Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 606

606 An appropriate resting place

*Snap* Vincent snapped his fingers loudly and requested them to follow him. Before Vincent turned around to lead the way, he became curious about Jun Ye Rim.

Vincent looked at Jun ye Rim because she was the only one who didn’t say a word. Their eyes soon met, and she averted her gaze promptly as if embarrassed to look at him.

Vincent faintly smiled at the view of Jun Ye Rim’s slightly reddening cheeks. ‘Jun Ye Rim is shy like usual. At least I am not seeing her unhappy from the time she spent with the girls.’ He thought.

After letting out a chuckle, Vincent started walking toward the burial site. Afterward, he had to more destination set. The second was to visit Shana and let the girls see the baby. The third and last destination was to have a long talk. Both parties had a story to tell.

[I wonder how they will take it after hearing you are the person the lizardfolk have been searching for decades or centuries.]

-Sakura took it well, so I don’t think the reception is going to be that bad... I hope.-

[I agree.]

[Changing the subject, I am quite intrigued at what happened when we separated. Hearing the word fight from Lupa’s mouth raised a lot of alarms. I hope their story will not give us a shock.]

Vincent nodded while walking. He also hoped nothing terrible happened, yet his gut feeling said otherwise.


-Changing the subject again, how about you and me spend a day in the forest alone?-

[A relaxing trip together. It sounds nice, but are you going to use me as an excuse to set your mind straight?]

-It is not like that, but yes, I want to clear my mind and focus on the judgment by combat happening next Saturday or Sunday. Additionally, I can train without any interference.-

[Yeah. Interferences have been happening a lot lately. I am now interested in watching their expression after hearing how you are going to leave for a day or two, hehe.]

Kazumi became interested in Vincent’s plan and became delighted at the thought of spending time alone with him. However, Kazumi soon remembered a problem they needed to solve.

[Vincent. Did you forget we have three out of five fighters on the team? We need to find the remaining two since Sofy and Mimi can be considered as our backup plans.]

-I understand, but Sofy and Mimi can make the decision later. We still do not know the exact time and date. Not to mention the location. We still have time.-

Kazumi didn’t like Vincent’s response, but she had to stop their current discussion. In front of Vincent and the others behind him was a patch of grassless ground. It was empty, and it felt lonesome.

“It feels sad...” Said Iris looking displeased by the empty ground.

“I have seeds... but I think it would be better to place one of the Sage Apple trees I have been growing.” Suggested Iris while looking at the ground.

[I think it is a good idea. Waiting for a tree to sprout and grow takes time. Not to mention it is currently cold, and only a tree that sprouted from a magic seed can still grow in the cold as if it were any other day.]

“After thinking about it, you are right, Iris. Not only it needs to be a plant grown from a magic tree to grow in the cold, but Shana might not be able to see a quarter of a tree at the time she learns about the truth.” Vincent said before closing his eyes.

His feeler-like intent spread on and inside the ground beside him. After roughly knowing the location of the two corpses, green glowing particles exited from Vincent’s body.

Soon, a one-foot tall green glowing tree took shape. The light faded, and above the two corpses was a small Sage Apple tree.

The small Sage Apple tree was perfectly placed without damaging its roots. It was a little addition to the empty ground, yet it had already changed how the area looked.

The view became better, yet Iris felt it was lacking. Iris walked to the tree. She raised her arms shoulder high and slightly curled her fingers.

Everyone looked at Iris and her fingers without mentioning a word. All the fingers started to glisten as if they had become wet. Tiny liquid droplets soon fell on the grassless ground.

The wild grass started to grow magically, along with a couple of wildflowers budding to begin their cycle of life. The burial site now brimmed with life, and the view became better.

Iris lowered her arms and turned around. Iris saw hands clapping and lips moving to compliment her.

The barrage of compliments such as, “It looks lovely now.” “They can rest in peace now.” “I like how serene this place feels now.” “Good job, Iris.” made Iris blush.

