Surviving With An Sss Rank Inventory

Chapter 111

Surviving With An Sss-Rank Inventory Chapter 111

Episode 111:

The lordly castle of the Duke of Bertio was larger and wider than any other castle in the East.

In particular, the square with the lion statue inside the fortress was one of the busiest streets on the continent.

This place, so-called ‘Eastern Street’, was home to the largest guilds in the East, including an overwhelmingly large market.

In addition, the salon, a social gathering place for prominent nobles from the eastern region and nobles from all over the empire, was also a crowded place.

“Did you see the soldiers who returned to the compound yesterday?”

“I heard he was seriously injured and died.”

“Oh my. “What’s going on?”

Currently, not only Bertio but the entire eastern region was in an uproar due to yesterday’s events.

“What on earth is going on?”

“Didn’t you hear the story? Warlocks appeared in a small village on the outskirts. “As many as 100 people!”

“No, I heard there were 200 people.”

“200 people? “What kind of country are you planning to destroy?”

“I heard they were the ones who destroyed the North.”

“If that’s the case, shouldn’t the center have sent troops?”

Rumors tend to be exaggerated.

However, even if it was not exaggerated, it was an unmistakable fact that the warlock who invaded Ox was the infamous Ruave Delakiel.

Considering the size of the warlocks and beasts he leads, the rumor is not entirely false.

Anyway, when people who had no way of knowing the details were just inflating rumors, one piece of good news came.

“hey! “Soldiers who fought in Oaks came to the tavern!”

“really? “Which house is it?”

“Let’s go quickly!”

People moved around after hearing the news of the visit of soldier Bertio, who must have witnessed the whole truth.

The place where they gathered was a tavern called ‘Autumn Morning’ in the middle of the eastern street.

Bertio’s soldiers were seated at a large table among the crowded people.

He seemed to be enjoying his vacation after completing his investigation into what happened in Oaks and being recognized for his role in defeating the warlock.

Their first getaway was here on an autumn morning at the best tavern on the East Side.

“There were demon beasts everywhere – and that’s when I got angry!”


In response to the barrage of questions from people, one soldier was half-heartedly reenacting the situation.

Of course, with a little bit of exaggeration.

But people took them at their word.

That’s because the people showing off their martial arts skills now are soldiers trained by the Bertio family with excellent swordsmanship skills.

It is not for nothing that Bertio is called a master of swordsmanship.

Even ordinary soldiers who have undergone high-intensity training have considerable combat power.

Did they want to tell people what happened because they couldn’t believe that they had survived the battle with Ox?

“Hmm. “I wonder what happened there….”

The other soldiers, who were trying to take a decent break, began to tell their stories one by one.

“Aren’t you just inflating rumors for no reason?”

Among them, a senior soldier who seemed to have a certain status spoke with concern.

“why. Isn’t this okay? “It’s about spreading the family’s reputation.”

“Well, there was no order to keep it a secret…” The

senior soldier nodded and agreed to their words.

There was no need to hide their achievements.

The other colleagues sitting at the table next to me had already started to tell the details of what had happened to the other guests.

“I heard that there is also help from the Luna Church. Is it real?”

“We fought together. But we almost all died because of those guys!”

A soldier shouted indignantly while answering one person’s question.

“What do you mean by that?”

“No, well. You tried to attack the mercenary who saved us by accusing him of being a heretic? “There are warlocks and demonic beasts right in front of me!”

“A mercenary?”

“Oh yeah. I don’t know the exact grade. But it was like S-rank.”

“Are you saying that an S-rank mercenary participated in this battle?”

“It was absolutely crazy. “I was running all over the place among the hordes of demonic beasts!”

“Besides, we fought while shooting something similar to a sword.”

“Sword energy? No way. “You must have seen it wrong.”

“No, it was definitely sword energy. “That’s for sure.”

“So…the mercenary has reached the level of sword master?”

