Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 529 - Five Hundred And Twenty-Nine: Power Hungry Wolf

Chapter 529 - Five Hundred And Twenty-Nine: Power Hungry Wolf

The third point of view:

Aristotle argued that morality is something we learn. And that we are born as 'amoral' creatures. Our nature is inherently good. We are born with an ability to distinguish right from wrong. But we are not exempt from acting violently or selfishly. The good and bad debate is endless. We are not either good or bad, but both.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote that the mind is a constant battle?—?even if we don't notice it. Two wolves are fighting inside our minds to see which will take over. One is full of anger, greed, resentment, and doubt. The other wolf is full of joy, compassion, kindness, and clarity.

Which wolf will win? Probably the one you feed the most.

Those were the thoughts in Cecil's mind as she found her way back to Emerald.

"How did it go?" He asked the soonest she climbed in, hitting the gas.

"Intriguing but a waste. My mood plummeted," Cecil complained grudgingly. The thought that Pedro still had to deal with Fernandez's family irritated him greatly.

Can't she have some peace for once? But Cecil knew the answer was no. She has dabbled with the Underworld mafia and pissed off her high profile mother-in-law as well, she has to deal with the consequences that come with it.

"What about her?"

She frowned, "What about who?"

"Fernandez's wife. What do you think about her? Is she to be trusted?" He asked, subtly glancing at the side mirror without her noticing.

"She's a wounded sheep," Cecil said to him.

"Alright," Emerald nodded his head in understanding but Cecil wasn't through.

"Who might turn into a ferocious power-hunger wolf, " She finalized, "Rita is like a balance scale and I don't know what direction she's going to tip when a load presses down on her. At the moment, I'll say it's best to stay away from her,"

"Okay," He said.

Cecil turned to him, "Why do you ask by the way? Are you trying to blacklist her as well?"

"No, because we're being followed," Emerald announced with a calm demeanor.

"What?!" Cecil shouted and turned around only to see a black SUV slowly trailing them. She wanted to panic but seeing how calm Emerald was, she knew at once he got everything covered.

"You think she's responsible for this? What about your own enemies?" Cecil didn't want to believe it.

Emerald chortled but it sounded more like a mocking sneer, "My enemies wouldn't be so obvious in trailing me, they know better. Whoever organized this is a beginner and probably underestimated me,"

Well, he got everything covered, that was Cecil's consolation. Yes, she doesn't have to worry about dying, Emerald would protect her. Although it doesn't sound terrible dying alongside her husband... Just shut it!

"So you think Rita send these people to murder me? She doesn't seem that capable. Yet," Cecil expressed her doubt.

"I think Lucinda might have used her to draw you out without her knowing or she knows and let Lucinda intentionally use her," Was his theory.

"So what do we do now?"Cecil hoped for a positive answer.

Emerald grinned at her, "We give them the show of their life. By the way, love, how many action movies have you watched lately?"

"Eh?" She was surprised by Emerald's strange question, "I've watched enough, why do you ask?" Cecil didn't like the sound of that.

"Don't know but I feel we're going to perform a bit of practice," Emerald said, eyes intent on the road as his hands tightened around the wheel.

He slowed down, staring out through the rearview mirror to discover they'd been blocked from all corners. They've driven into a long and secluded highway. They've been following them, searching for a perfect spot to strike them - which is here.

Suddenly, Emerald shot backward, and the car closely behind them swerved to the side to avoid slamming into their rear.

Emerald snorted derisively, "Amateurs. They're scared,"

But Cecil had a different view on that, "Amateur or not, we're overpowered," She was not finding it funny, "It's you against them," She gestured, "Many of them,"

His brows arched up, "Who said it's just me?"

"Huh? Do you have any secret reinforcements somewhere around here?" Cecil was hopeful.

That should make sense, hence the reason he was so relaxed? Knowing Emerald, he must have premeditated all of this.

However, when Cecil saw that playful glint in his eyes, she knew otherwise. He did not have any reinforcement at all. She was his reinforcement.

"No, no, no," she shook her head stubbornly.

"Cecil babe," He tried to entice her but Cecil didn't want to listen until he announced, "They're getting ready to fire at us,"

Her attention was garnered.

"What do you want me to do?" Cecil didn't know where the confidence came from but she guessed it was survival instincts.

"Spin the car at a continuous three-sixty degree while I do the rest," He announced, already shifting from the driver seat for her to take over just as numerous gun safety clicks.

"What?!" Cecil was still saying when Emerald grabbed her tiny waist and seated her on the driver seat with quick reflexes. How was that even possible?

Sincerely, Cecil couldn't tell what happened next but all she knew was as soon as her hands touched the wheels, she spun the car. The men began to fire.

All the skills she had watched in action movies came back to her and she ducked down under the steering wheel while spinning as a hail of bullets rained on them.

At the same time, Emerald smoothly drew the guns hidden on the roof in a very organic motion and kicked the door open. Bending across the seat, he fired at everyone with both hands.

Groans of pain filled the air as their opponents fell one after the other as Cecil spun around while Emerald shot without missing. Both of them working in coordination like the wheels of a bicycle.

It wasn't until Emerald jumped out of the moving car did Cecil stop, feeling dizzy. What the hell just happened?

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