Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 203 - Two Hundred And Three: Put A Bullet In His Head

Chapter 203 - Two Hundred And Three: Put A Bullet In His Head

The third point of view

Emily looked up, watching Adam walk over to her with his signature indifferent look. Unable to take it anymore, She decided to meet him halfway.

"Father, why did you- "


The impact of the slap whipped Emily's face to the side and she stood unmoving, her hands reaching out to rest on the assaulted side of her cheek.

Tears slipped down Emily's cheek, this was the first time - the first time her papa ever laid a finger on her.

It took a minute for her to fully comprehend what just happened, he slapped her?

"W-why?" The question slipped out of her mouth before she could take it back.

"I'm so disappointed in you," Adam shook his head with sheer disappointment.

He had not said anything about her moving out of his house since she wanted that but who knew that his previous daughter would end up rolling in bed with that commoner. Also, an ex-shadow guard at that? How lowly could she get?

"I-It was my choice" Emily choked on her tears," I was the one who wanted him so don't take it out on Judy. He did nothing wrong, father" she pleaded on Judy's behalf with trembling lips.

"Stop it, Emily!" Judy yelled at her, the scene was hurting him too much. His heart was aching so much he thought he would die from the pain.

Since the time he worked for the Spencer's, this was the first time he had seen Emily kneel not to talk of pleading for someone this helplessly.

Though she wasn't as proud as a peacock, the girl naturally had an air of superiority around her which made her look like a rare exotic flower that can be viewed but not touched.

But because of him, this rare flower was not only kneeling but pleading for his life. He'd rather die watching her stand with her head held high than stay in this pathetic situation.

"Stand up now!" Judy roared but she didn't listen.

Emily rubbed her palms together, interceding against Judy's wishes," If you have any problem, it should be with me. Father, let him go, please, I'm begging you,"

That scene infuriated Judy so much that he got to his feet but he was knocked down before he could get to her.

"Judy!" Emily screamed, running to him and hugged him protectively, shielding him with her body as she glared daggers at those men in suits.

"Don't you dare touch him!" She roared a warning like a mother Hen protecting her chick.

"Take him," Adam issued the command to his men, turned his back on his daughter, and entered his Maybach.

"Drive," Adam ordered.

"Father!" Emily screamed after the car that sped off leaving a trail of dust in its wake.

"No, no, don't you dare!" She ranted at the men approaching both of them. Her father must have ordered them to take Judy away. No, she would not let that happen!

One of them approached them amid her threat and she struck the son of a bastard in his stomach with her knee.

Anger blinded her to the extent she was seeing red. At that time, Emily was so bloodthirsty she didn't care if she killed one of them. All that was in her mind was to keep Judy from harm, nothing must happen to him!

But then, the girl wasn't as strong as Maya because when she went for another strike at the next opponent, her move was anticipated and intercepted.

Emily struggled to set herself free but she couldn't and within her watchful eyes, an injection was pierced into her neck.

"No!" Judy shouted and stood to his feet before anyone could stop him. He ran to them but another person shoved him to the ground with all his weight and he was incapacitated.

With his head pressed to the ground, Judy was administered the same drug that was injected into Emily, and the last thing he saw before he lost consciousness was her limb form being carried away.

When Emily awoke, it was already evening and she was back in her room at her father's mansion, she observed. At first, it seemed like a dream but when she recollected her memories, Emily tossed away the sheets, sprinted down the stairs and to her father's office with record-breaking speed.

"Where is he?!"? She demanded as soon as she flung the door to her father's office open.

But Emily stopped short when she saw Judy kneeling in the middle of the room while one of her father's men had a gun pointed at his head while her father watched.

Her heart literally leaped out of her chest, she approached her father cautiously, "What are you doing?"

But her father's response was to fling a bunch of photos at her. Of course, it was nothing but photos of her casual flings the past months.

What was she expecting? The man had been keeping tabs on her, she should have known that.

"You asked for freedom and I gave you one and this is how you use it?!" Adam's temper got the best of him.

Emily laughed bitterly," I admit that was not the best of a lifestyle but I chose them because I wanted to know what it felt like, I wanted to taste that kind of freedom you took away from me," she retorted!

"This life of luxury you despise so much, there are millions of people out there who would give anything just to experience it once!" Adam said.

