The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 358: I am here. With you.

Chapter 358: I am here. With you.

Illumination Mall, 3:00 p.m. ; 

"President Xi, Welcome!", the Manager of Spark, a Global Design brand, clasped his hands gleefully, as the couple stepped inside the brand outlet, "To what do we owe this pleasure of having you?!"

Rong Xinghe observed the dim lights and well-furnished place closely before she turned to smile at the thin tall Manager, "We will help ourselves. Thank you." The man glanced at Xi Yuan and waited for his orders before he finally disappeared from Xinguan's line of sight. 

"Select anything you want.", Xi Yuan pushed the girl's hair behind her ears and cupped her face, planting a soft kiss against her forehead, "Okay?"

"Yuan, we are here to shop for you.", the girl punched the man's shoulder lightly. "I am fine with whatever you select for me.", the man replied, grabbing a seat for himself over the Maroon leather armchair. 

"Alright.", the girl threw her hands in the air, "Any specifications? Or any allergy with certain kinds of fabrics?"

"Nah. Just avoid something too 'glittery or shimmery'. Please! I don't want to look like a clown in your brother's wedding.", the man requested, earning a short laugh from the girl. God! Her laugh was mesmerizing. It was a shame she seldom enjoyed herself like this. 

Rong Xinghe combed through the entire men's section for a few minutes before she returned back with four sets of suits, to the man. "I never realized they had such an amazing collection. This brand is killing it. I mean, I love it here! Who is the damned designer?!", Rong Xinghe grinned, fascinated, "It's difficult to hate shopping when the clothes are this breathtaking."

"You like 'Spark'?", the man's lips curled upwards, as his fingers grazed the surface of the smooth silk tie beneath one of the suits, selected by the girl.

"I love this place! I don't really shop but my God, this place is sexy.", Rong Xinghe nodded her head.

"Do you remember Xi Yue?", Xi Yuan asked, as he stood up and intertwined the girl's fingers with his long ones.

"Yeah. Your cousin. The one who got married in New York. That was the first time I met your family.", the girl felt the heat rise up to her cheeks, as the man brushed his lips against her knuckles, "What about her?"

"She is the 'Spark' Fashion Designer.", the man could feel the girl's mouth opening wide. "Really?! She is indeed talented. I am an absolute fan!"

"I will get her autograph for you, then.", Xi Yuan promised, "But yeah, Fashion is under Ying's control. She and Yue handle all the Jewelry, Perfume, and Fashion outlets. Entertainment Industry is Wei's field of work. That's how it works in Xi Corporations."

"Smart move.", the girl pinched the man's cheeks.

"What do you mean?", the man frowned.

"That's a clever way to resolve the very possibility of internal family conflicts, President Xi. You make them feel they are all in power, while you hold onto the primary root reigns. Ying and Yue love to blend creativity into business, so you handed them the authority in these fields. And since Wei is fond of dramas, he gets to control the Entertainment Industry. 

"Not to mention, you keep Fang by your side so that, if someday you are unavailable, he can replace you in Xi Corporations. That way, no one would fight for the position of the CEO like your Dad and Uncle did in the past, and the company won't be left without a backup plan. Have I ever mentioned how much I love you?!", the girl wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a quick kiss.

"You did figure that out pretty quickly, didn't you, Ms. Rong?", the man hugged the girl back. 

"Okay! Enough with the lovey-dovey, Mr. Xi.", the girl pushed the man away, as she realized the man was nibbling onto her earlobe. And that was a soft spot! Such a shameless man, she thought. It was a public place, for God's sake.

Xi Yuan couldn't help but blink his 'puppy-eyes' at her. Insensitive! 

"Try out that Mulberry Suit. Go.", Rong Xinghe turned around, firmly rejecting the man's emotional blackmail.

"Fine!", the man gave in eventually. He was determined to get back at her for that tonight, anyway. 'Let's see how you escape me then, Wifey.', he smiled to himself.


Evening, 7:00 p.m. ;

"So you don't believe that witchcraft exists? Come on, it's a possibility, Yuan.", the girl turned to stare at the man as if he was an alien, "There is so much history to it." 

"Xinghe, baby, I am dating a witch. Of course, I acknowledge their existence.", Xi Yuan suppressed his laugh as he hit the car brakes, taking notice of the traffic lights switching to red. The man then turned to look at the enraged little kitten beside him. "I am sorry, honey. Please don't break up with me.", he apologized briskly.

"Hush you.", the girl pouted, looking out of the window, at the busy streets. As she looked at an old singer singing, people dropping bills into his open hat, a smile appeared across her lips. She used to do that too. Street singing. It was one of the 'Voice of the World' contests. Then, her attention shifted to a middle-aged woman selling flowers a few feet away from the old singer. Two kids following behind their mother like little ducklings. This time of the evening, City A used to advance into its craziness. The music. The buzz. The booze. Everywhere, in every corner of the city. This was the capital of the Country X. The one that was known for its spectacular nightlife. 

It was at this time that the huge curved projection screen lit up and a Journalist started reporting the regular headlines. The screen covered the entire Stark Building; it was, after all, more of a country custom. The News Bulletin. Naturally, Rong Xinghe focused her eyes upon the screen. One after another, the Reporter presented the daily-news; the death of an American Actor, the upcoming Presidential elections, the Stock Market Crash, and a murder. The last news headline intrigued the girl's interest. Mostly, because of the location of the crime. Seconds later, a picture flashed up on the screen. Country I. Rukawa Railway Station. Platform Number 6. An eleven-year-old girl, lying in her own blood. Her parents crying, screaming, yelling. And 'those' railway tracks. 

Xi Yuan was talking to Lu Wei when he noticed the girl's facial expressions changing. The man's eyes traveled into the direction where she was looking. Damn it! How could he forget about the Stark screen?! 

"Hey! Xinghe, look at me.", the man placed his phone on the dashboard and held the girl by her shoulders, drawing her attention towards him, "It's okay. Calm down. I am here. With you."

"I need to be alone.", she mumbled in a daze, blood draining from her face, her eyes in a state of panic. "Yuan, I can't."

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