System's POV

Chapter 552: In My Eyes, You’re Just An Ungrateful Worm

"We wouldn't be in this mess if that Zion Leventis hadn't messed with the mission!" Leon said to the Wanderers, who were currently thinking of what to do next.

"Give it a rest already," Sean commented. "You kept on blaming him, but have you done anything to contribute to this mission? What about the last mission? Aren't you ashamed of yourself for badmouthing the person who allowed you to survive that war?"

"Hmph! Even without him, I could have easily survived," Leon replied.

"All you do is talk big, but can you back those words?" Drazzat asked in irritation. "Can you break the barrier that surrounded the city and stop the summoning ceremony?"

"I can't do it alone," Leon admitted. "But if everyone here worked together, I'm sure we could have done something!"

Suddenly, a laughter filled with ridicule and contempt spread inside the underground cavern, which made all the Wanderers look in the direction of a Ratmen whom they had seen a few times in the Lizardmen Camp.

He was none other than Kesari, who had become part of Thirteen's Parade of a Hundred Demons.

"You're only able to spout this bullsh*t because you haven't faced the Monarch of Seneros," Kesari sneered. "Even if all of you brats worked together, you won't even leave a tiny scratch on his body. Not to mention, he's also the King of the Kingdom.

"Aside from him, he has Guards that are of the Master and Grandmaster Rank. Some of them are even Champions. But that won't even be your biggest problem. If any of you were to touch the barrier surrounding his city, all of you would be burned to a crisp.

"In my eyes, you're just an ungrateful worm who can only spout nonsense. I truly wonder why Zion is risking his life to lure that Majin King away from this place. If I were in his position, I would have let it devour all of you ungrateful swines, who only managed to survive because of him."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Leon, who had been looked down upon by the Ratman, glared back in anger.

"Nonsense?" Kesari chuckled. "Are you dumb? This underground Cavern is just two to four to five miles away from the City of Seneros. The opponent is an Ancient Eight-Headed Serpent--a Majin King.

"Do you really think weaklings like you can escape its detection? Don't forget--Jinns like to eat humans. It's impossible for it to not smell your filthy stench even from five miles away. Do you know how fast it can reach this place? Less than a minute.

"In less than a minute, all of you would have died if Zion didn't lure it away. Such imbeciles."

The Ratman then spat on the ground as if talking to Leon disgusted him very much.

"Enough nonsense. I have come here to pass a message from Zion Leventis," Kesari stated. "All of you have three choices. The first one is to stay here and pray that the Majin King doesn't return and detect your presence.

"The second one is for all of you to escape individually or in groups in order to survive for a month using your own power.

"Last but not the least, you can use the tunnel that led to the south of the Fractured Heaven, passing through the river that separated the North, and the South through an underground tunnel.

"I have discovered that tunnel by chance, and if we manage to cross it and return to the territory of the Lizardmen, your chances of survival will increase. Since there is a special barrier that prevents anyone from crossing the river, the Majin King might not be able to cross it."

Kesari scanned the faces of the Wanderers, who were looking at him with fear, doubt, and anxiety.

"I will give you half an hour to decide," Kesari said. "Those who wish to use the tunnel, you will follow my lead. The travel will take at least ten days if you are going to bring your wagons with you. Don't worry, the passages are wide enough for wagons to pass through."

Diana, who was the current leader of the Wanderers pondered for a bit before nodding her head.

"We will discuss what course of action to take," Diana said. "Thank you for telling us that we have a third option of escape."

Kesari nodded. "Remember, you only have half an hour. There's no guarantee that the Majin King will not return here. Also, not all the citizens of the City of Seneros are dead. There are still a few hundred survivors, so there's a possibility that the Majin King will come back to finish what he started.

"Ah, one last thing. I will not be taking that brat with me. Your name is Leon, right? You can stay here and try to survive on your own. I don't like carrying extra baggage. I'm not like Zion who will hold your hand and take you to safety."

"W-Who even needs the help of a filthy Rat like you?!" Leon shouted back in shame and anger. "I can survive by myself!"

Kesari shrugged, not even bothering to reply to the teenage boy's words.

In his eyes, everyone here was just extra baggage, with the exception of Diana, and Drazzat, whom his Master was trying to save.

The members of the Parade of the Hundred Demons were observing everything happening on the surface, and relaying the location of the Majin King in real time.

Finally, after a discussion, Diana decided to take the majority of the Wanderers, who didn't wish to stay in their hiding place, to the tunnel that would lead them back to the territory of the Lizardmen.

To his surprise, the members of the Cygni Faction, as well as the Apostles, decided to stay behind.

"I want to see this till the end," David said. "I know that it's dangerous to stay here, but I feel like there's no safe place at all, with a Majin King in this territory. Since it can traverse several miles in a minute, I think I'll have a higher chance of survival traveling with my team."

"I feel the same way too," Sean commented. "Although it is dangerous, I don't feel like being in debt with someone. I admit that I've had an easier time here in Solterra than expected, and it was all due to Zion's help.

"But now that he is luring the monster away from this place, I want to help him if possible."

Diana was moved by Sean's words. She also wanted to stay, but Zion had entrusted her with the safety of the Wanderers. Because of this, she had no choice but to lead them to safety.

"I'll also stay," Drazzat declared. "If these kids have the courage to stay, I will feel ashamed if I return to my tribe knowing that I ran away in fear."

The other Lizardmen looked at their temporary leader with conflicted expressions on their faces. In the end, they decided to stay as well because they were Lizardman Warriors.

It was not in their nature to flee if their Commander decided to stay on the battlefield.

Kesari eyed Drazzat for a few seconds before smiling faintly.

He had the opportunity to face the Lizardman in battle once, so he knew that he didn't lack courage.

Now that everyone had made their decision, the Ratmen led Diana and the other Wanderers to the tunnel Thirteen had asked to be made beforehand.

It was the route that he planned to take as a last resort if the Jinn Invasion went out of control.

Sean watched the others go before leading his faction to the surface, alongside David and Drazzat, so that they could better understand their situation.

Of course, one of the reasons why Sean decided to separate from Diana was because he couldn't leave Leon alone.

The families of the Cygni Faction were allies, so he thought that it would be best to keep his people safe and lead them to the next mission with his abilities.

Lastly, he wanted to be like Zion.

Someone who could lead a group of Wanderers and allow them to showcase their talents.

Although he knew that Leon didn't share the same views that he did, he still decided to let the teenage boy stay in his group so that he could keep an eye on him.

While all of this was happening, Thirteen was currently sitting across the Majin Princess, Kamrusepa, and waiting for her to start her Divination.

He was looking for a path with the highest chance of survival, and he was hoping that the Majin Princess could shed some light on how he might be able to overcome the calamity that had descended within the Absolute Heaven.

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