Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 220

220 A Bird Set Free

“You know this position of ours is really sexy,”

“Shut up Marcel because I’m really tempted to blast your head this time!” Arianna glared at him for the umpteenth time. Ever since she held him, hostage, he wouldn’t stop flirting with her.

“Come on, baby girl, you of all people should know that you are as good as dead if you kill me. Look at all those people....” He signaled to the soldiers all around them, watching from a distance as she wanted, “Do you think they would let even your spirit escape here if you shoot me?” Marcel was smug knowing that he was right.

But Arianna only glared at him in response, “Move it, Marcel! And don’t call me pet names again, we are not close enough for that,” Why was he even using endearing names on her.

The both of them were headed towards the garage but on second thought, Arianna decided against it. What if some of his men were hidden inside and waiting for the moment to jump her.

In the end, they settled on the jeep outside and she commanded Marcel to the driver’s seat only for him to hesitate.

“You really want me to drive with this?” He lifted his handcuffed hands.

“I don’t care how you do it, Marcel? Whether you drive with your head or legs? I don’t really care, just get the car moving!” Arianna snarled impatiently. Her freedom was just a heartbeat away, she couldn’t wait to be out of here.

“Of course, sure, boss!” Marcel saluted her.


Arianna knew Marcel was mocking her but she didn’t care. All she wanted was to leave here, so she could take a little insult.

The gun was on him the entire time she walked to the other side of the car. Arianna was vigilant, even when handcuffed, she knew Marcel was still a predator – and that worried her. How was she going to get rid of him later? Well, one problem after the other.

Once seated, Arianna brought up the walkie-talkie she snatched from one of the soldiers to his face, “Tell your soldiers, if any one of them dares to follow us, they should not blame me for whatever I do,”

“Sir, yes, sir!” It seems Marcel was still not done with his mockery and it pissed her this time although she tried not to show it.

“Stand down the whole of you. Do not follow us. I repeat, do not follow us,” He spoke into the walkie-talkie. Once Marcel was done, he turned to her with the device, “Satisfied now, cupcake?”

Arianna gritted her teeth, “I told you not to call me -!”

“Why, because we are not close?!” He leaned toward her so quickly that Arianna almost jumped out of her skin. It was a miracle she didn’t shoot him from fright.

Marcel went on, “Because I seem to remember we had once been intimate,” His gaze was smoldering, his heated gray orbs moving down her body in a leisure stroll.

“Drive!” Her tone was decisive, the gun pointed to his side as a reminder she still had the power here.

“Whatever you want, my lady,” He sat back down with a lopsided smile and turned the ignition, the car roaring to life.

Arianna didn’t argue with him this time, her whole attention on her environment as they drove out. Hence, the moment they came to the entrance that was guarded by three soldiers, all in khaki colors, her stomach twisted with tension.

Marcel noticed the way her body went rigid and recognized he was in danger as well because the gun’s muzzle was digging harder into his side.

“Easy, Arianna,” He whispered to her, trying to calm her tension, “No one would stop you. You’re free now,”

Arianna didn’t trust him but his assuring words kept her sensible enough not to do anything reckless till they were safely out. Arianna didn’t know she had been holding her breath all this while until she was out.

God, she was finally free!

Joy like no other burst out of her heart. She felt like jumping and screaming in victory, but this was not the time for it nor was it over yet.

Once she settled everyone, Arianna plans to vanish where no one would find her – not even Elijah. She came to the conclusion after she embarked on this dangerous hostage plan, no amount of love was worth his life. She loves Elijah, yes, but she loved him enough to want to keep him alive.

“You are very happy,” Marcel noticed.

She turned to him, “Who wouldn’t be? I’m like a bird set free.”

Arianna went back to check if they were being followed and didn’t get to see the myriad of emotions on Marcel’s face.

He could grant her that, her freedom, you know, Marcel thought. But if that freedom comes at the cost of losing her to another man, then, no, he would rather tie her down at his side.

Marcel couldn’t tell when he became possessive of her, after all, he promised he was going to send her away when he caught Elijah and all of this was over.

But that day when he saw her in that wedding dress, about to be given to a shitty man that didn’t deserve her, Marcel knew he was not letting her go once he had once again.

If Kenith had not gone ahead with his plans that day, he had his own plans. That night, on their wedding night, he would murder her useless husband and have her all to himself. Arianna doesn’t know it but she brought light into his dark world. A consuming fire he wasn’t afraid of getting burned.

But she can’t know of his plans to own her yet not until he sorts out his own mess. Hence, he was going to bind her to his side so his opponent in the dark aka Elijah doesn’t get a chance with her. Yes, he was that selfish and was not ashamed to admit it.

“Where are we going?” Marcel asked, bringing his attention back to her.

Arianna practically grimaced at his pronoun, she corrected him instantly, “There’s no we in this, Marcel. And yes, I’m going to visit my treacherous family.”

It was time for them to pay up.

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