Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 673 - Point Of No Return

Chapter 673: Point Of No Return

Translator: Oneshotwonder Editor: Hitesh_

Zachery had held back his power ever since he had entered the state of super Einherjar. The power of super Einherjars was too dangerous for this world, and the more he used the otherworldly power, the more detached he would be from the current one; and Zachery didn’t want to leave yet.

However cold blooded he had been, ever since he met Wang Tong, he had a taste of what really mattered in this world. He couldn’t let go of the memories of the time he had spent with Wang Tong and with Charcoal.

Despite his reluctance in unleashing the power of a super Einherjar, he knew that no one other than him was able to move the city.

Zachery could have confronted Patroclus for Wang Tong and win decisively, but he didn’t because he knew that the outcome mattered far less than the process. Wang Tong had to do it himself`, and the latter wouldn’t agree to let Zachery fight in his stead anyway. He had been looking forward to the fight for a long time. Even for the task at hand, he hesitated to ask another favor from Mr. Wannabe since he felt he was already in deep debt after Zachery had saved him so many times. However, the lives of millions of humans were at stake, and only with Zachery’s help could Wang Tong minimize their casualties.

“My Lord, It’s time to fight back.” Harmon pleaded. It was evident that Wang Tong already knew about the queen’s hiding spot. The brazen attack on the space city meant that Wang Tong and his gang had already devised a detailed plan to kill the queen; he had to be stopped sooner rather than later.

Patroclus shook his head and said with finality, “It’s already too late. If we act now, they will simply destroy the entire city.” Both Patroclus and Harmon knew that Zachery was capable of wiping out an entire city with relative ease by himself.

Meanwhile in the city, feeling that the situation has spiraled out of control, the citizens panicked. Soon, the engine of the City’s propelling system sputtered, and the city was finally pushed out of its orbit. Zachery’s power was able to bend the very fabric of space and time as it came from a much higher dimension.

It was the first time that people had witnessed the might and power of a Super Einherjar.?Everyone knew that as a super Einherjar, Zachery’s power was beyond the confinement of the laws of physics of this world.

Knowing that their help was useless, the Immoral fleet stayed far away from the action and recorded the development. Zachery sensed that he was being watched, so he turned around toward the camera and cast his audiences a cold stare. That one look said it all; anyone watching the live stream could feel the chill down their spines as they locked eyes with Zachery.

As a super Einherjar, he was the ultimate form of human existence; he was a god living in a human’s form.

Suddenly, Zachery disappeared and the camera cut to Wang Tong, who looked at Charcoal and announced, “It’s your turn now.”

Charcoal reached out his skinny arms that were meant for mining activities as a ray of light shot out of his body into the abyss of the space.?Under the intense light, the dark space turned into liquid; slowly, a slit appeared in the space as if a sharp knife had opened up space at its seams. The slit grew bigger by the second and revealed an amazing sight: a giant spaceship was parked in the middle of a hyperspace.

Meanwhile, the Zergs all around the moon and the Earth started to become agitated as they felt the presence of the Queen. She was the supreme leader of the Zergs, and her order would trump that of Patroclus. However, Patroclus had cast a spell around the Ark and that disabled the Queen’s telepathic abilities. Nonetheless, her presence could be felt by Zergs hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Wang Tong was able to pass through the energy barrier with ease since his soul essence was able to absorb any energy that came to contact with him. After a few moments of searching, he finally located the queen. She was a giant hunk of meat surrounded by a hundred or so lesser queens.

As soon as the queen saw Wang Tong, she attacked him with an ultrasonic attack. The attack would have killed any live creature, but it was not able to harm him.

Standing face to face with the queen, Wang Tong was elated. Once he killed it, he would have ended the century-long war between the humans and her kind.

Sensing the grave danger she was in, the queen doubled down on her telepathic ability and was able to transmit a segment of her order to the Zergs nearby.

But by the time the Zergs got the order and started to rush toward the Ark, it was already too late. Two giant fireballs lit up in Wang Tong’s hands, and he threw it at the giant queen, setting her aflame. The Queen let out a few agonizing howls and then she was dead. Feeding on the queen’s thick blubber, the fire spread throughout the ship, cleansing it of all the abomination that had plagued it over the six years.

The death of the queen sent a strong pulse of telepathic energy that scrambled the minds of all Zergs, rendering them uncontrollable by the immortals. On the contrary, the Immortals were practically unaffected by the death of the queen due to their weak affinity with it. Nonetheless, a lot of them felt defeated by the development and were at a loss.

“Patroclus, it is time to settle our scores!” Wang Tong turned toward the immortals’ surveillance drones that were watching his actions and said loud and clear.

Without the ability to control the Zergs, the Immortals would never be able to exert dominance over the humans regardless of how powerful they were.?The death of the queen had turned the tide of battle and significantly raised the spirits of the human soldiers.

Out of control and unhinged, the primitive Zergs started to attack anyone on sight. The immortals quickly found themselves fighting on two fronts; not only did they need to prepare the final showdown with the humans, but they also need to quash the reckless and relentless attacks of the Zergs from the inside.

The Divine Hall had fallen pin-drop silent, as the leaders of the immortals had never expected this day to come. They were on course to claim the entire world just a few weeks ago, but now, the whole world intended to claim their lives.

Not only did the humans want to burn them on stakes as freaks, but the Zergs also wanted to tear them apart in their mindless rampage; life suddenly became a struggle, and immortality a curse.

Their only hope was in Patroclus’ victory over Wang Tong. Patroclus watched as Wang Tong challenged him to a duel on the screen. He knew this day would come, so he was not as astonished by the challenge as the other Immortals. He looked up at the night sky through the panoramic skylight window and wondered what the world would become after their fight.

“Meet me at the Sky Arena in a month,” Patroclus spoke through an intercom. After three hundred and six years, the humans were back where they started: the sky arena.

Neither Patroclus nor Wang Tong had any other choice but to fight each other to death; the division between humans and the Immortals was too deep to mend.

The immortals quickly spread the news through all media channels. This would be the third fight between the two warriors.

Wang Tong defeated Patroclus with a narrow margin in their first match, and Patroclus defeated him in the second. What would happen in the third round? It would be hard to say.

Neither Patroclus nor Wang Tong was the same person from six years ago. Patroclus had gained an invincible body and perfected his cultivation with the help of the immense influence that he had garnered over the years. Meanwhile, Wang Tong had demonstrated near god-level powers by evoking an asteroid storm that changed the appearance of the planet Saturn.

The fight between Wang Tong and Patroclus would determine the dominant force of the galaxy, and the Zergs had become irreverent in this match. They were swept under the rug and forgotten the moment their queen was burned to death, and their endeavor in the Galaxy had come to an end.

The fight would be monumental in human history, but both sides prepared for the battle in silence. Once Wang Tong returned to earth, the military blocked the public’s access to their hero. During this one month time, he not only needed to prepare for the fight, but also needed to bring closures to many personal matters.

The Immortal armada had pulled out of Mars’ territory since their mission would be meaningless after the fight between Wang Tong and Patroclus. On their way back to the moon, they were attacked by many Zerg hives that had gone nuts over the death of the queen.

While Patroclus prepared for the fight, he also spent a lot of time to come up with a contingency plan for the Immortals. Everyone knew that Patroclus was not fighting for himself, but for the survival of the race, he had created.

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