Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 272

272 I Don’t Do Kids

Elijah survived the night. Yes, he did!

Aside from the constant teasing, flirting, and serving them, Elijah found out that the kids were quite a good company to be with – but that doesn’t erase the fact he would keep a close eye on his future daughter.

Thinking about his daughter, all Elijah could conjure was a little redhead from her mother, his blue eyes and adorable cheeks. He smiled at the memory.

“What are you thinking of?” Cindy asked, snapping him out of his thoughts. He had forgotten he was walking alongside her.

After her friends had taken enough pictures of him, Elijah sent them back home on their rides and was planning to do the sane for Cindy until she decided she needed a short walk to clear her head because she was feeling tipsy.

Hence, her driver drove not far away from them in case she needed it while her other guards mingled with the crowd and scanned for threats. Well, Elijah hoped they were doing just that because he could see the captain boiling with jealousy. Well, he better gets his head back in gear because he’s seen a lot of people make mistakes because of distraction.


“You were smiling while thinking of something. Tell me, who’s the woman?” She inquired while looking straight ahead.

Elijah lowered his brows, “Do you just assume that whenever I smile that I’m thinking about a woman?”


She looked back at him, “Out with it, Aziz. I’m eighteen but I’m not a kid and don’t treat me like one,” She warned him, “I’ve seen things kids my age wouldn’t even dream of.”

“Should I be impressed by that?” He didn’t look like one.

“Maybe? Even if you aren’t, tell me about her.

Elijah had no choice but to give in, “You’re right, I’m thinking about a woman right now and I’ll be sure to mask my expression more in the future.”

“Whatever,” Cindy was not bothered by that. She was more interested in the woman, “What’s she like? Pretty?”

“Aphrodite.” He said.


“If you could compare her to a Greek goddess, that’s the one for her. Fiery, beautiful, sexy, brilliant, and brave. She’s something out of this world,” He described with a far-away expression.

“You guys are together then?” Cindy hoped not.

“Currently? No. We are kind of in a long-distance relationship.” Elijah lied efficiently. There was no way he was telling her that the girl of his dreams was held captive by her second cousin. That was giving out his identity right away.

“Oh.” Cindy looked sympathetic inside, but inwardly she was on top of the world. Most long-distance relationships hardly work out. She still had a chance with Elijah.

“Does she know you work for my family?”


Cindy nodded, “That’s doomed to fail then.”

Elijah stared at her in disbelief, “Did you just jinx my relationship?”

Cindy didn’t answer, rather she turned around and suddenly stopped in front of Elijah making him stop as well.

He gave her a questioning look, “What is it?”

“Break up with her, let’s date.”


Elijah blinked twice trying to register what he just heard. He then looked both ways to make sure he was the one she was referring to but that gesture made her roll her eyes towards heaven.

“Duh, you’re the one I’m talking to.”

“Oh,” Elijah confirmed and then his gaze scanned her from her head to the sole of her feet. He reached out and tousled her hair, saying with a playful tone, “Sorry, but I don’t do kids.” and walked past her.

However, Cindy was determined and she ran up to him, blocking his way. She faced him while walking backward.

“I’m already eighteen, which means I’m legal enough to get married to you?”

“What?!” Elijah nearly choked on his saliva, “G-get married to who?”

“You, of course!” She said it like it was a proud thing.

“Exactly? Why?” Elijah tried to walk ahead of her but she quickened her step and in no time was jogging to catch up with his pace.

“Because I like you.”

“So you marry any guy you like? How many of them have you proposed to so far?” Elijah was being sarcastic on purpose.

“No, you are the first.”

“Your first what? Crush? Honey, that’s normal. I believe you were taught the changes hormones cause .... ” He was trying to teach her that this was all part of puberty as a growing kid and soon, the feelings would go away with time.

He would have gone on and on, had she not shouted “Stop!” halting him.

Elijah exhaled deeply, he’s way too old for this. With their drama now, there was no way the captain would believe that nothing was going on between them. There was a reason he was homeschooling and that was to avoid the whole high-school love – aside the fact he couldn’t live a normal life.

Cindy bit on her lower lips, looking aggrieved, “Don’t tell me that I don’t know what I’m feeling, I’m not a kid!”

“That’s exactly what you are, kiddo!” Elijah was tempted to say but he bit back his words. Hell has no fury like a woman scorned, he still wanted to enjoy the privileges Cindy showed him.

With the captain against him and the rest of the team, it would be hell for him if Cindy turns on him too.

“Fine, you are not a kid but you are behaving that way right now by proposing marriage to a man you hardly know. What if I’m a bad person and approached you with ulterior motives?” Elijah said to her even though he was partially telling the truth.

But Cindy shook her head stubbornly,

“No, you are not a bad person. I trust my instinct and it hasn’t failed me for once. ”

“Then I’m afraid to say this but your instinct is fake, kiddo,” Elijah said in his head, of course. He was not a good person, this was all a pretense to get what he wanted.

“Moreover, once you marry me, you’d get all you want – riches, glory and fame? You name it. I’m sure your long-distance girlfriend can’t give you that.” She lured him.

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