Sweet Doting Husband: Sorry, my Wife is a little Crazy

Chapter 426: Successfully angered me!!

Chapter 426: Successfully angered me!!

Outside the cabin...

After checking all the twelve rooms, the leader felt frustrated when he could not find his target anywhere.

Slapping the person next to him, he asked coldly "Did you check it right?"

Not daring to retort, the person who was slapped for nothing bowed his head and answered respectfully "Yes Sir! I have confirmed it that the target is staying within these eight room"

"But we can't find her anywhere here, where the fuck did she go" the leader cursed

at this moment, one of the assassin stepped forward and said politely "Sir, there are still three rooms in the corridor that we have yet to check. How about we check these three first? Probably they might have changed the room at last minute?"

Thinking for a moment, the leader felt that what he said might be feasible so he nodded his head and ordered "Alright! Let's check the remaining room" turning his head to the person next to him, he ordered coldly "What are you doing standing there? Go unlock the room"

"Yes sir!" the assassin answered and hurriedly went forward to unlock all the door with the only master key.

After checking the two rooms, the leader of the assassins felt frustratd for not being able to find his target.

Afraid that the leader might bark at him again, the assassin did not wait for his order and hurriedly went to only last room at the end of the corridor, which was parellel to other rooms and hurriedly swiped the cad to unlock it.

After unlocking the door, before the assassin could turn the knob and open the door, the door was pushed open from inside and a black face appeared in front of his sight that almost scared him.

Stepping back hurriedly, he watched a woman in a bathrobe and mask look at them with a smile and ask "Were you looking for someone?"

For a moment, the assassin did not how to react and could only turn to his leader asking for help.

"Useless" the leader scolded the assassin when he saw how the later couldn't even deal with such an easy task.

Stepping forward, he looked at the woman in front with a killing intent and said "Who are you? Remove your mask"

Raising her eyebrows, the lady in black answered with an amusement "Why should I do what you say?"

"Fuck! Woman, don't mess with me. Just do what I say or else..." the arrogant assassin warned coldly

Ignoring his warning tone, the unknown woman raised her eyebrows and asked with a provocative smile "Or else? What would you do?"

"Huh?" looking up and down at the woman wickedly, the leader sneered "Well, the best case would be you getting killed, and the worst case would be....." looking at her curvy figure, he smilled disgustingly and said "Guess How many men can your hole take in?"

Hearing that man's words, the Unknown woman neither looked angry or scared instead her lips curved up into a cold smile. Looking at the man as if he were dead, she said with a smile "Congratulations! You have successfuly angered me, guess what's gonna happen to you now?"

Feeling frustrated over the woman's careless attitude, he glared at the assassins and ordered "What are you standing there for? Get that woman for me! Today I'm going to show her my mighty strength...hmph" `

"Looking at the upcoming people with a careless smile, the unknown woman stretched her hands and twisted her waist while mumbling to herself "hmm...looks like there's gonna be a blood bath now. Attention my dear readers, the sweet, gentle, soft hearted ones....please skip the part the next part. Sister's kind and gentle image is about to be ruined"

With that said, she stepped out of the door and closed the door behind, making sure that no one would step inside.

Once the door was closed, the unknown woman no longer had a smile instead her face turned murderous and her body exuded a strong killing intent.

Stepping forward, she grabbed the little assassin holding the master card by his neck and slammed her fist against him. Reaching for the only master card in his hands, she punched his stomach and kicked her heart and spine, sending him towards the upcoming assassins.

With a bang, the assassin slammed against the other assassins and fell down motionless. With his eyes wide open with a look of horror and blood leaking out through his nose and ears proved that the man who had been alive for a while now had even killed within few seconds.

Not even sparing a glance at the weakling, the unkown woman looked at the card in hand and sneered "Huh, such a weakling" with that said she squeezed the card into two, making it such that it was unusuable and threw it on the floor.

frightened by the woman's action, the assassins faltered but just as they were hesitating, the leader behind them roared "What are you guys afraid off? She is not alone! Go catch her for me...now" he roared

Before the assassin could answer, they heard another cold voice from behind them "Who said she's alone?"

Frightened when the assassins turned their head to look behind, they saw another woman in a weird outfit, with her face covered with a viel appear at the other end of the corridor out of nowhere.

Since the corridor was long and there were ten's of assassin in the middle, the unknown woman no 1 could not see the later but hearing the familiar voice, she could not help but smile as she thought "I don't have to work hard then"

Glancing at the assassins who looked stupified, the leader could not help but roar "What the fuck are you guys being dazed about? Its just two freaking women. What can two women even do? Go and get them"

"Ahhhhh...." following the leaders order, the assassins raised their arms and rushed towards the two women while yelling.

Initially, the leader was still smug thiking that the two women were no match for ten's of his men. Even if many were killed, that wouldn't be much of a loss since he could gain two women he could play with.

But this smugness did not last long when he witnessed the following incident.

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