The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 911 A Big Skeleton

The duo climbed up the ship ladder by the side. It wasn't difficult but the metals of the ladder were already creating creaking sounds because of the thick rust it accumulated.

Then, what they met was a deck filled with bones. Judging by the bones, there were certain types of people or beasts here in the past.

"A bone of a Hydra." Jin Rou picked up a bone and immediately knew which beast the bone belonged to.

"Hydra? You mean that 9-headed dragon which brought terror to Northern Queen in the past?" Sylvianna asked in stupefaction. The Hydra was a very strong mythical beast that destroyed almost 1/4 of the whole Northern Queen Region in the past.

If not for the three top ranking emperors coming to save the day, the damage would have been worse. Even to the central region, this could pose as a threat. And yet, its bones were here lying on the deck of an unknown ship?

"Did a fight break out here?" She asked. She also determined some familiar beast bones that her family had recorded through the ages, "What's the reason for them being here, in the first place?"

"They were lured in." Jin Rou studied the place and came to this conclusion, "Think about it, why these terror beasts of the sea will be lying here? To destroy the ship? There were no scratches or damages that could be seen. So it's not possible. So being lured out was the most possible answer to this."

"Why are they lured in here, then?" Sylvianna was getting more confused. But it was true that there were no damages here which could be assumed as a fight or an attack. With these wild and arrogant mythical beasts, they would have already tried to destroy the ship.

"I guess we can find the answer to that question there." Jin Rou looked at the bridge of the ship. There was something there that caught more of his attention.

Sylvianna couldn't believe Jin Rou. The warning signs she was getting was actually coming from the bridge but he was willing to enter that to satisfy his curiosity! Was that even worth it to risk your life to find the answer when you could brush it off?

Jin Rou still proceeded. Even Han Li of the past would do the same. The thirst for knowledge was endless like a bottomless pit. Sylvianna wanted to stay on the deck but knowing the dangers, she came with Jin Rou instead.

This was too unfamiliar for her and the only safe place was Jin Rou's side.

As they arrived at the bridge of the ship, a horrifying scene met their eyes. Sylvianna couldn't help but widen her eyes when Jin Rou creased his brows.

By the only chair in the middle was giant skeleton with a red stone glowing in the middle. He was wearing a pirate clothes with a black hat. He was just a mere big skeleton but judging by the aura it was unconsciously emitting, it was great existence of this sea.

"So you are the one who killed the Alpalakala." Jin Rou could already know the answer to his questions, "Now, everything is clear to me."

Suddenly, the eye sockets of the big skeleton glowed red and looked at Jin Rou, "To think that I will be seeing two of human race before I die, that's very interesting."

The voice of the skeleton was deep, but there was no hatred or mockery in his tone. His voice contained the power of the world, ready to destroy the ages if he's willing.

It observed Jin Rou and couldn't help but reveal a soft laugh, "I see, no wonder why you can cross this sea despite being a human. You are already standing at the peak of that world."

It could easily see the power level of Jin Rou and the latter wasn't surprised. After all, this being could even kill thousand of Alpalakala!

"This space is still connected to Mortalis." Jin Rou said.

"True, but this is not Mortalis anymore. The sea is just a vast waters of nothingness." The skeleton said with a deep tone, "But judging your actions of being here, I guess you aren't here in the sea to sightsee. You want to reach that shore, right?"

"Yes. I heard of a legend that a god-killing spear was thrown there, according to the rumors." Jin Rou said.

"Rumors." The skeleton chuckled, "Young Man, rumors are rumors. It's a baseless assumption assuming as truth. You wasted your trip here."

The skeleton wasn't lying and Jin Rou could see this.

"It's not that it's not real." Jin Rou smiled. He walkes over to a large cube by the side and sat on there, "It's just because you aren't able to see it when you go there. But it doesn't mean that it's not existing."

"Interesting." The skeleton was amused, "What is your base for this conclusion, then?"

"You are old as time. Probably old like the old man governing the worlds out there." Jin Rou responded, "You didn't say that what I said was not true. You just said that rumors are rumors, a baseless assumption assuming as the truth. You see, assumptions are what make things possible."

"Smart." The skeleton tapped his skeleton finger. It's been a while since he had an interesting talk with someone, "Indeed, that spear is existing. However, no one was able to find it in the island. If I cannot, how can you? Not to mention, I have deeper and stronger means than you."

"It's because it's waiting for the fateful owner." Jin Rou said, "You cannot force things even if you have the power. You cannot just grab things when you have the ability."

"Says by the person who just robbed the dead bodies on the way here?" The skeleton laughed. Of course, it knew what's going on with the sea.

Jin Rou smiled awkwardly as he tried to defend himself, "It is an act of charity. They cannot use the items anyway, so it's better to have them."

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