chances of happening, and in my opinion, the third still is the greatest one that had a chance of happening. "Would you like some refreshments, my lord?" My butler breaks me out of my thoughts as I sit down.

I nod my head slowly, and he waves his hand for the maids to prepare food and drinks. I lean back in my chair and release a long sigh. "In the end, the Coalition doesn't lose much. A severely weak Bellvia wasn't going to be something I planned on keeping in the Coalition. With their loss in this war, we're free of a burden. However, Zenith gains new territory and increases in pretty much everything. This is even better for Jackson than it is for me." That's the part that makes me the angriest. He's the one benefiting the most from this war.

After a few minutes, the maids come back in with the food and drinks. They prepare it on my desk, and I'll admit the smell and look distracts me from my problems. A good hot meal can do that for you. "I understand your frustration, my lord. Perhaps this is the best outcome in the end. The Dryads get their revenge, and Zenith will rid us of Bellvia. The only thing you have to worry about is Bellvia's King blabbering the truth is Jackson before he dies." That is the greatest loose end I have to fix. A simple assassination of the king will be the quickest way.

However, this presents the problem of an easy victory for Jackson. I want him to waste his troops and come back weak from this war, but killing the enemy king will swiftly end the war. At the same time, it protects the secret that I was involved in the attacks on Jackson's wife. The choice here is obvious. "I want you to head to the intelligence headquarters and have them eliminate the king of Bellvia. His usefulness has completely run out. Time to protect our secrets." My butler nods his head and bows before leaving to go to the headquarters for the intelligence agency in my capital.

That leaves me alone in my office. The maids left after they delivered the food. I stand up and walk over to the window overlooking the capital city. This is my kingdom, and I'm its king. I wonder what my citizens would think about the decisions and choices I've made. All the things that I've costed my great kingdom. All the sacrifices that I made the poor soldiers pay with their lives. I think they'd storm my castle and crucify me and parade my body through the streets. I have so many secrets that can lead to my demise and my kingdom's demise.

I can only blame myself too. I got myself into this way of ruling. My father didn't teach me this, and I haven't taught my children. It's the way I am. "I wonder what you would say, father... I wonder what you'd do to me if you knew how rotten I've made the heart of your greatest masterpiece..." There are echoes of pain and regret when I say those words. He cherished the kingdom more than his own family, which in retrospect is the correct way to rule. I'm not like him. I love myself and my family more than the kingdom. That makes me a terrible ruler but an excellent father and husband.

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