Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 602 - Six Hundred And Two: Born With A Silver Spoon

Chapter 602 - Six Hundred And Two: Born With A Silver Spoon

The third point of view:

Anabelle was treated to a minute of her parent's "onslaught" and the first thing that came to mind was to cover Alison's eyes. Her sister was too young to be corrupted.

However, when her parents finally ended their passionate kissing and she took off her hands, the grin on Allison's face told Anabelle the girl knew more than she thought. It seems her parent's public display of affection was a daily occurrence.

The next minute was spent with her father Eden trying to woo their mother. With the way their parents were enamored with each other, Anabelle had thought they would have more children, but then, here they are with only Allison.

Anabelle knew it was Camille's doing, she didn't want more children and Eden respected her decision. So romantic! She hoped she and Julie would be as happy as her parents.

Speaking of Julie, why hasn't he called her? She just hoped he wasn't somewhere doing shady business - she had told him to quit that. Fine, she would find him after this.

"By the way, why aren't you at school, Allison?" It finally crossed Eden's mind, "Today's Friday, isn't it?"

At once, Alison gulped, fidgeting with her hands nervously. She looked towards Anabelle as if asking for help - a look Anabelle noticed.

"Why don't you ask your daughter, Anabelle?" Camille did not help out either.

"I wanted to spend the rest of the day with my sister. Do you think it was easy for a top star like me to clear her schedule?" said Anabelle with deep pride.

She had gotten to this level of success with her endeavor and effort unlike what people said. The Spencer princess was born with a silver spoon. They whined their mouth without proof. Nor did it help matters that her father and his wife, had the industry in the palms of their hands.

But then, what could she do? How was it her fault she was born a Spencer? Her family's name might have boosted her career, but she worked hard for it. She was good at what she does and that's the reason she was highly sorted and chosen over the others.

"Top star my butt," Camille snorted a derisory reply. She then faced her, arms folded across her chest, "Hey, you unfilial daughter, until when are you planning on ending things with your management and sign into my agency?"

Her father's head whipped around to her and he asked her accusingly, "My little pumpkin, didn't you promise to sign into my own agency?"

Anabelle scratched the back of her head awkwardly, this was one of the reasons she was avoiding coming here. Honestly, Anabelle didn't want to sign into either of her parent's companies even though they were at the top of the food chain.

Getting signed into her parent's corporation would only solidify the fact her success was from her parents. She wanted to be independent and be recognized for her hard work and brand.

"My contract with them isn't over yet," was the only pathetic excuse Anabelle could come up with. She didn't know how to reject her parents.

Camille pressed, "You could breach that, we can easily afford the money,"

"That would damage my reputation and my relationship with other agencies in the future," she said.

"You don't have to worry about that as well. We'd take care of that," because the only company you'd be working with in the future is mine or your dad's, Anabelle could guess the rest of Camille's thoughts mentally.

It would save her a lot of headaches if those stupid knuckleheads called her parents would merge their companies. But of course, no, Camille was a boss of her own. A career woman.

Anabelle laughed awkwardly, unable to stand for herself, "I still don't think that's a good -"

"Also, I heard you're the highest earner for your agency. How can they take care of you well with such limited resources?" her mother was not close to giving up.

"They take care of me quite well," Anabelle was tempted to say, she could only close her mouth.

Yes, she was the only top star in her company who brings home the bacon, but that was the more reason to stay. Why enrich the purse of the already top companies while the smaller ones with potential withers away. Even if she ends the contract with her current management, Anabelle was sure she was leaving for another smaller, better company.

She would be much comfortable and with more resources at either of her parent's companies and would easily outshine the other top stars, however, Anabelle knew her labor would not be acknowledged by people. They would blame her success on her parents pulling the strings with their power.

She loved art and had chosen this line of career because she could express herself fully without coming off as awkward. Her job didn't require her to be as smart as Isabella and she loved it. It suited her.

"Fine, let's let her be until her contract is over," Eden somehow sensed his daughter was no longer comfortable with the conversation.

Camille rolled her eyes, "I know you're just saying this so you could convince her behind my back. But don't bother, the bond between a mother and daughter is stronger than any force in the world,"

Anabelle didn't know if Camille thought over her words before speaking or if she intentionally told a white lie because she didn't feel any motherly bond - not with her or even her real mother.

Don't get her wrong, Anabelle loved Camille but at the end of the day, she would always choose her father, Eden over her. If anything, Anabelle only feels a fatherly bond.

Over the years, Anabelle finally reconnected with her birth mother. However, truth be told, she was more comfortable with Camille than with her biological mother. Her mother was happily married to her second husband and she had five siblings altogether from both marriages.

Ironic, right? Annabelle had been wishing for siblings all these years when in reality, they existed somehow. And now, she had to catch up on their lost time - even though it was awkward as hell.

But it was her decision, Anabelle wants to know all of her siblings nor could she blame her birth mother for staying away all these years. The woman was only a confused teenager when she got pregnant with her. She did what she thought was best by handing her over to her father, Eden, instead of aborting her. She respected her for that.

Anabelle was roused from her thought when her phone rang and she looked down to discover it was Isabella.


Bless this shameless author with your golden ticket ????

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