"I only wanted more freedom!"

"Is this how you thank me for raising you all these years?!" He banged his hand hard on the desk.

"I'm thankful for all you've done for me all these years, father but this time, you've got to let me live my life" Emily begged him.

Adam released mocking laughter,

"Live your life with who? Him? Do you even know what he did for a living?"

"Father, Judy was once Niklaus' personal assistant and I know you

dislike lower class people but Judy has a big vision and in a few years he'd -"

"He told you he was your brother's

Personal assistant," Adam was amused further," In case you don't know Emily, your sweetheart here was a shadow guard," he pointed.

"I don't understand," Emily was puzzled.

"I'm sure you've noticed the strange traditions in our family but the truth is that we're a private security company with the license to manufacture, possess and transfer firearms, parts, and components and you should know the risk that comes with such business. And this fella here…"

He gestured to Judy and continued," Belongs to a department of guards whose responsibility is to die in our place in a dire situation and to do and cover up our dirty works"

Emily was stunned, "Is that true?"

Judy's eyes met hers, "Your father is right," he admitted, taking his eyes off her with his head lowered.

"Still, that doesn't make him any lesser than a human. He did that to survive and we were the ones who encumbered him with such illicit tasks," Emily defended Judy which made tears threaten to spill down his face.

This was the first time someone had not judged his kind of work but rather stood for him sincerely. His heart felt so light and fulfilled.

"What charm has this boy used over you?" Adam was flabbergasted. This Emily he was seeing was not his once obedient daughter.

"Father, it's not a charm. I love him and he loves me too- we love each other. And I believe you'd understand what I'm feeling since you once had this wonderful experience with mom before she left us," Emily tried to persuade him.

Adam's eyes flashed, "How dare you compare what I had with your mother with this childish, outrageous infatuation of yours!"

" Father-"

"Get prepared, you're getting married to Ahmed. Your days of frolicking is over," He announced.

"What?" Emily felt as if a second slap was landed on her cheeks

"You can't be serious! I'm not getting married - "

She was still saying when her father himself focused a gun on Judy's temple from that distance.

"W-what are you doing, father?" She gulped, fear evident in her eyes.

"You would marry governor Ahmed or I will put a bullet in his head" his tone was firm.

"No, you don't mean it, father!" She refused to believe that her father would murder the man she loves.

"I mean every word," Adam said, cocking his gun.

"Please don't do this father,"

"You have until five counts to make your decision....one.."

"Emily, don't do it. You deserve your freedom" Judy said.

"Shut up you bastard!" She howled at him out of frustration.

"Two ….three "

"Father, we can settle this "

"Four …."

"Emily, don't do it"


"Fine, I'll marry him!" She shouted before her father could pull the trigger.

"I'll marry him, just leave Judy out of this, okay" Emily finally buckled under pressure.

"Take him out," Adam motioned his men with his gun.

"Wait, where are you taking him, I already promised to marry Ahmed" Emily panicked.

"I'm sending him abroad where he won't be a nuisance to your marriage" Adam responded with no ounce of emotion.

Emily at once ran to Judy and kissed him hard and long before they were finally separated.

"I'm going to come back for you, promise me that you'd hold on and wait for me!" He shouted after her as he was being led away.

"I will!" Emily promised him, crying more bitterly than she had earlier.

A bag was placed over Judy's head before he was dumped into a car amid his vigorous struggle with his hands bound backward.

They drove for hours until they reached their destination and Judy was dragged to God knows where and was forced to his knees before the bag was pulled off his head.

His blurry sight finally adjusted to his environment, it was night and he was currently in a shipping port.

"You're going to kill me, aren't you?" He laughed bitterly.

"I'm sorry pal, but we got to follow orders," One of the men apologized and focused his gun to fire.

But gunshots from nowhere rained down on all five of them when he closed his eyes, awaiting his death while muttering an apology to Emily- he wouldn't be able to come back for her.

"Who are you?" Judy asked, scared when several men in dark dark articles of clothing emerged out of nowhere.

"We are sorry for coming late my prince" One of the men who moved to untie his hands said.

"What?!" Judy was confused, what the hell was going on?

"All enemies have been vanquished, it's safe to return home now, my prince"

Someone should pinch him.

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