Star Instructor, Master Baek

Chapter 173: I Humbly Ask For Your Precious Vote

Chapter 173: I Humbly Ask For Your Precious Vote

TL: FoodieMonster007

The news that Hyonwon Kang was running for Club Union President spread through Azure Dragon Academy like wildfire. By the next morning, everyone was talking about it.

"What? That delinquent?"

"I heard he's been attending classes diligently these days."

"Well, he has been quiet lately… At least, I haven't heard about him causing trouble for a while."

"Is it possible for someone to change so drastically within such a short time?"

"Well, they say he became reformed after moving in with Mr. Baek Suryong."

"As expected of the Azure Dragon Hero, he can even rehabilitate even the number one delinquent…"

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The entire academy buzzed with gossip. Most of it centered around the Azure Dragon Hero's legendary defeat of the Bloody Ripper, though now and then, whispers about the students who had accompanied him crept into the conversation.

Hyonwon Kang, in particular, had always been famous (or infamous), but after his return from the Valley of Evil with Baek Suryong, the rumors about him took on a new tone.

"By the way, did you hear that story?"

"What story?"

"They say Hyonwon Kang got stabbed while trying to save a junior. Apparently, he's still recovering from the injury."

"What? Seriously?"

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"Can a person really change that much?"

"Honestly, I can't believe it…"

In general, the public opinion of Hyonwon Kang wasn't as harsh as before. Although many students now had a better impression of him, the reality remained unchanged: only members of clubs affiliated with the Club Union could vote in the election.

At the Club Union headquarters, Seonwoo Jin and his supporters gathered for a meeting. Despite the circumstances, his backers—mostly from the Bladesmanship Research Society—remained laid-back.

"That clown Hyonwon Kang is stirring up quite a commotion these days."

"Let him run around like a headless chicken and make a fool of himself."

"That delinquent competing with Seonwoo Jin? Funniest joke I've heard all year."

Laughter filled the room. Whether it was family background, reputation, or martial prowess, everyone believed that Hyonwon Kang was no match for the Willow Blade, Seonwoo Jin—a blade prodigy second only to Peng Sahyuk.

"Never mind Hyonwon Kang, even if the Fist Dragon or Sword Flower signed up, they don't stand a chance in hell of winning."

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"He doesn't know his place."

"Yeah. Even if Peng Sahyuk came back, he can't win anymore!"

They Club Union executives mocked Hyonwon Kang while praising Seonwoo Jin, eager to curry favor with the soon-to-be Club Union President.

"Alright, enough flattery. Let's focus on the meeting," Seonwoo Jin said with his usual refined demeanor. "At least the election won't be boring now. I was worried about winning by default."

"Well, that's because no one else dared to run."

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"After all, why would any sound person want to subject themselves to the embarrassment of losing?"

No one in the room considered Hyonwon Kang a real threat. In fact, they didn't think anyone could beat Seonwoo Jin at all, given his solid standing within the Club Union and close ties with most affiliated clubs.

"Who knows? Maybe Hyonwon Kang will surprise us and get ten votes," Seonwoo Jin joked. "Anyway, let's cut the idle chatter and discuss this year's budget. First, we need to request more funds from the academy…"

With that, the election talk ended. Seonwoo Jin led the meeting as if he were already elected, outlining the Club Union's plans for the year, and the others accepted it as a given.

Midway through the meeting, however, they were forced to suspend it.

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Glancing toward the door, Seonwoo Jin asked, "Why is it so noisy outside? Someone, go see what's happening."

Everyone in the room was a skilled martial artist, with heightened senses. Naturally, the unusual commotion outside caught their attention, pulling their focus away from their discussion.

Following Seonwoo Jin's orders, a freshman got to his feet, went to check the situation, and came back a moment later.

"What's going on outside?" Seonwoo Jin asked.

Pressured by his seniors' intense gazes, the freshman said timidly, "Well… Hyonwon Kang has started campaigning."

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"Pfft! He's seriously campaigning? What's he up to?" Seonwoo Jin snorted, and the Club Union executives laughed along with him.

"Well…" The freshman started to answer, but seeing the look on his compatriots' faces, he hesitated.

Seonwoo Jin narrowed his eyes. "It's fine, just tell me. Is he gathering people to badmouth me or something?"

