The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 914 Killing A Whaleus

p "Force killing is not good, Fellow Daoist." The young man said. His voice was still calm despite Jin Rou wanting to take his life, "Consequences are inevitable if you force things."

"It only applies to normal people who are afraid of those consequences." Jin Rou smirked and said, "Well then, I'll just make you defend for your life."

"Whoosh!" Jin Rou dashed and aimed for his neck immediately. He didn't want to waste time if he could just finish it in one swing.

But how could this mythical beast called Whaleus be a pushover? He immediately turned into a large whale that could swim across the ocean and wind.

"Hayaaaaa!" The whale howled like a beast filled with killing intent. He was disturbed and the other party was planning to kill him, he was very displeased, "Since Fellow Daoist wants to push this, I have no choice but to kill you!"

Jin Rou backed off and took out another lightning sword. Whaleus had a thick skin when they morphed, so it's impossible to break their fish skin by a single blade. Jin Rou needed more powerful lightning swords.

"Whish! Whish! Whish!" Three large blades made of lightning appeared above Jin Rou. Each of it had a frightening power that could turn the world into dust.

"Bang!" The three blades of lightning danced and slashed the large whale that was covering the entire cliff. It howled and howled as it resisted the attacks.

"Buzz!" Winds scattered as Whaleus spinned its large body. Mountains of rocks fell down towards Jin Rou in a casual yet dangerous manner.

"Boom!" Then, Whaleus charged a light beam from its mouth as it headed over to Jin Rou creating large pits all around.

"Thrust!" But, Jin Rou wasn't affected by it and immediately launched a counter. A lightning blade pierced through the flesh of the whale. It was where the three blades a while ago focused their force.

Since the scale was too tough, Jin Rou needed a two-layer attack to actually pierce through. Of course, it didn't mean that the fight was also over.

"Hayaaaa!" This time, the whale's howl was scarier. It probably felt that his life was in terrible danger if it continued. Without hesitation, it made its body smaller and turned away flying into the sky like it was the ocean.

It's its attempt of escaping for his life. It sensed that Jin Rou was a threat to its life thus it didn't think twice to run away. Life was the most important thing for Whaleus.

Jin Rou smiled and prepared for this. He moved his fingers and a large net made of copper appeared out of the sky. The large net encompassed the whale and surrounded it, pushing it down to the ground.

It struggled and struggled as it used many attacks but to no avail. It even wanted to transform into its human form, but it wasn't taking effect.

"Hmm, you almost have escaped, but too bad." Jin Rou walked over and near the struggling beast with a smile, "Do you have any last words before I kill you?"

"Do you think this is the right thing to do? I never interfered with the world over there so I don't deserve this. You will suffer punishment!" Whaleus said with hatred. He was actually minding his own business here and yet someone came to take his life.

"Don't act stupid in front of me." Jin Rou sneered, "You mythical beasts think you are the predators. Arrogance is deeply engraved in your beast bones. If you have the chance and Kalicio and I weren't here, you all will be wrecking havoc in Mortalis where you could find more opportunities to get stronger."

All mythical beasts were almost the same. They wanted to survive and be the king. Pride and arrogance were in their blood running no matter what. And it's not different with Whaleus.

If Kalicio didn't push the mythical beasts into the corner, they would surely plan to invade Mortalis. With their power, it was more than easy to do it. After all, even the god himself couldn't do about them as long as they played their cards correctly.

Unfortunately though, Kalicio was hellbent in stopping and exterminating them. He was the younger brother of the god, so his power was truly not something they could deal with. In fact, even in his skeleton state right now, he could still kill them albeit longer than usual.

Whaleus could only survive because of a lucky opportunity he got in the past, but it seemed that its luck had ended now.

"If I cannot pledge for my life, then can I ask your pardon to spare the eggs I have hidden?" The whale said with a sad tone, "They are not yet born in this cruel world, and the traits we mythical beasts have wouldn't appear on them unless we teach it. If you cannot take them, please let them fare off for themselves."

Jin Rou knew about the eggs, of course. The eggs didn't do anything wrong and they're innocent. How could Jin Rou take their lives? "Then commit suicide if you want to save them."

This was Jin Rou's concession and he wouldn't take a step backward again.

Hearing this, the whale looked at a distance. It was probably where the eggs were currently hidden. It closed its eyes and cut its heart inside. Soon, the whale stopped moving and limped on a side.

The whale killed itself without any chance of being revived. Cutting its heart like that, it was smooth and fast way of dying without feeling pain.

Jin Rou took away the swords and the net walked over to the hidden spot of the eggs. As he moved the stone blocking them, glistening white eggs with patterns met his eyes.

"So this is the eggs of a Whaleus." Sylvianna was amazed by its beauty. No wonder those mythical beasts had a beautiful fish scales too. She touched the egg and the latter moved slightly as if it was receiving her touch. Seeing this, she couldn't help but smile.

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