The Ancients World

Chapter 231: Journey to the Barony of James II

Chapter 231: Journey to the Barony of James II

{I wanted to let everyone know that I have a p-a-t-r-e-o-n with two new exclusive stories on it. One is The Aeternus Universe, and the other is a new story with a basketball system. I hope you guys will give it a chance. The link is Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word.}

The Dryad people are a mysterious race among the people of today. Many documents and files regarding their people have either been destroyed or lost to time. Thousands of years will do that. Magically enhanced documents will be fine, but I doubt they had the foresight for that. All these thoughts about The Dryads and Bellvia remind me of that monster I released. While I don't think it's going to remain in the mortal realm, it might cause problems in the future. "Bellvia is going to call all of its allies for this war. It's going to be big." I have no doubt this puts pressure on the coalition and church.

Sally and I will not be involved in such things. We have our own problems to handle. These thoughts about war make me realize that if I wanted to go to war with anyone, all I need to do is ask the Fairies and Dryads. My reputation with them is so high they'll go to war for me if I asked. It's nice to know I have allies. I'd be able to take on multiple armies and kingdoms with my power, so it's kind of pointless in the end. "How do you think this will affect the war with the monsters?" Sally brings up the point everyone is thinking about now.

The coalition might just doom Bellvia to its fate. It can't risk fighting two wars. It's a political game now, in which kingdom and people have more value to the war with the monsters. This war is going to determine that. Zenith still has the legendary item that used to belong to the Dryads. Jackson is a smart man and a wise leader. He'll likely give it back for an alliance and good faith. Along with open trade with The Dryads. It's useless to him, and his army since the mana cost is too high for any normal person. That leaves a golden opportunity to form a strong bond with a strong race.

Many people in other kingdoms will protest the war. I'm sure there is chaos in Bellvia right now. "The fact that this adds an entirely new war for the coalition to fight makes it obvious that the coalition is considering the abandonment of Bellvia. I'm guessing this buy the way. The Dryad Kingdoms' strength is unknown at this point. If the coalition could get an accurate picture of what they are up against, they'll make a decision." If this war does happen, I'm rooting for The Dryads. Bellvia needs to pay for its past sins.

I look out ahead as we fly, and the natural openness and freedom calm my racing mind. "Let's not worry about any of that, Sally. Let them fight their wars and let them make their decisions. If the world starts to collapse into extinction from all these events, then we'll intervene. I doubt any of this will progress that far, though." A planet I once resided on has come to an end. I don't intend to let this world suffer a similar fate. More than half the human race has been annihilated. No reason to see the other half be left alone.

Since we can't die by normal means, if these wars escalate that far, all life with die except for us players, it'd be like a new earth, but we'd be dooming the rest of life. That's why the system has offered for players to join war efforts. So the people of Gaia have a chance of not losing in the billions on the death toll. "I'm fine with that, Zern. Promise me that if it does get to the point that the world might end, you'll do anything?" That is an easy thing to promise. I nod my head, and Sally snuggles her head against mine.

While Cera and Sally continue to travel, there are plenty of conversations going on around Gaia. These conversations all have the same premise in mind. What does the war between Bellvia and The Dryads mean for the coalition and the war against the monsters. Many kings and queens are meeting in an emergency meeting. One meeting is help between the kingdoms still aligned with the church. The other emergency meeting is between the members of the coalition. Jackson is at the meeting for the coalition, listening carefully.

The meeting we've all been called to is more important than one's in recent time. I look around at my fellow coalition members, and we are all taking glances at the pale-faced king of Bellvia. He is looking defeated before the fight has even begun. Even though we are holograms, there is still coloration. "We all know why this meeting has been called. The Kingdom of Bellvia is going to war with a powerful kingdom in The Dryads. We need to determine if it's still worth having Bellvia in the coalition." Gregory finishes his opening speech, and I watch the look of despair on Bellvia's king.

Losing the support and protection of the coalition is surely detrimental to Bellvia and its people. From the rumors I've heard, The Dryad's disappearance was due to the Bellvia Kingdom thousands of years ago. New truths about the church have also been learned too, and how they were involved in the cover-up. The Dryads are bitter and resentful to a lot of people. I don't intend to be on that list, so I will make my move right now. I stand up and clear my voice. "Before we start this discussion, I want everyone to know that I've made a big decision regarding this." Many of the rulers look at me in curiosity.

Many deduce what I'm planning after a second. I have The Dryad's legendary weapon, and I'm giving it back in exchange for an alliance and open trade. "As you all know, my kingdom is in possession of many treasures. Be them people or items." Many give a bitter look, knowing I have strong connections with Slayer Zern. Through his mother, of course. "I'm going to be making an alliance with The Dryads and open trade with them. I'm giving back their legendary item." There is silence at first, but protests soon break out.

Gregory raises his hand and silences the voices. "Are you saying that you will help The Dryads in their war with Bellvia? You do realize that Bellvia is still a part of the coalition, right?" I don't like his questioning nature. This decision is much more than just an alliance with The Dryads. I've come to realize that total independence from the coalition and the church is best. No longer having to fulfill obligations that are ludicrous. Many will hate me for my decision today, and many more will likely want to follow but will be too scared.

I close my eyes and think calmly about how to word this. "I'm leaving the coalition entirely, Gregory." Best to get it over with fast. I open my eyes and see his shocked face. Never in many years did he see that coming. He grits his teeth waiting for further explanation. "I'm officially renouncing any alliances with the coalition and its members. My kingdom has a bright future ahead, and I'm not going to ruin it with terrible politics. Good luck in your wars." I look to the king of Bellvia and see that he is ready to be sick.

I have many things going on in terms of protection for my kingdom. The biggest being Amelia. I feel awful using Slayer Zern and Amelia to go independent, but being king means making decisions not everyone will like. "You coward! Hiding behind your relationship with Slayer Zern and putting this coalition in further jeopardy! You are lucky that he is on your side! You would have a war otherwise!" Gregory, for the first time in my life, has completely lost his cool. He is a master strategist and is great a determining people's moves. It hurts his pride. He never saw this coming.

I'm taking it a step further, too. I turn my attention to the majority of the room. "I've already been in contact with The Dryads. They are willing to create alliances and open trade with anyone who isn't allied with Bellvia and doesn't have connections with the church. I implore you all to do so. Everyone in this room isn't a part of church politics anymore. That's one condition fulfilled." With those words, I have shifted the power in the coalition. I look at Gregory and see pure rage. I've played him to the maximum extent.

Everyone in this room will see the benefit of this deal and abandon Bellvia. Since no one can contend with Zenith in terms of powerful connections, everyone has to decide. That's why Gregory is mad. They either stay allied with Bellvia and fight in the war or abandon Ballvia and join mine and The Dryads side. "Don't look so mad, Gregory. The offer extends to you too." Before he can start screaming at me, I turn my hologram off. I turn to one of my servants, nodding my head. "Time to finalize this masterpiece of a move." My kingdom will be free and independent.

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