After Vincent congratulated Iris, he considered requesting Sakura to make a small wood fence around the tree. It would serve both for the appearance and protection of the tree. Additionally, it became difficult to tell where Shana’s parents were buried after the wild grass regrew.

Vincent also hoped Sakura would have the time to make a wooden gravestone to remember who was resting in peace beneath the growing Sage Apple tree.

After one of the three destination events was over, Vincent started leading the group to their second destination. It was to find and see baby Shana.

Lupa heard voices and informed them about people inside the living room. They headed to the living room, but Shana wasn’t there. Instead, they found Ganni’s wife Marika, taking care of Luisa and the kids. Tula wasn’t with them like usual.

Vincent went to Marika and asked where Shana was and if Russo had returned from work.

“Russo still hasn’t arrived, and little Shana was taken to Lady Lilith’s room to sleep in. Sofy and Tula are currently taking care of her until Grace or Zefine returns. On the other hand, Yula should be busy preparing for dinner.” Maria explained.

Vincent thanked Marika and waved at the kids. Ester, Lupa, Iris, and Lilith also waved their hands while Plow waved her little paw.

Jun Ye Rim saw the children wave with smiles on their faces. She felt terrible for not responding to the happy children playing with wood blocks, Tusk and Nix.

Jun Ye Rim saw Vincent and the others turn to leave the living room. After a quick gulp, she slightly raised her hand and waved back at the children.

The group headed for Lilith’s old bedroom. After they arrived, Vincent looked back and asked, “Are you ready to meet your daughter?”

Ester, Lupa, Iris, and Lilith nodded with a grin on their faces while Plow wagged her tails to meet the baby. On the other hand, Jun Ye Rim didn’t smile. She looked away while peeking with her eyes at the door to see what the baby inside looked like.

Vincent knocked on the door. Afterward, he opened the door and entered the bedroom.

On the side of the bed was a cute baby sleeping. Beside her was Tula looking at the baby as if she was her new little sister. Sofy sat on a nearby chair while keeping an eye on the two.

“Is Shana still sleeping?” Vincent asked.

“Yes, big brother. Little Shana is so cute I want to hug her, but she is so small that I am afraid to hurt her.” Tula said. She didn’t know Shana had already fallen on the floor because of her unique trait.

Sofy stood up and asked Tula to follow her outside. Tula frowned and shook her head, but her decline didn’t last for long. Sofy placed her hand in her pocket and opened her hand in front of Tula.

Tula smiled and took a small piece of candy from her hand. After Tula was successfully bribed, Sofy and Tula left the bedroom.

“I am going to leave too.” Jun Ye Rim said. She took a step and had to stop. Lilith grabbed her uninjured arm.

“Please stay with us. Didn’t you accept the idea of becoming a part of our family? Stay here and take a good look at your future daughter.” Lilith told Jun Ye Rim.

“I agree with Lilith, and I think the two of us aren’t the only ones with this thought. After getting used to the life of sharing, adding one more sister we accept isn’t a problem anymore.” Ester continued.

“Yeah.” Lupa and Iris agreed one after another.

Plow nodded while being held by Lilith because climbing the stairs was bothersome. Plow didn’t speak because she usually barks, and she didn’t want to wake up the baby.

‘I knew they didn’t mind my cursed presence, but I didn’t think they would share this experience with me. I haven’t even married Vinc... I mean, I haven’t been forced to marry the persuasive and sly Vincent yet. But... can I really stay here? The lizard baby looks cute from here.’ Jun Ye Rim thought while looking at each person in the room.

Jun Ye Rim touched her chest after feeling welcomed while warming up to the idea of becoming a part of their family. ‘Why does my chest feel strange and hot?’ She pondered.

After Jun Ye Rim showed signs of staying, Ester, Lupa, Iris, and Lilith went to see the cute sleeping Shana up close while taking Jun Ye Rim with them.

“Shana has a special trait that I will explain later. But to make a long story short, the more good luck she experiences, the more chances of bad luck she could experience and vice versa.” Vincent briefly explained.

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