"No, he's… handing out free miracle herbs to students."

"…What?" Seonwoo Jin blinked in confusion.

"Um, it's not the really expensive stuff, just ten-year tuber fleeceflower juice…"

"Hey, don't tell me you drank it too?" Seonwoo Jin interrupted in a low voice, noticing a faint brown stain at the corner of the freshman's mouth, along with a faint scent of medicinal herbs.

The freshman hung his head. "Well… it was free, so I just… I'm sorry!"

For a split second, Seonwoo Jin's face hardened, but he quickly hid it with a bright smile. "No need to apologize. You're not really thinking of voting for him because of something so stupid, are you?"

"N-No, of course not!" the freshman stammered, detecting a hint of malice in Seonwoo Jin's eyes.

"Good. Now, it seems that I need to go see what he's up to myself."

Pushing his junior aside, Seonwoo Jin headed outside along with the Club Union executives.

They didn't have to go far. Right in front of the Club Union building, Hyonwon Kang and his four White Dragon Manor friends were handing out tuber fleeceflower juice to passing students.

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"Get your ten-year tuber fleeceflower juice! Try our medicinal cuisine, freshly prepared just this morning! Don't worry, it's all free!"

Attracted by the offer, students swarmed around the five delinquents like bees. Ten-year-old tuber fleeceflower wasn't a rare herb, but it wasn't something most students could easily afford. From those on a tight budget to the purely curious, the area quickly became packed.

Once he judged that a suitably large crowd had gathered, Hyonwon Kang infused his voice with inner qi and shouted, "Everyone! Please give me your attention for a moment!"

The students sipping the juice looked up.

"If I, Hyonwon Kang, am elected as Club Union President, we'll regularly provide free food containing miracle herbs to boost your health and inner arts!"

To Seonwoo Jin and the executives, this was an outrageous promise, but the students' reactions were enthusiastic.

"What did he say?"



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And that was just the beginning.

With a slightly flushed face, Hyonwon Kang delivered his pitch, "I'll facilitate the expansion of student community facilities! I'll make sure your union membership fees are transparently managed and are open to scrutiny! I'll establish agreements with restaurants around the academy so Club Union members can dine at discounted prices!"

Hyonwon Kang spoke with confidence, made bold promises with ease, and actively pushed his agenda. In contrast, Seonwoo Jin seemed complacent, as if the election was already in the bag.

The Azure Dragon Academy students wouldn't fail to notice that. Before long, the look in their eyes started to change.

Hyonwon Kang finished his speech with a deep bow. "Thank you for listening! I humbly ask for your precious vote."

"Please give us your precious vote!" the four behind him echoed.

"This shameless bastard!" Seonwoo Jin gnashed his teeth, glaring at Hyonwon Kang.

As if on cue, Hyonwon Kang turned to look at him.

Their eyes met.

Hyonwon Kang grinned haughtily, showing off his pearly white teeth. It was a clear provocation, and an unmistakable declaration of war.

Sparks flew in Seonwoo Jin's eyes. "Fine. So it's war, is it?" he snarled.

At that moment, the real battle for the Club Union Presidency finally began.

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"Haaa…" Hyonwon Kang let out a long sigh as he collapsed onto the floor after returning to the White Dragon Manor late at night. The food giveaway had left him utterly drained.

Greeting him, Baek Suryong asked curiously, "You're back. How did it go?"

"…I'm exhausted and so embarrassed I could die," Hyonwon Kang muttered, shaking his head.

He couldn't help but laugh bitterly. Who would have thought that someone like me, who spent his whole life doing nothing but training and fighting, would ever get up in front of a crowd and give a campaign speech?

"Still, seeing Seonwoo Jin's face made it all worth it," he added with a smirk.

Baek Suryong let out a soft chuckle. In reality, he had been watching from a distance the whole time, praying that Hyonwon Kang would be able to control his temper. To his surprise, Hyonwon Kang was much more enthusiastic than he had imagined.

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To think that at first he said he'd never be able to do it… Maybe he has a knack for leadership after all?

His infectious zeal had spread quickly, and the other White Dragon Manot students eagerly lent a hand. Nevertheless, in the grand scheme of the election, their opponent still had the upper hand.

Baek Suryong said, "Congratulations on winning the first skirmish, but this war has only just begun. You've got a long way to go."

