Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 196

196 Being Paranoid

If Arianna had been awake at this point, she would have been shocked at the sheer number of escorts behind them.

After they left the scene, Marcel made sure their vehicle was heavily followed in case Elijah was suicidal enough to plan an attack on them. He lost his chance at the Red Gang’s turf, he could attempt one here.

Knowing Arianna was the only one Elijah truly needed, the amount of security guarding Jemery’s car was less compared to theirs. Although Elijah could try to attack and shut Jeremy up so he could not risk secrets about him, Marcel highly doubted he would do that.

Why would Elijah bother risking his life to shut up the witness when the girl – who was the prize – wasn’t far away? So yes, Arianna remained Marcel’s priority.

Hence, throughout the ride, even though Marcel looked calm and relaxed on the surface, he was a mess inwardly. He was anxious and would look out the window from time to time, endlessly asking for updates on the outside from his men – almost driving them crazy.

It wasn’t until they reached the base that Marcel was able to relax and let out the breath he had been holding in. Even at that, Marcel didn’t fully lower his guard, scrutinizing his men to check if there was a sudden change knowing Elijah was good in the act of camouflage.

“Boss, is anything wrong?!” Samuel asked when he wouldn’t stop staring at them.

“No, it’s good,” Marcel blinked, rousing from his thoughts, “I just need to get this over with. ” he referred to Jeremy.

“I’ll get the girl then,” Samuel made a move towards the car.


“No, don’t!” Marcel growled aggressively like an alpha wolf defending his mate.

Samuel barely took two steps when the hairs on his neck stood on edge. Call it instinct but he turned at that minute only to see Marcel’s raging figure bound for him and his expression became alarmed.

He hardly had the time to say something or defend himself when Marcel pushed him up against the car.

“You do not get to lay a hand on her!” Marcel snarled, his breath hitting his face like hot coals. Right now, Samuel felt like he was about to be gobbled up by an angry lion and he could not say a word.

“Do you get me?!”

“Y-yes, boss,” Samuel choked. He didn’t even know what he did wrong except to offer to carry Arianna inside. He knew this woman was bad luck to this group and he just proved it. Who knew who the boss would kill for her?

Marcel’s hands on his collar did not loosen and Samuel began to worry he was not satisfied with his response. So he was thinking of a way to save his ass when he finally let go of his clothing that was bunched up only to turn to the rest of his men announcing,

“The same goes for the rest of you. From now on, Arianna is currently under my protection, laying a hand on her or even speaking to her with my permission would be seen as a rebellion and you should know the punishment for that,”

“Yes, boss!” They responded in unison without further complaint. Disobeying Marcel right now that he was in a bad mood was as good as asking for death. They would table their grievance later when he’s reasonable.

“Get the witness out of here and to the dungeon,” Marcel commanded Samuel who did not hesitate and left to obey his instructions.

Marcel went back into the car and instead of stepping out of it with the sleeping Arianna in his arms, he closed the both of them in instead.

Once inside, Marcel groaned, lowering his head before he wiped down his face with his palm. What had he done? Why was he being paranoid? He couldn’t even trust his own men with Arianna and that was all because of Elijah, that


Damn it!

What he just did would protect Arianna for the time being but it won’t help her in the long run. Thanks to his “overprotectiveness”, his men would antagonize her and they would never take her as one of them while he kept protecting her. In this place? You earn respect.

Well, why was he worrying about that? It was not like Arianna would be staying here for long anyway. Since the Red Giant gang failed to help his plan, he would use Arianna to lure and capture him. If Elijah truly loves Arianna, let’s see how long he’d keep her waiting here.

In the end, Arianna would have to leave anyway, so yes, she doesn’t need to prove herself to any person. Not even him – he already knew what she was capable of already.

“The things I do for you,” Marcel muttered as he stared at Arianna, still deep in sleep. If only he had that level of peace in his life, he would be happy.

After a while, Marcel stepped out of the car with the sleeping beauty. He carried her carefully into the house and to his room where he settled her on the bed.

Marcel wanted to close the window in case someone – like Elijah – snuck in and got her out. Although that was pretty much impossible with the tight security in here, he didn’t want to leave room for regret until he caught sight of Samson – he hadn’t noticed he was there – in his peripheral view and smiled.

“Hi buddy,” He went over to the young lion and hugged him. Surprisingly, Sansom bent his head under his chin and nuzzled up against him.

“Yeah, I missed you too,” Marcel responded, glad that their days of fighting were over. Or maybe not considering what he was about to ask of him.

Marcel shifted and ran his hand through his long mane, “Alright, this is impromptu but I need you to babysit someone,” He said, carefully guiding the young lion’s face in the direction of the bed.

Samson made a grunt and looked away.

“I know, I know but I’ll make it up to you. I promise. She won’t be like Redhead,” Marcel promised and coaxed him as much as possible until the big sulking creature settled down.

Glad with his response, Marcel finally left the room to deal with his other problem knowing the lion was the best security. Unless familiar to Samson, anyone else who steps into his room would make a good snack.

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