The soldiers began to praise the mercenary, whose performance could not be compared to their own.

“Well, if it wasn’t for that guy, we would all have died.”

“You go around with the master. What is your relationship?”

As the soldiers’ stories were exchanged, the people who listened to their stories began to get to know each other.

They were not ordinary customers who came to the tavern.

They were guild informants who had already heard about what happened to the Bertio family.

Adventurer Merchant Information Guild members from all fields have gathered on the streets of the eastern part of the country to learn the truth about the Ox incident.

“This is special information.”

“A mercenary who radiates sword energy who protected the eastern land…”

“Is your name Diamond?”

“They say the invading warlock is that Luave.”

A warrior who defeated the infamous warlock Luave Delakiel.

A mercenary group that protected the eastern lands.

Their story quickly spread from Bertio to the entire continent.

Not only that, the Luna Church’s behavior as testified by Bertio’s soldiers also created a lot of rumors.

“Well, you were trying to capture all the poor country people?”

“You chased down a heretic with a warlock right in front of you?”

“So you’re not even a Heretic Questioner!”

Basically, the only people who can exercise the Inquisition are clergy at the level of bishop or higher.

In addition, summary judgment is solely the authority of the Inquisitor.

It was natural for people to express their anger at Telzia’s status, whose top priority was to save people from warlocks.

“As expected, I can’t trust the Luna Church guys.”

“As long as the Bertio family protects us, we don’t need them!”

“So you’re a warrior, not a mercenary? Hahaha! “A hero has appeared in the East!”

Is it because the people of the East did not have deep religious beliefs about the Luna Church in the first place?

Or is it because the church’s doctrine of protecting the continent has fallen drastically?

People who were disappointed by the Luna Church, which had abandoned its citizens, praised the Bertio Duke family.

In addition, it also includes the story of a mercenary group wandering the eastern part of the country and showing heroic deeds.

* * *


Dalimus was troubled by the incident that occurred in Ox.

This incident was deeply related to the Bertio family.

Bertio’s troops, who had engaged in combat with the warlocks, gathered at Oaks while searching for the second son who had run away from home.

‘Is it coincidence or fate?…’

Ox is one of the bases of Calliope, who is revered as ‘mother’ by the Bertio family.

Of course, Dalimus did not know this fact until he heard it from Calliope.

‘Legends are real.’

Calliope is nothing short of a living legend.

However, until she came, I thought Dalimus was just a legendary being given to me by my ancestors.

‘Mother’ is the person who received grace from the first head of the family who founded the family.

She left a few words in return for helping to establish the family.

The moon that rules the world will one day bring chaos to the continent, and the lion must avoid their eyes and build strength for the sun to rise someday.

And keep an eye on the ‘Key’, a faithful believer in the sun.

With the terrifying words that if he does not listen to his words, the Bertio family’s reputation will not last long.

Therefore, these words were passed down from generation to generation to the next Bertio family heads.

So even before ruling the East, the Bertio family deliberately avoided contact with the Luna Church.

This was because they knew that the ‘moon’ given by their ancestors was the Luna Church.

‘We must help the ‘Key’, whether to repay the favor of ‘Mother’ or for the sake of the family.’

Dalimus stroked his chin and thought deeply.

Because he knew that Calliope would come someday, Dalimus was able to remain calm despite Calliope’s sudden visit.

Of course, he internally smiled bitterly at the fact that this legend came to visit his college.

‘Matriarch’, ‘Witch of Balance’ and ‘Key’.

Until now, the Bertio family had only been interested in activities within the eastern region.

But now the world is in turmoil.

It was time to go out to the East and reach out to the world.

‘How should I help him…’

Dalimus also heard and knows what rumors are circulating outside.

The emergence of a hero who protected the East from the warlock.

People who rely on ‘heroes’ rather than ‘gods’.

Dalimus had to face the coming legend with a person named Dio, even out of consideration for the public sentiment in the East.

