Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 497 - Four Hundred And Ninety-seven: Playtimes Over

Chapter 497 - Four Hundred And Ninety-seven: Playtime's Over

The third point of view:

"Do you think this little protest of us would change our parent's minds?" Anabelle asked, leaning against Julie's chest. They were in the living room watching an old movie they found in Maya's drawer by chance.

"Little?" Isabella's brows raised, seemingly offended by the use of that word.

Anabelle shrugged, "I'm just saying that is us teenagers against our grown parents. We're runaways and they could easily dismiss this act as a little tantrum and God knows we can't stay here for too long. We have a life out there, not in hiding,"

"Well, point of correction, you two..." she pointed to her cousin and her boyfriend, "Are the runaways, we are just your accomplices," Isabella clarified.

Just like Anabelle, she was cuddling with Pedro on the sofa. Unlike earlier, he had recovered from the blue ball attack however he still couldn't get his mind out of the gutter with her this close to him.

Isabella was his air and he couldn't breathe without her. He wondered how he could love someone like that?- without holding back. It was crazy and definitely the best feeling in the world.

"Moreover," Isabella told her, "You should have more faith in yourself, Anabelle. Your father loves you like hell and if I'm right, he's probably on a meeting with your boyfriend's crafty's grandfather, for ways to bring us home,"

"My grandfather is not crafty," Julie defended him without thinking. No matter what the old man did, he still loved him.

"Really? Are you talking about the man who tricked me into being engaged to his son?" Isabella challenged him.

"He did what he thought was right and let's be frank, it was punishment for trying to hurt me, "Julie reminded her.

"Of course" Isabella snorted, "An engagement for trying to hurt his beloved son? I don't understand such humor,"

"Can we change the topic?" Pedro was upset by the conversation. It was obvious that he was still offended by that "imperial rule" decreeing his girlfriend's as a fiancée to another. It was a miracle he was tagging along when it was obvious he might get hurt in this game.

"Sure," Anabelle readily agreed and didn't get to see the secret gesture between Isabella and her boyfriend.

"No," Julie shook his head, "We should go check the whole building out," He grabbed Annabelle's hand, intending to pull her up.

The house was a three-story building that had seen better days. Niklaus had bought the whole of it, emptied its occupants, and yet did nothing with it. Not even to renovate the house and put it on the market. He just left it like that.

"But I haven't finished watching the movie yet," Anabelle complained.

"Don't worry, I'll watch the movie from the top with you once we're back," Julie promised, already getting her on her feet.

"Fine," She grumbled, "I pray this journey is worth leaving my movie for," Anabelle let him pull her up.

Julie turned to the other couples - Isabella to be specific - saying, "We are going to get some air and would be back in a jiffy," He emphasized on "jiffy" as if trying to warn Isabella to be quick with whatever crazy game she wanted to catch with Pedro. He couldn't wait to be out of here.

However, Anabelle was ignorant to catch the hints being thrown around. Instead, she asked her cousin, "Why don't you come with us?"

Isabella answered immediately, "You'd bore me to death, so get your ass out of here," without even sparing her a look.

"Fine, I'll be back soon. Don't miss me too much," Anabelle grinned sheepishly, hooking her arms around Julie's own as she began to drag him away, already excited to be outside. Without knowing Isabella was not going to miss her one bit because she had better fun to catch.

Once they were alone, Isabella and Pedro didn't say a word to each other, the both of them pretending to be immersed in the movie.

However, all of that changed when the characters on the television played a kissing scene and the air around them shifted. One could say the environment intensified, almost as if someone turned on the heater on a clear summer day.

Pedro's breath changed as he shifted uncomfortably, a tightening sensation in his groin, fighting against a groan from leaving his throat. Isabella smirked, knowing what he was thinking.

She glanced up at him, "Playtime's over,"

And Isabella moved off him and bent down such that she could trace the budge in his trouser with her teeth.

"And you're hard rock," there was a dark promise to her tone, "I'm going to ride your brain out," Isabella spoke dirty to him, her eyes dark with desire.

She leaned down and bite down on his erection stretching against the fabric, Pedro cursed and clenched his fist. His girlfriend was a vixen. A truly evil demoness. Isabella would be the death of him.

Isabella then pulled him so he sat up front instead of his previous lying position and in a swift move got on top of him so that she was straddling Pedro.

"This is going to be fun," Isabella whispered into his ears just as she grabbed his hips a little harder and pushed herself, even more, closer to his chest, grounding against him in the process.

Pedro moaned, she loved the sound of it. His hands went around to grab her backside, rubbing her against his member through his pants to ease himself of the discomfort she put him in.

With her breast pressed against his chest, and his strong arms making her dry hump against him, Isabella's blood roared and her heartbeat accelerated. She could make out the euphoric look on Pedro's face like someone high on drugs while she moved against him. It made her feel powerful.

Still moving, Isabella trailed kisses over his neck, gasping when she felt her orgasm around the corner. Suddenly, she ruptured, her body quivering with pleasure as she buried her face in his neck.

"That was…" Pedro fought to catch his breath, "Great?"

"Yeah," Isabella concurred, her voice breathy, "But that was just the beginning,"

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