Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 532 - Five Hundred And Thirty-Three: You Must Be An Alien

Chapter 532 - Five Hundred And Thirty-Three: You Must Be An Alien

The third point of view:

Sweat trickling down their faces.

Body positioned and taut.

Eyes focused on targets.

Hands curled around the trigger, ready to fire.

That was how tense everyone was as Niklaus and George had a face-off. All of them present knew only one possible way this situation could turn out and that was "disastrous" yet none of them backed away. This was what they were employed for, was paid for. They are warriors in the face of battle.

"Where is my grandson?" George asked once again, his voice almost a growl, and spoke of ferocity. He was at the edge of losing.

One couldn't imagine how happy the man was when he got information that his grandkid's location had been discovered. But that jubilation was short-lived when he heard Niklaus had taken the boy hostage.

He would have arrived that night but had spent it gathering his forces knowing he had time - Niklaus wouldn't hurt Julie, he wouldn't dare to. However, since Niklaus wanted a war, he brought one to his doorstep.

"Why?" Niklaus sneered at him, "Are you going to have them fire those guns at me if I don't tell you?"

"Don't test my patience!" George warned him.

"Alright, stop it both of you!" Someone emerged from behind and Niklaus wasn't surprised to see his wife Reina, striding over to them with fury.

"Stop it this instant!" She boomed, her eyes shooting molten fire as she got in between the both of them.

"What do you think you're doing?" Reina whipped towards her husband, glaring at him.

"I - I" Niklaus was suddenly out of words to say, especially when facing this rare, furious side of Reina. She looked like a goddess of war with her arms akimbo and her eyes narrowed in tension. All that was missing was for Reina to wear her personalized armor, indestructible bracelets, projectile tiara, sword, shield, and the lasso of truth, then her Wonder Woman look would be completed - thankfully for him, she couldn't read his thoughts.

"Your job is to welcome our guest and make him feel comfortable, yet here you are, starting a war with one. Is that it?"

"No, I didn't mean it that way," Niklaus said, dropping his gaze like a kid who was caught doing bad.

"Now, put down your guns,"


Even Niklaus was shaken by that order, not to talk of his men who were hesitant, and looked between both couples, wondering whom to obey without getting their heads cut off. Even George watched the scene amused, it seems that Niklaus wasn't as strong as they thought when it came to his wife.

"Do as your Madam says," Niklaus ordered his men when he sensed their reluctance.

And just like that, they brought down their guns even though their opponents still had their's pointed at them - which was dangerous. Niklaus knew they would be all dead if George issued an order.

Satisfied with their cooperation, Reina turned around to face George who was somehow stunned by the fire in her eyes. She was a warrior woman.

"And you, sir George, with all due respect!" Reina spat bitterly, "I gave your grandson a roof over his head, food to rid his hunger, and a soft bed to rest his tired body and this is how you repay me? By bringing war to my home?"

George tried to speak, to defend himself, but Reina didn't let him say a word.

"Even the heavens can testify that I did your son no harm but yet, here you are, pointing a gun at my husband's head? To make me a widow? Is that your repayment for my favor?" She pressed a hand to her chest.

"N-no, Reina, is not that,"

"Then what is it? You're my father's mentor and a family friend as well, yet you mean me evil?" Reina sounded sincerely hurt.

George swallowed, short of words. What he had been told was that his son, Julie, had been captured by Niklaus and had not even anticipated this - not one bit. He had hurried over here with that anger and apprehension, however, here he was, hearing the opposite.

George sighed, "I'm sorry for the commotion and inconveniences I might have caused your family," He apologized, then turned to his army, and even without saying it, every one of them lowered their weapons.

At the side, Niklaus had a smile on his face, he was so fucking proud of his wife. Perhaps, he would show his appreciation in bed tonight. Hehe.

"Alright," Reina clapped her hands, "Since we are all good here, then I'm inviting you inside," she winked at George, "I made a feast for us to dine and discuss diplomatically,"

And for a moment there George forgot the reason he was there in the first place as Reina charmed him with her warm smile, looping her arm his own as she led him inside the house while Niklaus sulked at the corner.

Why was his wife suddenly giving all of her attention to the old man, completely ignoring him, her husband? Was she now into older people? Maybe he should grow out his beards more. Niklaus massaged his jaw thinking of ways to achieve an older appearance.


Anabelle leaned back against the wall with a deep sigh of relief, "That was a close one,"

"Tsk tsk," Someone made a sound of disapproval by her side, "No fun at all. Mother made her appearance too early," Isabella was disappointed.

Anabelle gave her the look as if she was an alien, "Are you for real? They would have hurt each other down there. Those are guns with bullets and bodies would have piled up,"

"Nobody would have died, just one of the fools throwing a punch at another and losing a few teeth. George is not stupid, his grandson is at Nicklaus' mercy, why would he risk that by firing first?" Isabella laid it all out for her and Anabelle's jaw almost dropped to the ground.

Almost immediately, Anabelle went over to Isabella and began to pull at her face.

"You! What are you doing?!"

"You must be an alien!" Anabelle stated, pulling her face as if she wanted to drag off her human mask or something.

"What?!" Isabella couldn't believe her ears. With a bit more strength, she successfully pushed away Anabelle who had clung on too tight.

"Are you crazy," Isabella rubbed her abused cheeks.

"Or you are not," Anabelle thought hard after the alien mask refused to fall off Isabella's face. Her eyes brightened with an idea, "Perhaps, you're a superhuman and your power is your brain which explains why you're so smart!"

Unable to take it anymore, Isabella lashed out at her, "Instead of thinking nonsense, why don't you pray that the meeting goes well else you'd become the chief bridesmaids at your boyfriend's wedding!!"

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