-I don’t know much about that either. Hey kid. Because he is the person closest to the sun, which is about to rise, but also the person farthest away.

Calliope did not give clear instructions.

No, it would be more correct to say that it was not possible.

Even my mother, who seemed to know everything about everything in the world, was unable to understand one person named Dio.

‘I should give you something special as a reward for going beyond Ox and saving the East…’

I don’t know what Dio needs right now.

But you should also check Dalimus.

Dalimus is not a person who just listens to stories about old times and his legendary mother and acts without thinking.

While giving the primary reward, Dalimus decided to find out what kind of person Dio was.

If you have confidence in yourself, you can do the next task without worry.

If Dio is a person who does not live up to expectations…

or if he is a person who puts the Bertio family in danger, Dalimus has no choice but to think differently.

Because that was the weight of the family that was carrying Bertio, or the entire East Coast.

‘Of course, that would be a good reward. And…’

Dalius finally made a decision.

* * *

The story of Ox did not spread only among Bertio soldiers.

The story of Ox, which began there, was passed down by various guild members to nobles who wanted information.

And nobles also exchanged stories they had heard at social gatherings and discussed what was the truth.

A horse without feet can travel a thousand miles.

It is natural that the series of events that occurred in Oaks quickly spread across the East and to the capital of the empire.

The imperial palace has stricter security than any other place.

The emperor’s throne room was located on the uppermost floor.

“I heard quite an interesting story from the East.”

The emperor, who was sitting on a throne whose armrests were decorated with dragon heads, opened his mouth.

An emperor with fierce eyes like an eagle.

He had a weight that could not be compared with other leaders.

After all, he is a solemn emperor who has ruled the entire central continent for 30 years.

“Against that Luave. “Bertio got through it well.”

Currently, there were only two people in the throne room.

Why is it that not even a single member of the imperial guard can be seen where the emperor conducts business?

It was because of one person facing the emperor.

“I heard it too. your majesty.”

A man who answers without a hint of nervousness even though he is in front of the emperor, the most powerful person on the continent.

The aura he gave off was very different from the weight of an emperor.

However, he was someone who possessed an energy comparable to that of the emperor…no, even more than that.

The first sword of Freud’s empire.

Captain of the Imperial Guard directly under the Imperial Household.

Commander of the knights guarding the emperor, guardian of the empire, hero of the southern highlands… There were many different qualifiers, but it was possible to condense them into shorter words.

Sword Master.


A man who can be argued to be by far the strongest among martial artists who are renowned throughout the continent.

It is no exaggeration to say that he was the envy of all knights.

“From what I heard, the mercenary who defeated Ruave knows how to use sword techniques…”

Naturally, the story the emperor and Gunther were talking about was about the events of Ox that took place in the east.

However, the topic of their story was not the warlock or the Bertio family.

A mercenary who is rumored to have contributed greatly to helping the Bertio family defeat the warlock.

The fact that they defeated the 8th Circle warlock Luav was surprising, but there was something else they were paying attention to.

“The state of being able to emit sword energy…can you be considered a sword master?”

“That’s right.”

There is no end to all realms.

However, among warriors who use swords, those who are close to the end are given a special title.

That is the Sword Master.

“I heard you are quite young… Has anyone in history reached the rank of Sword Master at that age?”

“As far as I know, none.”

The age of the rumored mercenary was the emperor, who I heard was similar to the second son of the Bertio family.

If he has reached the level of a sword master in such a short period of time, it can be said that he has emerged as the most talented swordsman in the history of the continent.

“I’m curious. “His talent.”

The emperor stopped talking and looked at Gunther intently.

The emperor knew without having to say anything.

Gunther would also be curious about the talent of the mercenary who reached Sword Master.

“Hehe, what do you think? Would you like to go and check it yourself?”

At the emperor’s words, Gunther simply bowed his head quietly.

Survive as an SSS-level warehouse character

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