System's POV

Chapter 464: Last Assessment [Part 1]

Days filled with relentless and harsh training passed quickly.

It had been a month since the Hero Party started their training with Thirteen, and all of them had improved a lot since then.

Although they unanimously agreed that the thirteen-year-old's training regimen was inhumane and rather dubious, they had to admit that it was effective. They had improved by leaps and bounds, surpassing the gains they had in the training they received from their mentors a year ago.

Today, after breakfast, Thirteen gathered all of them in the training room.

Around this time, they would usually be undergoing individual training specially catered to their skills and abilities.

But now, they were all standing in attention as if greeting their commanding officer.

"It's been a month since you asked me to become your trainer. Within this month, I came to understand that the praises and comments given to you by the media, as well as your peers, were all over-exaggerated," Thirteen said.

"At most, all of you are just average. Heck, my eight-year-old sister even wiped the floor with your swordsman."

All the teenagers had nothing to say in return because they truly felt that their eyes had been opened to the truth during their stay in the Leventis Residence.

They had been praised as the strongest members of the young generation, but compared to the teenage boy standing in front of them, all of them looked like an average Wanderer.

"Still, even coals can become diamonds if I pressure them enough," Thirteen stated. "Even ordinary Wanderers can become strong if I train them enough. And today, I want to see the results of your training. Wear your Neuro-Links. We will have your final assessment test today."

"F-Final?" Derek stuttered. "Master, you're not going to train us anymore?"

"If you wish to remain, I can train you until the day of the Solstice," Thirteen replied. "But if you think you've had enough, you are free to go after you have completed your final assessment."

Derek nodded in understanding.

He didn't plan to stop his training until the very last minute, so he felt relieved when he heard that he could stay to continue his training.

The other members also have thoughts of their own, but for the time being, they put on their Neuro-Links, then lied on the yoga mat on the floor.

"Enter the room I'll tell you," Thirteen said. "Room number is 420. The password is 'Speedy likes monster girls'."

The group followed Thirteen's instructions, and half a minute later, they found themselves in an open plain.

The sun was about to set, and the clouds in the sky were tinged with the hues of purple and orange.

"I have voluntarily added the information about the weapons that I have given all of you in the GANDAM database. Don't worry—it is kept at the highest security level, and it won't be available to the public. Only you guys will be able to use it, so take it out of your inventory.

Just as the teenage boy stated, the items that he had given the members of the Hero Party were accessible from their inventory.

Once everyone was properly armed to the teeth, a two-minute countdown timer appeared on their screen.

A second later, flashes of light appeared beyond the horizon, making Derek smirk.

"Now this is what I call a final assessment," Derek said as he held his two-handed sword firmly in his hand.

Roland didn't say anything and took out his one-handed sword and shield, ready to fight the monsters Zion had prepared for them.

A golden brilliance emerged from Diana's hand as her golden banner fluttered, emitting an aura that gave the allies who were within its range courage and strength.

Shana had also taken out her silver banner, making her body glow faintly as the power of healing, protection, and stamina boost affected their party.

Roland, Joshua, Erica, and Mildred were all surprised. This was the first time they experienced the passive aura of the two banners at the same time.

Not only did it make them feel stronger and courageous, but it also gave them a sense of assurance that they, as well as their comrades, had gotten a lot stronger.

In the distance, a dust cloud could be seen as countless Minotaurs holding axes charged in their direction.

Right behind them was a Rank 5 Three-Horned Minotaur, a creature they originally didn't dare fight as a team, especially when it was commanding dozens of Rank 2 Minotaurs to fight for it.

Yet right now, the Rank 5 Overlord they were about to fight even had two Rank 3 Alpha Minotaurs who served as its bodyguards, making this situation more dangerous than they've encountered before.

For some reason, the Hero Party didn't feel like they would be defeated one-sidedly this time around.

Diana planted her banner firmly on the ground before summoning her sword and shield.

Shana did the same as she held her staff in her hands, ready to support her party members to her last breath.

"I will say only one thing," Roland said. "We're beating all of these monsters, or we won't be having lunch."

"I agree," Joshua, who had been wanting to vent out his frustration, said.

Even until his latest training, he was unable to land a hit on the annoying Pocopoco that tormented him even in his dreams.

But since these Minotaurs were dumb in his opinion, he would have no trouble spamming his debuff spells on them like crazy.

"Brace," Diana ordered as she stood at the front of her party, serving as a pillar that would ensure their safety.

"Man, you look more reliable than usual, Diana," Derek chuckled. "Are you going to show me some of your moves today?"

"Watch and learn," Diana replied. "If you live long enough, that is."

"Hahaha! Then how about we have a bet?" Derek asked. "The first one to die will call the survivor Master for a day."

"Sounds fun," Diana answered. "I'm in."

Erica giggled, finding this banter quite amusing.

Also, just like everyone else, she felt very relaxed for some reason.

In the past, she would immediately panic and tell everyone to run, but now, she didn't feel like doing that.

Instead, she raised her staff toward the sky and began to chant as the last ten seconds of the countdown timer flashed before her eyes.

"Darker than night, brighter than flame,

Unleash the inferno, no mercy, no shame.

From ash to ash, from dust to dust,

Ignite the skies, scorch the night.

Inferno's breath, heed my call,

Unleash the blaze, consume them all!"

"Erica's Meteor Rain!"

Countless fireballs descended from the sky, turning the plains into a hellish inferno.

The Minotaurs hit by the fireballs screamed in pain as their bodies combusted due to its might.

Derek whistled after seeing Erica's Meteor Rain devastate the monsters that were still running in their direction.

They knew that Erica had very devastating firepower, but this was the first time she had cast such a wide-area spell that literally turned the plain in front of them into a hellish landscape.

A warcry pierced through the flames, and soon, the Minotaurs who survived through the onslaught ran past it.

Thirteen smiled faintly as he looked at the dozen TV Screens showing the battle in different angles with high resolution.

"Go get them," Thirteen said as he looked at the start of the battle that would show him all the hard work he had done for the past month.

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