Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 311

311 Eyes Filled With Emotions

What was so interesting about Arianna? Because when it comes to qualification, she wasn’t even competent enough to be by his side?

Arianna wasn’t as educated or rich or influential as Clara. So what made her so different from the other women he has been with?

But one thing was for sure, seeing that blissful look on her face as she savored that cake, he was at peace.

The past few days had not been easy for Marcel. Not only did he have to deal with his sister’s rescue problem, but some issues also came up at work. There was an altercation with a rival crime family over route rights and he had to settle that without causing more tension between them. And not to mention, the fight between them the other day.

Thankfully, Marcel was swamped with so much work that he didn’t have the time to think about it. But then, each time he returned to the base, he got reminded of that fight over and over again to the point that it nearly drove him crazy.

Marcel was not going to lie, her huge distrust of him really hurt him. Upon everything he has done for her, doesn’t he deserve at least one percent of her trust. Doesn’t she believe in him a little?

So he decided to stay away from her for the time being. When you made yourself too accessible to people, they took you for granted. Marcel knew his worth and he doesn’t deserve to be treated the way she did, not even his cousin Victor would do that.

He wanted her to feel his absence in her life and Marcel didn’t know whether it worked because he missed her sharp quibs instead. But then, here he was trying to give her a second chance. She would never trust him, that was for sure. But he needed her respect. Marcel wanted her to see him as a man.

So here he was, hoping that he was making progress.


“Is it that delicious?” Marcel asked, staring at her amused. The way she ate that, just made up him want to crack up; she was so invested in it.

“Yeah, it is,” Arianna spoke with her mouth full of the creamy cake, her eyes glinting with joy. It was so good. Whoever made this cake deserved to be given an award.

Marcel rubbed his chin, thoughtfully, “Then, I should have a taste too,” He suddenly said, and snatched the spoon from her grip.

“Hey! Get your own....” She was still saying when Marcel scooped the cake and had a taste, her eyes slightly widening. She just used that spoon...

Arianna went red in the face, that was an indirect kiss. Whatever, she must be thinking nonsense. What was she, five? Ten?

So she focused on Marcel who was still savoring the taste of the cake in his mouth, asking, “How does it taste?”


“Nice?” Just that? She was expecting more praises for her newfound loving cake.

However, to her surprise, Marcel took another scoop, then the third and the fourth till a quarter of her cake was gone and she was currently glaring at him.

“What are you doing?” Arianna was no longer smiling.

“Oh, sorry!” Marcel apologized when he realized he had hogged her cake and returned the spoon to her.

Arianna received it from him with a frown. This is why you shouldn’t do a favor for people, now look what happened to her cake. She was close to crying. Her sweet strawberry yogurt cake!

But the truth is that Marcel had done that on purpose. He loved seeing her annoyed face, it was quite cute actually.

Arianna continued with her cake until she felt Marcel’s intense gaze on her again and was about to ask him what was so interesting about her face when she noticed he had something on his face instead.

“You...” She called his attention and gestured, “You have icing at the corner of your lips.”

“Oh.” Marcel took the table napkin and wiped his lips but he still missed a spot.

“Still there,” Arianna told him.

Marcel followed her direction yet still missed the spot and Arianna already vexed by the small yet annoying defect, reached out and grabbed the napkin.

Then she leaned over the table and towards Marcel, using the napkin, and wiped off the icing perfectly clean. However, in the process, her thumb mistakenly brushed across his lips, and electricity passed through her body.

She stiffened and so did Marcel. The both of them stared at each other, wondering if the other felt that too.

How could his lips be so soft? It looked incredibly kissable. Oh God, what was she thinking?!

Red-faced and in a haste to return to her seat, Arianna mistakenly knocked over the coffee left in Marcel’s glass and it rolled over and wasted its content on him.

“Oh, God!” Arianna screamed as soon as Marcel jerked up from his seat, startled as the coffee soaked into his pants and stained it.

Without thinking much, Arianna grabbed as many napkins as she could and began to wipe his pants, her hands dangerously near his crotch.

And It was at the last minute that she realized what she was doing and pulled back with a squeak. God, what was wrong with her today?

“It’s okay, I’ll just take care of this in the restroom,” Marcel said, a bust of laughter threatening to break out just as a staff appeared to help him clean up.

“You just stay here and wait for me,” He warned her sternly and Arianna nodded obediently. Where could she go anyway when the others were outside watching and waiting.

As soon as Marcel left, Arianna sat down embarrassed, having attracted attention to herself. Thankfully everyone in the shop who saw what happened minded their business. This outing was a total disaster.

Arianna barely sat down when a commotion came from her side. It happened that a woman was trying to comfort her crying baby in her arms while the other older sibling threw a tantrum. The woman was distressed.

Seeing that the woman was having a hard time trying to comfort both children, Arianna decided to help out.

She told her with a kind smile, “You can give me the baby, let me help you out,”

“Oh, thank you so much. I’m so sorry for the inconvenience.” The woman said.

“No, it’s okay,” Arianna said, accepting the baby from her.

Unfortunately, it seemed that the baby’s cries intensified as soon as Arianna carried her. However, she was patient enough and began to rock her slowly while humming a tune her father used to sing for her when she was little.

It seemed the song was effective because the baby eventually calmed down and Arianna smiled at her effort without noticing the woman a table away from her was affected by her singing. The stranger slowly took off her glasses, revealing forest green eyes that were filled with emotion.

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