Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 526 - Five Hundred And Twenty-Six: Emerald Is A White-Swan -2

Chapter 526 - Five Hundred And Twenty-Six: Emerald Is A White-Swan -2

The third point of view:

"By the way, why do you ask?"

"Nothing," Emerald answered, quickly. His wife was worth more than his reputation. Moreover, if anyone dared to make fun of him, he would simply punch out their teeth, problem solved - his men knew better than to get on his nerves.

"Let's begin," He couldn't wait for this to be over.

"No, one more accessory," Cecil said and began to search through the drawers before coming up with a swan masquerade headband. The sassy fascinator was made with a mesh net and hard solid feathers. Most of all, it was feminine.

God, no, Emerald wanted the ground to open up and swallow him. Yet, no matter how much he cringed, he still stood at attention as Cecil got on her tiptoes, brushed his bang aside, and placed the headband on his hair.

"Yes, done," She smiled at him, the warmth radiating like the morning sun that he forgot his worries - for that moment.

"Alright, get in position,"?Cecil said, assembling her camera as Emerald posed awkwardly behind the modern 3D mural art on the wall.

"You look stiff," Cecil told him, "Relax those muscles, Emerald love. No one's going to eat you, at least no yet," she alluded to sex and that seemed to work. The huge man loosened up.

"Alright, I need confidence," Cecil?focused her camera, ready to take a shot, "In one... two... three...."

There was a flash.

Cecil looked at the shot she took, it was okay but Emerald looked like some Titan ready to vaporize his opponent with his intense gaze. He was not smiling at all.

"Emerald love, could you smile at me. Your unsmiling confidence is overwhelming," she complained.

And of course, Emerald did smile. But then, it came out as a cold sneer instead.

Cecil facepalmed, she had to teach how to smile at a photographer as well?

With a sigh, She went over to the giant who still hadn't moved from that position - he didn't want to spoil her shoot. Cecil got on tiptoes and stretched his lips with both hands to form a smile.

"Fine, the second shot comes in one... two... three,"

The camera flashed. Cecil looked down at the picture. It was horrible. The smile was unnatural.

Camille put her camera down, "What are you doing?" she asked, face-palming a second time.

"Smiling?" Emerald said awkwardly, his lips set in that smile Cecil forced his mouth into.

"Exactly," Cecil told him, "I stretched your lips to give you a hint of what I want but you're so dense....." she trailed off as soon as his expression sank.

Cecil sighed, this wasn't his fault anyway. Emerald was only doing it because of her and had even offered to model willingly. This was someone who was used to violence and death, smiling must be hard for him.

But Cecil couldn't stop the photoshoot either, all of his efforts would be in vain - he even applied makeup for her. What was she going to do? She didn't want to seem like an ungrateful woman.

An idea struck her. Cecil asked him, "Babe, how would you feel the day I give birth?"

His expression lit up.

Cecil took a snap. She glanced down, the photo was good. The idea seems to be a good one.

Emerald's eyes narrowed at her action.

"Keep on talking," Was the only word Cecil said to him.

Emerald obeyed nonetheless, "Honestly," He said to her, "I don't know. I've never had my own child,"

"Then imagine it," Cecil reminded him, "You said you want a son, right? Then conjure him. Assume he's right there in your arms,"

Emerald's gaze flickered down to the invisible child in his arm and though it didn't work at first, he began to see it.?He imagined a little babe with black curls, the boy would have his hair with his mother's sensuous lips and eyes. A feeling of joy filled Emerald at the thought and a smile curled his mouth unconsciously.

Cecil captured it.

"I would be very happy," Emerald said more to himself. His heart began to pound and the once shy man began to talk excitedly, "I would be so delighted to have him in my arms and can't wait for his first front teeth or when he calls me daddy. My God, I'm going to ensure he has the best in life and I'll give him the best of my love. I'll drive him to school every morning and be sure to be there when he returns..... '' Emerald gushed out animatedly and by the time he was through, Cecil had taken enough shots.

"Spectacular," Cecil was elated at the pictures she took. There was one where Emerald looked happy with anticipation - anticipation for their baby.

Her hand unconsciously rubbed her belly. This baby of theirs was definitely going to be loved. She flipped through the other pictures and grinned lewdly as she ogled her husband's six-packs. Shit, if she had known him sooner, he would have pushed him into the modeling industry. Maybe it wasn't that late. Cecil began to make plans in her head of what she would do once the baby was done.

The picture was a mix of nobility like the white swan with masculinity and confidence. All the women were going to suffer from nosebleeds, her husband was too hot. God, look at those strong arms and rippling muscles…

"What are you staring at?" a deep voice resonated in her ears and Cecil almost dropped her camera.

"Seriously!" She hit him on the arm, "You scared the hell out of me," because you were staring at his six-packs. Shut up!

"Are they good?" Emerald asked since she was the professional, "Or do you want me to pose for another,"

Cecil was just about to reply that he shouldn't worry when she bit back her words. Why stop when she could have many other tantalizing pictures she could ogle, no, look at privately. Maybe she should draw him nude this time.

Shut up! Cecil cautioned her inner devil. Why was she thinking like a sex-deprived woman?

With a deep breath, Cecil was just about to implement her evil plan when her phone rang suddenly. It was an unknown number. She picked up the phone anyway.

"Hello, who is it?"

"Hi, I'm sorry for calling like this but I'm Fernandez's wife. Can we meet?"

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