Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 539 - Five Hundred And Fourty: She Doesnt Belong Here

Chapter 539 - Five Hundred And Fourty: She Doesn't Belong Here

The third point of view:

He was efficient, Maggie noticed that as he ushered her into another car. From the men standing outside, she had no doubts that he was related to the mob or something else they wouldn't have come here safely so far.

Andrew - she finally came to know his name. Although that was the only conversation they had throughout the ride - abandoned the police car and the camouflage, tossing the uniform into the car that he handed over to the men before sliding into the new Mercedes with her trailing behind. She wondered what they would do with the car?

"Where are we going?" Maggie asked instead of "where are you taking me?" she was not delusional enough to think he was going to kill her. If he wanted her dead, he wouldn't have gone through all the trouble of rescuing her.

However, as she anticipated, he didn't answer her. His gaze focused on the road as if her speech was a mere whiff that tickled his face.

But Maggie persisted, "Are you taking me to my patron?"

He lifted a brow.

"I mean, he or she, whoever that is, promised to release me if I killed...." her voice slowed to a whisper, "Fernandez,"

"You would see him," He answered.

Thank God. He was beginning to think that he was mute. And he? Her patron was a he? Who was he?

"But that will be tomorrow. We have to stop at one of the safe houses and plan...." Andrew trailed off realizing he wasn't supposed to give her too much information. At least until they knew she was not going to be a liability to them.

Maggie noticed his action and shrugged," I just want to know I'm safe, "

"Don't worry, you're safe with me. It's an order from above that I can't defile even if I want to exchange you for forty million," He intentionally held her gaze while saying that.

Maggie was supposed to be scared shit by that comment but she wasn't, he had a sardonic sense of humor. He didn't scare her.

"What do you guys do for a living? From what I've seen so far, you don't look like law-abiding citizens," Maggie took advantage of the moment, who knows when he will open up to her again?

Andrew turned to her, "Are you then a law-abiding citizen? Can you swear to me that aside from your 'case'.... " he put it mildly, "That you haven't broken the law? That you haven't stolen? Failed to pay taxes? Received or given a bribe? Malpractice? Have you?" his gaze bore into hers with blazing intensity causing to squirm on her seat uneasily.

"A-hem," Maggie cleared her throat awkwardly, "You should focus on the road. We can't escape an accident only to die in one caused by you," she tactically avoided the question.

Andrew gave her what she would interpret as a cold sneer instead of a smile. She just thought that they must be a bunch of criminals... Well, it was better she left this sensitive topic. It was a grey area anyway.

Learning from the previous conversation, Maggie didn't attempt to stir up another discussion,?choosing to enjoy the silence until they got to their destination.

It was funny how she could trust a total stranger. Someone who could easily kill and bury her in a place where no one would find her; someone who could easily sell her off into prostitution or sell her organs without anyone coming to her aid. Even so, it was better than getting her heart ripped out by the one she thought loved her. Fernandez not only broke her, but he also destroyed her. Maybe that was why she didn't care anymore, she no longer had a purpose - a motivation.

Her initial purpose and motivation had been to end Fernandez, and when she finally did, Maggie was satisfied but empty. There was just this hollow feeling in her chest, she lost her motivation to live anymore. But that was until Cecil, the woman fought for her so fiercely that she had a motive once again - win this case and thank her properly.

However, that motivation was ruined by that crash and her escape. She didn't stand trial; she ran. The motivation shattered. Now, she just flowed with the wind, lived with the moment, and see where life takes her. There was just no passion anymore.

It took them about two hours to reach their destination and it was just a small duplex in a little village. However, with the look people gave her, Maggie had a feeling she was an outlander - she didn't belong here.

"Don't mind their probing stares," Andrew told her as soon as they stepped down, "It's not every day that they get to see a new face and they have many reasons to be cautious,"

And yeah, she could relate. They were afraid she was a spy or might tattle tale them to the Law - if only they knew she was running from the law as well. How amusing.

While they walked in, Maggie found pots around the house with the legendary palmate leaf with serrated leaflets. They were growing cannabis? No wonder the villagers seemed so worried about her presence. They were cultivating marijuana and she wasn't really sure if that was legal in this jurisdiction. She bet the answer was a no. Nor would it surprise her if she stumbled upon major indoor marijuana grow operation. Her feeling was right, she was dealing with criminals.

"You should stay here for today," Andrew led her to a room that wasn't exactly lavish but decent. The bed was at the least comfortable and her body needed some sleep.

"Thank you," She said to him.

"You have your bathroom and toilet stocked with every necessary toiletries," He informed her, "There's first aid at the cabinet, your wound is not that deep so you can help yourself. You just need to wash the blood, I'll get you an ice pack and you have some painkillers. Then off to bed immediately. I want you strong and healthy tomorrow if you want to see your patron," Andrew threatened her knowing she would do the opposite of rest. He could see through her; there was a playful gleam in her eyes.

"Sir, yes, sir," Maggie saluted him, a smile tugging on her lips. He had not seen that coming.

Andrew was close to laughing but controled the twitch of his lips, this was a mission, not a date nor leisure hour with this woman. He still doesn't know why Sakuzi wanted her at the base?- this wasn't their mode of operation.

"I'll get you your food," He turned away immediately else his mask falls off.

However, she announced from behind, "Add some cannabis to my food, I want to get high,"

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