Tales of the Legendary Magus

Chapter 24: Enchanting Class

Chapter 24: Enchanting Class

When thinking about enchanting Villin felt complicated. He knew for certain that the hidden message within the book wasn't something most were supposed to know about, he actually managed to translate a bit of it.

At first, he thought each letter just had a feeling or intent attached to them in the same way enchantments do but after a bit, he realized that wasn't the case.

Instead, it would be more accurate to say that every letter had an image attached. It took a lot of effort to try and sense each image so he had only gotten a few words worth thus far.

The first image, for example, seemed to be some sort of lab but it was impossible to see everything clearly, meanwhile there was a clear intent within the image that corresponded to a letter.

Each image seemed to have such a thing and so he had managed to decode a few words.

'Gene Solutions: Secret Manual'

This came as quite the shock. Gene Solutions were one of the specialties in the western continent similar to enchanting and magic arrays on the central continent in value.

Anything to do with Gene Therapy was highly illegal on this continent and simply owning a book explaining the matter could be cause for your imprisonment.

For now, he decided to just wait. There was probably going to be a foreword which should clear things up a bit, once he translated that, things would naturally become clearer.

When Villin entered a class only a few people had already arrived. These were Kayley and a boy that looked like he was also in class B. The enchanting didn't have separate seats and tables for everyone. There were two chairs a table.

After thinking for a bit Villin simply went ahead and sat next to Kayley. Seeing him do so, she raised one of her eyebrows. They hadn't really talked before even though they were considered the aces of their class.

"Remember Pompei gave me the spell blueprint. Since you're the second-best one in our class, it would only be right if you also learned it, no?"

Kayley squinted as she stared at him "What's the catch?"

Villin simply smiled as he stared back at her. He already knew she wasn't stupid and he wouldn't insult her intelligence by playing dumb.

"I'm assuming you're a noble without a bloodline, this should give you a bit of leeway in the school. I want a book on wand-making. I only need it for a day and then I can return it."

He wanted the book to see if a certain something was possible. The problem was that there was no way for him to get such a book. After all, wand-making was a third-year elective class. There were no books about it in the first-grade library whatsoever.

She kept looking at him as she thought about the matter. She had no idea what spell he had gotten but since it is something given by a professor it might not be easy to buy. On the other hand, the spell could also be incredibly basic and only worth a few dozen magic crystals.

"Okay then, I'll make the trade but in return, you must enchant a single item of mine free of charge when I ask for it. Within this year of course."

Villin simply nodded as he opened up his book. It was a bit of an odd request since she also took the enchanting elective class but it didn't really matter. He started reading the regular text in the enchanting book, ignoring the hidden manual within it.

After a few more minutes passed the rest of the class entered alongside the teacher. Villin felt it was a bit odd that the gold-robed teacher came to class together with the students and even talking with them as if they were friends, but he opted to ignore it.

The teacher really wasn't anything special, the teaching was decent but not better than anything he had gotten thus far. And even though Villin showed his skill in the subject the teacher seemed to ignore him most of the time and didn't give any sort of reward. Instead, Pierson who was relatively skilled in the subject got a whole hundred magic crystal in the course of the class.

This did make Villin somewhat pissed off. But he once again didn't act on it, what he did notice was that Pierson seemed nervous whenever they crossed gazes. Villin was unable to really understand the expression. They were really close in Cut and Crease so it shouldn't have to do with that but other than that he had no idea what would cause Pierson to look so nervously when facing him.

For the entire second half of class, Villin practiced Reverto, that being said he never finished the spell entirely, only trying to increase the speed of connecting eight nodes at a time, never truly casting it.

Once the class was over he was about to leave when he heard an angry voice.

"Why do you ignore those of class B, do you think you can act this way and get away with it? I will report this behavior to the school's authorities!" Kayley stood before the teacher furiously somewhat surprising Villin.

He didn't think she was that prideful but then again thus far he hadn't seen her in a situation where she was unfairly judged. If he paid a bit more attention to his surroundings during the class he would've noticed that after himself the other poor class B student was the best. Then came Pierson and fourth was herself.

"Oh? Threatening a teacher? That'll be fifty magic crystals and a day in the room of horrors." The teacher simply smirked and a moment later both of them were gone. Villin simply shook his head and sighed. She truly should've known that challenging a teacher who is prejudiced against you really isn't the best idea.

Villin simply went to his room with a bit of a foul mood. He noticed that on the way to the dormitories Pierson seemed like he wanted to walk up and say something to him a couple of times but he remained undecisive and didn't end up speaking to him. As for Villin, he wouldn't take the effort to ask a foul-tempered student why he wanted to speak to him, he didn't feel like being insulted is all.

Back in his room he wasn't in the right mindset to properly practice his spells and so he decided to work on his wandless magic, trying to further his control. Still, he constantly got distracted. Oh, well, he nearly had done all classes once thus far. The only classes he had yet to do was pill-making and magic arrays.

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