The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 375: A hostage from the LA

Chapter 375: A hostage from the LA

9:00 p.m., Military Chief Office ;

As she looked at the TV screen, journalists reporting the victory of the Central Republic Party in Union Elections, she passed the two cups of tea to the two men in front of her. 

"So this is it. The end of an era?", the girl smiled, "How does it feel to have served the nation for so long, Prime Minister?"

Li Boqin. A 48-year-old man, was elected for the throne of the Prime Minister. With the majority of the public and all the three Military forces supporting him, Country X had finally found a suitable head for themselves. Li Boqin hailed from a long line of diplomats, and the world of Politics wasn't anything new to him. He had served as the mayor to quite a few provinces in his early thirties too. He was a smart and far-sighted man. Naturally, Rong Xinghe had chosen him above the other two corrupt old candidates. 

"It feels empty.", the old man confessed, "I've been so used to the responsibilities I had been shouldering all these years, it feels surreal to just leave it now." 

Rong Xinghe had proposed the idea of the last gathering with the former Prime Minister and President before the new ones would take their oaths. She had worked with the two of them for an entire year, after all. It mattered a lot to the three of them.

"Country X will miss you both, you know?", the girl said, in an assuring tone. 

"You do have a way with words, Military Chief.", the ex-President laughed, "No wonder you've won over the hearts of the entire public of Country X."


12:30 a.m., Elite Diamond Penthouse ;

Xi Yuan was about to unlock the main door of his Penthouse when from the corner of his eyes, he noticed something moving, in a distance. A dark figure hiding behind his woman's adobe. The man furrowed his brows, and pulled his phone out, dialing Lu Wei's number. "Was Xinghe expecting someone tonight?", he asked as he rushed towards the girl's place, vigilantly and cautiously. 

"Not really.", Lu Wei frowned, walking away from Lu Alix and Ningtao, who were trying out different dresses for Xinguan's engagement, "What's the problem?"

"I might've just seen a man, sneaking around.", Xi Yuan explained, passing through the penthouse's garden fences. 

"Yuan, don't do anything stupid.", said Lu Wei, "Stay away if there is anything suspicious."

"Yeah." The man disconnected the call, tucking the phone back into his pocket, he turned around. It was now that he saw a tall, built person, running towards him with ferocious speed. Judging by his pace, Xi Yuan could tell he was a trained assassin. 

The next second, the other man pulled out a sharp-bladed dagger and charged towards Xi Yuan. Subconsciously, Xi Yuan leaned back and ducked, avoiding the knife. Defensively, he brought both his hands up, covering his face. The man pranced towards him, a savage predatory smirk plastered across his lips. Xi Yuan could barely see his face amid the darkness, just his mouth and shabby clothes. 

"Who are you?", he asked, warily. 

But instead of a reply, he heard the sounds of hurried footsteps, approaching him from behind. Xi Yuan was done playing this game now. Since these men weren't intending to act civilly, he had to put them down, for his own sake. The man took off his suit and threw it away on the bench beside him, preparing himself for the fight. 

Before his attackers could even realize his next attack, Xi Yuan dived into a quick roll before throwing the first perp's way-blade under the coffee table. He then stood up from the ground, and just as one of the two men lunged towards him ferociously, he grabbed one of them from behind, locking his neck into his arms. Tightly.

The second guy was about to join in into the fight so that he could free his partner when his phone rang up. The man glanced at the screen before a name popped up on it. Letting out a grunt, he picked up the call.

"Yeah, Xinghe?", the man said, "I am kind of in the middle of something."

The moment the girl's name resounded through the air, Xi Yuan's grip around the man's neck loosened. He didn't let go of him, of course. He simply refrained himself from holding onto his firmly. He was curious, as to how did the girl know these men, although he'd already had a rough idea.

"Was the mission successful?", the girl asked, signing some documents. 

"It was.", the man answered. 

"Where are you right now?", Rong Xinghe asked again. 

"Fighting your fiance.", the man answered nonchalantly, "And damn it! He is good. He has actually put down Jackson, you know? That's impressive."

"Hand the phone over to him, Elijah. Right now.", the girl ordered, enraged. 

As if on cue, the man stretched his hand and offered the phone to Xi Yuan. "For you, Sir.", he grinned. 

"They are Hybrids, aren't they?", Xi Yuan sighed, bringing the phone to his left ear, letting go of the man under his hold. 

"Are you alright?", the girl questioned, her tone concerned.

"Yeah. Don't worry.", the man laughed.

"I swear to God, Yuan, if there is even a single scratch on your body, they are dead meat.", the girl gritted her teeth.

"I am fine, Xinghe.", Xi Yuan reassured the girl.


"So what am I supposed to do with them?", the man asked, as he looked at the two men in front of him. 

"I will be home by 11:00 p.m. Could you keep them at your place by then? They've got a hostage to hide right now. And it's kind of illegal under current circumstances. So Military bases are off-limits.", Rong Xinghe elaborated on her problem. 

"Of course, Baby. Who is this third person, by the way?"

"His name is Lucas Wilson.", the girl smiled, staring at the two photos pinned to her green bulletin board, "One of the LA fellas."

"Fine.", Xi Yuan didn't bother enquiring anymore. It was the Military Business, after all. Moreover, he already knew everything about Lucas Wilson. Why would he even trouble the wifey with baseless questions then?

Disconnecting the call, Xi Yuan fixed his gaze upon the two men, looking down at the ground. "Full names.", he demanded. 

"Jackson Marshal."

"Elijah Williams."

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