Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 198

198 Dealing With The Devil

The man was stubborn, Marcel noted. He wondered what Elijah had promised him to make him this strong-willed. However, Marcel was determined to win, so he would get the truth at all costs.

Marcel returned the drug to the pocket of his pants, then intertwined his fingers as he said, “I’ll guess I’ll give you space until you’re ready to talk,”

Jeremy let out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding in. They would torture him now, but he could take it.

Marcel pursed his lips at first until his lips curled up to the side in an evil smile,” I’ll just return when the drugs are out of your system. Your withdrawal symptoms should be interesting to watch,”

Oh no, a chill went down Jeremy’s back. Marcel was indeed a devil. Now, he understood why Elijah warned about him.

As soon as Marcel stood up and turned to leave, Jeremy shouted, “He left a message for you!”

Marcel halted in his step at once, his brows lifting in both surprise and caution. Elijah left a message for him? What did the asshole have for him?

He intentionally turned slowly to hear what the man had to say while keeping a blank expression, “Elijah has a message for me?”

Jeremy was fidgeting now, having realized the ball was no longer in his court. He gulped, “I’ll tell you but you have to promise me that you would let me go after this is over,”


Marcel’s jaw hardened in response, his gray eyes chilling simultaneously; he hated being given a condition.

“Are you challenging me?” He asked, his tone taut and full of authority.

Jeremy’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down nervously, with Marcel standing over him, his aggressiveness was heightened, and he had a hulking figure.

“Of course not,” Jeremy was quick to say knowing his response determined his survival, “I just want to live. I don’t know anything about Elijah, I was just his errand boy in exchange for the drugs he provided,” he confessed.

Marcel didn’t say a word, rather he wrapped his arm across his chest, his muscles straining against the shirt he was wearing, having long abandoned the suit jacket. He stared down hard on Jeremy, having realized that the message he held was the leverage he intended to use to gain his freedom.

“Fine, let’s hear what you have to say,” Marcel gave in.

“You really agree to let me go once I give you the message?” Jeremy questioned him once again, needing his word.

“Didn’t I just say so?” Marcel was becoming irritated. His word was the law here and once he gave it out, he hardly took it back.

Upon hearing that, Jeremy became more relaxed – he was saved, finally. He took a deep breath and said, “Exodus 20:17”


“Exodus 20:17,” Jeremy said to him, “That was the message Elijah gave me to relay to you,”

“You gotta be kidding me, right?” Marcel frowned at Jeremy so hard he almost bored a hole in his head. However, he knew the guy was saying the truth from the fear on his face, nor did it surprise him that Elijah liked to send messages in style.

But what the hell did Exodus 20:17 say? Although Marcel had gone to church as a child thanks to his mother’s good relationship with Victor’s mother, he didn’t own a Bible as a grown-up.

If Victor was here, he would have known what it says – he was an ardent reader of the scriptures even though he failed to keep almost all of the doctrines in there.

That was when it hit Marcel, he hadn’t seen Victor since he arrived. He had been so busy trying to settle Arianna and then deal with Elijah’s little messenger, he hadn’t realized his cousin was missing. Well, he’d look into that once he was done.

Without a word, Marcel pulled out his phone and went straight to the play store where he downloaded one of the bibles he could get his hands on.

As soon as he installed the app, he navigated around and finally opened the chapter of the Bible Elijah sent as a message to him.

“Exodus 20:17:- You shall not covet your neighbor’s house, your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant, or his maidservant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor’s.”

Jeremy never took his gaze off Marcel the whole time, so when the mob boss finally took his eyes off the screen with a murderous gaze that chilled him straight to his bones, he began to wonder if it had been a mistake giving him that message. Did he just sign his death?

Marcel was boiling with anger, how dare that insolent bastard pass judgment on him? He turned his furious gaze on Jeremy who visibly shrank back into his seat. He wished to make a scapegoat of Jeremy, send his corpse back as a message to Elijah.

He needed Elijah to see what he was capable of, to know the beast inside of him that he would unleash on him once he got his hands on him. So he better hide because once he – Marcel – got his hands on him, that would be the last time he saw the sunlight.

“W-what are you doing?” Jeremy shouted out of fear when Marcel started towards him.

But Marcel didn’t say a word, rather he grabbed him by the neck and began to choke him.

Jeremy’s eyes widened and he wanted to hit Marcel on the arm to remind him about their deal but his hands were bound. All his struggles were to no avail.

The killing intent in Marcel’s eyes was clear as he tightened his grip. Just a snap and he could break his neck, ending his miserable life.

Then it hit him.

Although the move would satisfy him, Marcel bet that was what Elijah wanted – to prove to Arianna that he was nothing but a monster.

“Thank your lucky God,” Marcel growled as he let go while Jeremy entered into a coughing fit.

The message was aimed to provoke Marcel into killing Jeremy because the Arianna he knew would surely ask about the young man that saved her and when she finds out he killed him....

Marcel took a deep breath, trying hard not to think about what that would result to. Elijah was much sly and smart than he gave him credit for.

Smooth move, Elijah.

But this would be the last time he gained the upper hand because Marcel was out for him now.

Jeremy saw Marcel leaving, he became alarmed and shouted at once, “What about the deal? You promised to release me after I gave you the message!”

Upon hearing that, Marcel turned and sneered, “Well, that is why you shouldn’t people like me,”

“What?” All blood drained from Jeremy’s face.

Marcel said, “I promised to let you go and I’ll do just that. However, I never mentioned ‘when’,” He smirked,” You should always be vague when dealing with the devil,”

“No!!!!” Jeremy’s anguish wails echoed across the walls but Marcel paid a dead ear to it as he went in search of his missing cousin.

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