Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 194

194 Birds Of Same Feathers

“Please, just let him go,” The whimper left her lips, her heart shredding into pieces as she watched those men attack Victor.

Mimi suddenly wished she had some sort of superpowers so she could hurt these people as much as they hurt Victor. How could they shamelessly gang up on one person?

She sobbed, “Please, just let him go!” Her heart arched with both sorrow and regret. Victor must be in so much pain and it was all because of her.

Mimi wished she could turn back the hands of the clock to that moment when she and Victor fought. The both of them would solve their misunderstanding and there wouldn’t be any need to storm out of his house and fall into the hands of these people. Sadly, wishes weren’t horses nor could she change time.

God must have heard her prayers because the male cowards stopped kicking Victor and a path was instantly made in the middle to reveal Draco who stepped towards Victor with a cockily, “Nothing tastes as good as the sweet smell of revenge,”

Mimi glared intensely at Draco from where she was standing. If only she was free, she would claw out those eyes of his and see if that proud smile of his would still be there after she was done with him. Mimi was so angry that she was bloodthirsty.

Maybe it was a good thing that she was held down by that bald man who was a hundred-plus tons heavier than her because she was reeking off murderous intent.

“Pull him up,” Draco leisurely commanded them and his underlings did as he said as expected.

They hoisted up the tired Victor whose legs could barely support his body and only dragged along the ground. They had to support him on both sides; grabbing onto each arm to keep him in an upright position, at least to Draco’s eye level.


Cleanliness was second nature to Victor but right now, he looked like something a cat dragged in. His clothes were dirtied from staying on the ground while there were several footprints on his face, not to mention his busted lips, several cuts, and a bruise forming at his temple. For people who were trying not to attract Marcel’s attention, they sure tried “hard” – note the sarcasm.

Even when he was on his feet, Victor didn’t bother to fight back because he was tired and in pain. His head was lowered and his body limp, straining and pushing his entire weight on those holding him up.

“You asshole, why don’t you fight him when he’s strong on his feet, huh? Why? Because you’re nothing but a coward!” Mimi goaded him.

“No, I disagree with that,” Draco argued, turning to her, “Only a fool jumps into a war he cannot win, right now, I win. But don’t worry sweetheart, I’ll release your sugar pie to you after five punches.” He said with dark amusement.

“Aah!” Mimi screamed in frustration, straining against that bald man’s hold all to no avail. She really wanted to slap the cocky grin off Draco’s face. This was annoying; her blood was stirred up.

Draco ignored her as if she was not worth his attention and turned back to Victor, landing the first blow right on his stomach smugly.

Victor let out a pained groan, swallowing air into his lungs. The asshole didn’t have much power in his punch but it still hurt nonetheless.

Draco pulled his hair back, lifting his face saying, “You feel that pain? That was how it felt when you fucked me up,”

But Victor only laughed mockingly, “I wish I could hear the sound of your heart, that way I would hurt you much deeper,”

“Bastard!” Draco fired up, landing another punch in that same spot. He might not have real power in his fist but he sure knew how to deliver them.

This time Mimi didn’t cry nor scream for Victor’s release, she was just silent – deadly silent like a tiger waiting to pounce on its prey.

Draco thinking and mistaking her quietness as submission or resignation confirmed his words. He released Victor after the fifth punch.

“I’m a man of my words,” He proudly announced to her, pushing his hair wet from sweat back while exhaling as if he did hard labor. He then nonchalantly signaled his men to let her go.

And that was a huge mistake.

She waited just a second.

After that, no one saw her coming because they never thought she would retaliate after she was released. What could a woman do anyway? They must think.

Mimi showed that to them.

As fast as the howling wind, she came barreling towards Draco like a raging bull – even Usain Bolt would have been proud of the record-breaker Mimi made in that Sprint.

Mimi speared Draco to the ground and everyone watched in wonder as if this was a wrestling match – only there was no referee or a countdown.

How was that even possible?

Dumbfounded by her move, they stared like morons as Mimi dealt with Draco and they couldn’t come to a timely rescue.

“How dare you!” Mimi screamed hard into his face as she had finally lost her mind while Draco only cried out in pain.

“You don’t.... ” She punched him in the face, “dare.... ” Another punch, “Touch....” A punch again, “What’s mine!” She landed the final blow.

“Aah!” Draco could only cry out in pain, unable to comprehend what was going on. One moment he was relishing his victory and the next minute, he was tackled to the ground and beaten by a woman. A woman?!

His cries finally roused his men and they sprung into action immediately, separating the both of them.

As soon as they were apart, Draco finally understood the kind of humiliation he was subjected to – everyone saw him get beaten.

“You!” He tried to lunge at Mimi but his underlings were active this time and stopped him. They knew once their boss laid a hand on Mimi, they were as good as dead – he had no choice but to swallow it up.

“You bitch!” Draco screamed, sporting a black eye as his men began to drag him away. Showtime was over.

While Victor sat on the floor there, laughing his ass out. He had seen everything.

Of course, Mimi deserved the position of his bestie, after all, birds of the same feather flock together.

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