"I know," Hyonwon Kang sighed softly.

"What's important is that we've seen some promise. Come on, I'll take you somewhere."

"Huh? Where are we going at this hour?"

"You will see soon enough. Since I can't be at your side all the time, we'll hire a strategist," Baek Suryong said determinedly. Even if it meant making a deal with the devil, he wanted to use every means possible to make Hyonwon Kang the president of the Club Union.

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"A strategist?" Hyonwon Kang blinked, bewildered.

Baek Suryong gave him a light smack on the back of his head. "Just how dumb can you be? A strategist is someone who'll plan out the campaign strategy."

"I know that! But… is there someone like that?" Hyonwon Kang asked.

Recalling the person they were going to meet, a shadow crossed Baek Suryong's face. Sighing despondently, he mumbled, "Yes. There is indeed a person who is a proven expert in this field."

I never wanted to go back to that person if I could help it… but in this situation, I don't have a choice.

Baek Suryong clenched his fists, his expression so solemn that even Hyonwon Kang was surprised.

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Just who are we meeting? He didn't look anywhere near this grim when facing the Bloody Ripper… Hyonwon Kang asked cautiously, "…Who exactly are we going to meet?"

"You'll find out when we get there," Baek Suryong replied curtly.

Unwilling to give up, Hyonwon Kang pointed to the large bundle slung over Baek Suryong's shoulder. "What's in that bundle you're carrying?"

"Let's just call it the price for making a deal with the devil."


Baek Suryong said nothing more and walked ahead.

Soon, they reached a small, dingy inn tucked away in a secluded alley—the kind of place you'd expect to meet someone for a clandestine deal like arranging an assassination.

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"This is the place," Baek Suryong said.

Gulping nervously, Hyonwon Kang followed his teacher into the inn. Inside, a young girl greeted them, her face hidden beneath a black veil.

"I knew you'd come find me eventually," she said, lifting her veil slightly.

"TANG SOSO?" Hyonwon Kang shouted, his jaw dropping in shock. Standing before him was none other than Tang Soso, the Vice President of the Student Council and one of Baek Suryong's most devoted fans.

Looking around the inn, Baek Suryong groaned, "Do we really need to be this secretive?"

Tang Soso daintily covered her mouth with a fan to hide her mad glee. "The Club Union and the Student Council don't exactly get along. If word gets out that a presidential candidate met with us, it could cause unwanted problems."

Baek Suryong nodded. "I see… as expected of the Student Council's best strategist. Can we take your willingness to meet as a sign you'll help us?"

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"Before that, could you please show me the goods?"

"Ugh…" With a reluctant sigh, Baek Suryong placed the bundle on the table.

Examining it with sharp eyes, Tang Soso said, "It's not a fake, is it? If it is, our conversation ends here. After all, mutual trust is essential when working toward a common goal."

"I wouldn't have come here if I wasn't ready to do business honestly."


With great care and focus, Tang Soso untied the bundle.

What on earth is in there…? Hyonwon Kang wondered, watching from the sidelines. Given the atmosphere, he expected to see something valuable, like gold or treasures, but when the contents were revealed, he stared at Tang Soso in disbelief.

"A blanket!?" he blurted out.

Closing her eyes, Tang Soso sniffed the blanket deeply. "Ahh… It's genuine. The blanket Teacher used… This scent… You brought it without washing it as promised."

Baek Suryong shivered, feeling a chill run down his spine. Just how much of a pervert is she?

"Ahnnnnn…" Tang Soso moaned.

Baek Suryong winced uncomfortably, "Please stop making that noise. I feel like I'm about to suffer qi deviation."

Tang Soso, who had buried her face in the blanket, immediately came back to her senses. "Oh dear, it seems I've inadvertently made a spectacle of myself. I'll have to do the rest at home."

Do what, exactly? Too afraid to ask, Baek Suryong remained silent.

After regaining her composure, Tang Soso finally turned to face Hyonwon Kang, who was staring at her awkwardly. With her lips curled into a sweet smile and her eyes narrowed into crescent moons, she said, "Very well. I'll help Senior Wonkang win this election."


That day, Hyonwon Kang recruited the Azure Dragon Academy's best strategist—and worst pervert, but thankfully, no one else ever found out about the great sacrifice his teacher had made behind the scenes.

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