The Ancients World

Chapter 197: Unexpected Moment

Chapter 197: Unexpected Moment

General Oliver Blaker stands up from his kneeling position and waits for me to talk. I'm going to make this quick. "I want you to relay a message to whoever is in charge. Stop looking for me. It's incredibly annoying and inconvenient to my quests. If the church doesn't stop, there will be consequences." Oliver Blaker's face morphs and is plastered with worry. Every since I got my hands on my class, they have been trying to find me and complicate things for me. I'm frankly sick and tired of it, and I want them to stop. Telling them straight up should be enough for them. If it isn't, then I will need to find a way to make them leave me alone permanently. I'm not going to kill them. It'll be worse. I'll publicly denounce them for their past crimes.

Oliver Blaker looks towards a big tent with worry. I'm guessing they have some meeting set up in there. "My Lord, I don't have the authority to answer that for you... Please, come with me into the tent so you can directly speak to the church..." What I said wasn't a question. I give him a hard look, and he closes his eyes with nervousness all over his body. He is doing a bad job of trying to convince me to talk to these people. How can someone be a General in the greatest army on Gaia with this type of personality. Completely and totally submissive, a dog at the beck and call of the church heads. I draw my blade and flex my wings. Since he is so weak-willed, I'll intimidate him into doing what I said. He sees all this, and I can see the fear on his face.

I lift the tip of my blade and line it up at his adam's apple. "Tell them." I watch this worm of a man lose any will he has left, and he backs up from my blade and slumps down onto his knees. I sheath my blade and spread out my wings in further intimidation. "If the church doesn't stop pursuing me, I will personally handle the situation. I hope they all learn how insignificant they truly are, and you will be the one to tell them this. I'd wish you good luck, but being sent after me shows luck isn't on your side." He looks up from the ground, and I see the sick-looking expression on his face. I turn around and begin to walk away. As I'm doing this, I see the crowd off in the distance, trying their hardest to get past the soldiers.

The obsession people have with me. It's not something I ever want to experience again. It'll be unavoidable in certain places. Sally and I look at each other. I can tell she is as tired of the crowd as I am, even when her head is covered. I flex my wings and hold out an arm. She walks up to my side and wraps her arms around my body, and I wrap my arm around her. I launch us off the ground and fly towards the taller buildings in the city. I look down, and I see the people start running to keep up. Once over a tall enough building, I land us gently, and I let go of Sally. "We can relax up here until nightfall. I'm tired of dealing with the horde of people. They can bother the people in this building for all I care." Sally chuckles at my attitude.

We find a comfortable spot on the roof and take a seat. I toggle my wings off, so they don't get in the way. Sally leans against me as we watch the passing of the clouds. It's early evening, so we still have lots of time. We can use that time to talk. There are some things we need to address. That can wait a few minutes though, just relaxing for right now sounds good. "So once we free the Dryads, do you plan on doing anything to celebrate?" Sally asks me a question I haven't thought about. She has a very tired voice. I never thought about a celebration once the Dryads are free. They'll probably have a lot of questions, mainly about Bellvia. They'll be coming back still in their time of conflict, even though it's already been thousands of years.

I place my hand on her back, and I slowly rub it. She needs to stop thinking, just for a moment. She snuggles closer as I do. "Probably not. It'll be chaos for them for a while, catching up and finding out how much the world has changed since their time. I don't envy them at all. They have incredible tasks ahead of them. A party would be the very last thing on their list." I explain my thoughts in a low and relaxed breath. A calm breeze washes over us, and the quietness of the now is much welcomed. "Soon, we'll be getting your revenge on the elves. How do you feel about that?" Complex things like that shouldn't be assumed about. I want to hear what she is feeling about this. It won't be easy on her, no matter how much she hates them.

Sally stays quiet, pondering her answer. She might not have thought about it much. "I'm nervous and excited. I feel wrong at being happy that I get to hurt them for all the things that happened to me. My mother and I suffered so much because of them, because of the royal family and nobles. The thought of killing them. It excites me... Am I evil for feeling this way?" This poor girl has been holding in a lot. I rub her back up and down in a greater motion, showing my support. She starts to shake ever so slightly. I should have asked her about this sooner. She has probably been at battle in her head with these thoughts and feelings. Many would tell they are wrong, but I won't. After everything she has been through, she has every right to feel this way.

I do something I never do. I lean down and kiss her forehead. I pull away and lightly sigh. "I think it's perfectly fine to feel and think that way after what you have gone through, Sally. It's not evil. It's right." I watch her raise her head, and I see tears in her eyes. She raises her left hand and runs her fingers along my cheek and then through my hair. She brings her face closer to mine and slowly starts to close her eyes. I match her actions and close my eyes as well. Seconds later, our lips gently connect, and a warmth spreads through me. We hold the kiss, and she slowly moves her mouth in a very nice motion. I do my best to match, and we keep the slow movement until we pull away to catch our breath.

I have no doubt I've got some red cheeks after that. I open my eyes slowly, and I meet the half-lidded eyes of Sally. She has a deep blush and is taking deep breaths. She brings her other hand up and into my hair for full control. She starts the kiss again, and this time it has much more movement. I feel the tip of her tongue graze my front teeth asking for access. I open my mouth slightly, and she starts using her tongue to explore my mouth lightly. I catch on, and I gently rub my tongue against hers. After a second, the tips of our tongues connect, and a lovely sensation runs down my back. I feel Sally stiffen up as she leans against my chest. We repeat the action, and the pleasure only increases.

I feel my pants growing tighter, and that's when I gently pull Sally away. A string of saliva stretches between our mouths. We both take very deep breaths and stare into each other's eyes. Both our eyes are half-lidded at this point. "I'm sorry I stopped us..." I take a couple more breaths. "Things were escalating really fast... This isn't the place to do that... Not on a roof, you know..." She lightly nods her head in agreement. I feel her fingers run through my hair in a circular motion, making a mess of my black hair. I get goosebumps as I feel her nails run along my scalp. "I'm having a hard time fighting the urge not to do it up here... If we don't stop now, I don't think I'll care if we do..." She leans forward again and starts kissing me more.

I guess that means she doesn't mind either. At least, I think it does. I'm not sure, though. She shifts her body and straddles me. I feel her sit on my hardening rod, and it both hurts and feels good. I toggle my wings on and wrap them around us so we do have some privacy. I don't know how far this will go. Now we have some privacy, though. My wings are big enough to cocoon us in darkness completely. Her hands travel the bottom of my chest piece, and she tries to remove it, I quickly unequip it with my mind, and I feel her run a hand along my defined muscles. Another shiver runs up and down my spine. I'm no longer going to try and resist.

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