Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 238

238 Make It Work Somehow

Marcel didn’t need anyone to tell him that if he didn’t step up his game real soon, he might lose Arianna in the process of keeping her to his side. At that moment, she saw him as no less than the moment he was.

He had to show her that monsters were capable of loving too – even if that means snatching her from her one true love, Elijah. Horrible right? But then, he was a villain and that was what villains did, snatching beautiful damsels from the good girls. Only that in this case, Elijah wasn’t a good girl either.

In one word, you could say it was two bad guys playing off each other with the end prize being Arianna. And before you judge him, do remember that all is fair in love and war.

Thus, at that moment, Marcel decided on the woman he was going to spend the rest of his life with. Perhaps he had been lying to himself – and her as well – because even if Elijah returned his shipment tomorrow, there was no way Arianna was going to him.

He would start a war for her and he, Marcel, never starts a war he was ready to lose. For her sake, he would set the rest of the world on fire. Marcel couldn’t tell if this was the love people talked about but Marcel knew he was crazy for her. It was quite unfortunate he had to hurt her to realize that. But Arianna was more than the woman he loved; she was his obsession.

It was true that he had Clara as his fiancé but he had made up his mind, he wanted no one else but Arianna. Clara can keep her role until he finds his sisters. The only thing he had to do now was figure out a way to keep Arianna away from his father’s radar until everything was set.

But for now, he had to start working on his redeeming points and the first step was getting her out of this room. What had he been thinking in the first place putting her in this prison?

Well, he had been angry then. Marcel knew he had been scared for her life and the fear blinded him to the point he thought if keeping her caged would ensure her life, then so be it. He couldn’t lose her, especially not now he was getting to know her.

He can’t lose the two people he ever loved.


Marcel nestled her into his arms and left the room. He was still thinking of one of the secure and comfortable rooms to settle her when he bumped into Victor.

His cousin was leaning in the corner with his arms crossed seriously as if he had been waiting for him.

“I have to applaud you, you’re quite capable,” He made a mock gesture of clapping.

Marcel sighed, he was not ready to face Victor now. He had to settle Arianna first because he understood he hurt his cousin real bad this time.

“But of course, you’re the great Marcel. What woman wouldn’t fall for your charms?”

Victor went on, laughing sarcastically, “In the end, it worked out for you even when you’re a total disaster. But then, that progress is made at my own expense....” He added under his breath, “As usual,” hinting at his failed relationship with Macy. Neither does he know that as well.

Perhaps, he should have listened to his mother when she told him, that he would only get hurt being close to Marcel. Just like the sun ruled high in the sky, his brightness would hurt anyone next to him.

Marcel swallowed the lump in his throat, “Victor, I -”

“See you later,” Victor cut him off and walked away before he could say anything. He was not in the mood to listen to Marcel’s words of apology – it would not repair his ruined relationship with Mimi.

Marcel stood at that spot for a while before he released a deep breath and continued with his journey. In the end, he decided on the room above his.

Arianna loved freedom so he was sure she would love the height and extra confidence that he was close to her and would get to her on time if the need arises. Neither could Elijah climb up there without setting off the alarm system he just had installed.

Although the windows were barred, the room had its own balcony and she could come out for air if she wanted to. Marcel couldn’t give her the freedom she wanted but he could give her own space and hoped she was content with it until he trusted her thoroughly to set her free.

Marcel was not scared of her committing suicide anymore, not after what happened. Truthfully, he wasn’t entirely sorry. He has established a fact and it would put her in line. Marcel simply regretted that he hurt her deeply in the process.

Nonetheless, he would still keep an eye on her – Arianna was full of surprises and strikes when he least suspected it, like a viper. To keep watch over her, he contemplated putting cameras in her room but pushed it to the back of her mind knowing that was an invasion of privacy, neither would Arianna like it.

Moreover, Marcel couldn’t stomach the fact that one of his soldiers assigned to her would watch every one of her movements. He would likely murder him on the first try. He went for body sensors instead, those used heat signals to detect her movements. It was much better.

He laid her down on the bed and kept watch by her side. Not long after, Marcel pulled out a photo of a woman from his pocket and compared the both of them.

Though they had different hair colors, the resemblance was there. So this was her mother, he thought? The woman who was thought to be dead but was actually alive? He made her uncle vomit everything he knew about her.

He loved mysteries.

Marcel looked down at Arianna once more before pressing a kiss on her forehead. He had to make this work somehow.

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