Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 512 - Five Hundred And Twelve: Intruder Alert

Chapter 512 - Five Hundred And Twelve: Intruder Alert

The third point of view:

Niklaus was not surprised when his phone rang and he glanced at the caller ID to discover it was no other than Eden. His skills must be getting rustic if he only just discovered he had the kids. He paused in the hallway and answered the call - he had been on his way to his room.

"Hello, Eden?"

"You didn't tell me you took the kids. At least that would have saved me the trouble of dealing with the police and their unending curiosity," Eden complained, vexed.

"What were you expecting when you tricked the police into finding your kid? Moreover, I didn't tell you because it's fulfilling to see you suffer a bit. It's been a while we fought, my blood lust keeps growing," Niklaus teased him.

Eden sneered, "If you want a fight, go find your father in law, he's a mafia and capable enough to entertain you," He changed the topic swiftly, "When do I get my daughter?"

"You can come to take her early in the morning, only if she agrees to go with you. But for Julie?" There was a sudden chillness in his tone, "You can inform George that I'm doing the kidnapping this time. His grandson would not leave my house until he cancels whatever fucking engagement he tricked my daughter into," Niklaus made it clear to him.

Niklaus hadn't put much attention into the engagement of a thing because he believed the whole thing was fake and that the sly man had only been trying to scare his daughter Isabella until recently.

Eden had called him on the phone and blurted out some nonsense about Isabella remaining as Julie's fiancée for two years or something - he hadn't put much of his attention to the rest of his words.

But Niklaus decided that absurdity had to end. Isabella was his precious daughter, no one used nor bullied her and went scot-free. This was why he had taken the kids before their parents reached them. Now, the boy was his hostage and until George agreed to his terms, Julie would live with them, albeit with limited freedom - not that he knows yet.

"You shouldn't go there," Eden advised him, "You're trying to trigger a war that would lead you both nowhere. George is Sakuzi's teacher while you're his son-in-law. Knowing Sakuzi would choose you, why are you still intent on driving a wedge between mentor and mentee?"

Niklaus answered him saying, "Isabella has gone through a lot of hardships, and as her father, it is my responsibility to protect her from harm. Have a nice night, Eden. You can see your daughter tomorrow,"

"W-wait -"

He ended the call before Eden had the chance to finish what he had to say.

With a sigh, Niklaus finally went into his bedroom and wasn't surprised to find his wife asleep or so he thought. He had just taken off his shirt when he sensed someone's gaze and turned around to see her propped up on her arms.

"You're back?" Reina stated.

"Yes," Niklaus smiled at her, the stress on his face vanishing instantly, "Why are you still awake?"

"I tried to sleep but the bed is lonely without my husband here to warm it," She said coquettishly.

"Well, I'm here now and I can do a lot more than warm the bed," He dived right into the mattress and swept her into his arms as she giggled in delight.

"Stop It, Niklaus, that tickles," Reina laughed uncontrollably as Niklaus rubbed his hands down her lungs.

The couples played around for a while before they decided to go to bed -without doing the "do".?You get the point? It was almost one in the morning, Niklaus was not too inconsiderate to stress his wife out - he's not a beast.

But then, they didn't sleep for long before they heard a blood-curdling scream that roused them from their sleep.

Their eyes popped open in unison as if they were cued or put on autopilot. Niklaus instantly reached for his gun under the pillow while Reina reached under the bed for her gun, none of the couples surprised by their actions.

After the attack from Miguel, in which he surrounded and made them defenseless. Niklaus and Reina decided it was better they had their weapons close to them. That way they would be able to react faster and as well, be able to defend themselves - and others.

"Tell me you heard that too," Niklaus asked his wife as he cocked his gun, holding it securely in his hands as they headed out of the room carefully.

"Yes, I did. It sounds awfully familiar and it came from downstairs," Reina observed.

"Or to be precise, from the first floor," Niklaus suggested, holding her gaze.

"Shit," Reina cursed, "The kids,"

In the meantime….

Julie had been quite careful when he made it outside the room. Back at his place, he had people who patrolled the house and they did so in shifts and intervals. He didn't know the intervals at which the guards patrolled this arena but since there was no one at the moment, he was sure as hell they would return soon.

So he hastened his footsteps. Julie knew Isabella's room, he had watched her walk in and Anabelle was sharing the room with her for tonight. It was at the far end of the hall but the tricky part was passing through the corner without being discovered. But thankfully, the hallway was dim, he could work it to his advantage.

So he looked left and right before proceeding. He kept his ears to the ground, trying to make out the guards or servants talking but none was heard. Julie choosed to press himself closer to the wall since the cameras might capture him if he came out too much in the open.

Although Julie hasn't studied the position of the cameras or if the control room was doing their surveillance job without slipping but he felt more secure that way. He continued to sneak forward and had reached the corner, intending to take a long peek before crossing to the other end in high speed when he felt something tickle his arm.

Julie jumped out of his skin and had not intended to scream. However, when the thing that tickled him released a high, piercing cry, he found himself shouting as well, paralyzed to the ground.

Almost immediately, the hallway was showered in red blinking red as a robotic voice began to sound,

"Intruder alert! Intruder alert!"

"Oh shit! What had he done?" Julie cursed out loud. He was dead meat.

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