Star Instructor, Master Baek

Chapter 170: A Club Like No Other (2)

Chapter 170: A Club Like No Other (2)

TL: FoodieMonster007

Hyonwon Kang exclaimed, "What the hell? Did you just say cooking?"

Yeo Min drew in a sharp breath. "…You're joking, right?"

Geo Sangwoong chuckled heartily, "Hahaha! I'm all for it!"

While the ever-hungry and wealthy Geo Sangwoong seemed thrilled, Hyonwon Kang and Yeo Min were completely baffled.

Cooking? And with miracle herbs, no less!

The mere thought of squandering so much money sent shivers down their spines.

Hyonwon Kang whined, "Where will we get the money to buy miracle herbs? And who's gonna do the cooking? I've never cooked in my life…"


Baek Suryong whacked Hyonwon Kang on the head with the Black Dragon Pointer. With a twitching eyebrow, he scolded, "Are you bragging or what, you little punk? Use your brain for once, dumbass. If you start a martial arts research club, what else is there to do besides fight? Your student record is already full of violent incidents. You really want to add more?"

"……" Hyonwon Kang reluctantly shut his mouth. With all the trouble he'd caused, he couldn't exactly argue with Baek Suryong's logic.

Yeo Min raised her hand. "Mr. Baek, if we start the Medicinal Cooking Research Society, what kind of activities will we be doing? We need something to show for our student records, right? And what does cooking have to do with martial arts anyway?"

"Excellent questions."

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Baek Suryong scanned the faces of his students. He hadn't proposed the Medicinal Cooking Research Society just for fun. There were solid reasons behind it, and he had woven it into his long-term strategy for them.

What these kids really need is mental discipline and a deeper grasp of qi.

He had already laid the groundwork for their physical development by teaching them the Eighteen Strikes of the Viridian Forest. Though they weren't flawless yet, with steady training, by the time the Heavenly Martial Festival arrived, their external arts mastery would at least equal the students from the other Five Great Academies.

However, now that he had strengthened the vessels, he needed to fill them.

Wearing a serious expression, Baek Suryong explained, "Medicinal cooking improves your inner qi control, which in turn will raise the efficiency and effectiveness of your training and techniques. Still, working with miracle herbs demands precise control, so we won't jump into that immediately. We'll start by cooking with cheap and easily accessible ingredients like ginseng, fleeceflower root, epimedium, or spirit carp."

When most people thought of miracle herbs, they pictured things like Shaolin's Great Cycle Pill or ten-thousand-year snow ginseng that greatly enhanced inner qi. In reality, though, any food that was good for the body could be considered a miracle herb.

I can put the Blood Cult's secret recipe book to good use here, Baek Suryong thought.

Every sect had its own secret manual for handling miracle herbs, and the Blood Cult was no exception. Although he didn't know how to craft top-tier elixirs like the Blood Elixir, Baek Suryong could produce low-grade elixirs given the right materials.

Moreover, with a few adjustments, he could easily transform them into medicinal dishes.

"After successfully cooking several dishes, we'll distribute the food you make to the students for free."


"We're not eating it ourselves?"

"Why give away something so valuable…?"

All the students tilted their heads in confusion, except for Geo Sangwoong, whose eyes lit up with interest.

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"Is this some sort of investment, Mr. Baek?" he asked.

As expected from the son of a merchant family! He catches on fast. Baek Suryong nodded. "Exactly. It's an investment to boost your terrible reputations."

Baek Suryong glanced at the other delinquents. Hyonwon Kang and Yeo Min still looked clueless, as if they still couldn't understand why their reputation should matter at all.

Baek Suryong sighed softly, "People often avoid you when you walk down the street, right? That's proof that you guys have terrible rep."

"Heh, that's just because we're strong martial artists. They're scared of us…"


Like a bolt of lightning, the Black Dragon Pointer landed on Hyonwon Kang's head mid-boast.

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"Ouch! Why'd you hit me again?" Hyonwon Kang screamed.

"Are you a demon or something? Why the fuck would people avoid you just because you're strong? Seriously, how many people have you punched for them to start running away from you a hundred feet away, shouting 'Hyonwon Kang is coming'? You know what… you're in for it today."

Baek Suryong's frustration boiled over. He had worked so hard to secure his students a spot at the Heavenly Martial Festival, only for them to complain about every little thing. Determined, he rolled up his sleeves and reached for his 'stick of love.'


"Ack! Ahhh! Why am I the only one getting hit?"

"Take this, you delinquent! This is payback for all the good, innocent people you've bullied!"

"Why are you avenging them?! And I never picked on any good guys!"

"Who was it that came up with the Handsome Playboy moniker, huh? Because of you, strange rumors about the good, innocent me are everywhere! How are you going to fix that?!"

"So it was about that!"

As Hyonwon Kang was getting pummeled, the other students whispered among themselves.

"He just wanted to blow off steam, didn't he?"

"Yeah, he's venting."

"I can't believe he still holds a grudge about that after all this time…"

Some time later, Baek Suryong eventually calmed down, taking a deep breath as Hyonwon Kang lay battered and sprawled out in front of him.

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"Phew! Why does this punk always rub me the wrong way? Just try interrupting me again."


Feeling much better, Baek Suryong turned to the other students, who flinched and snapped to attention.

"Ahem. Anyway, if things keep up like this, you'll stay outcasts forever. No one will cheer for you even if you made it to the Heavenly Martial Festival. So, we'll use club activities to boost your reputation too."

"You're planning to win them over by handing out free food," Geo Sangwoong added.

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Baek Suryong nodded. If only Hyonwon Kang was half as perceptive as Geo Sangwoong, he might have avoided that beating.

"Exactly. Nothing brings people together faster than gifts. Who would turn down free food?" he asked rhetorically.

Of course, giving out food wouldn't immediately change the way people viewed the delinquents. However, in time, perhaps after a few months to a year, people would begin to see them differently, especially since the medicinal dishes would increase their inner qi.

Baek Suryong could already imagine people eagerly lining up for the food.

Furthermore, this will also help increase the average strength of the Azure Dragon Academy students.

The Heavenly Martial Festival was no small tournament that five individuals could claim victory in. It was a grand event in the orthodox murim, showcasing the finest talents from the Five Great Academies. Beside his own students, the overall skill level of the Azure Dragon Academy's students needed to be raised as well.

"Well, I'm a bit concerned about securing a steady supply of ingredients, but don't worry. I'll figure out a way to take care of that somehow," Baek Suryong added.

Now that he had reached the seventh star of the Heaven Defying Divine Art, ordinary miracle herbs and impure qi no longer had any value to him, which also meant that he wasn't desperate for money anymore. Therefore, with the wealth he'd secured from raiding the Blood Cult's secret vault, his finances were now in good shape. He was ready to invest boldly, even if it meant using his own money.

However, he had missed one crucial detail. Among the people here was the heir of the Golden Dragon Trading Company, one of the Ten Great Companies.

Flashing a bright smile, Geo Sangwoong casually offered, "Mr. Baek, I can ask my father to supply us with some low-grade miracle herbs."


"We probably have plenty of the cheap ones in our warehouse."

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For a moment, Baek Suryong found himself thinking that Geo Sangwoong had never looked more impressive. "Is this what it's like to be filthy rich…?"

"So cool…"

"Senior Sangwoong, will you marry me?"

And just like that, the issue of securing ingredients for the medicinal cooking was easily solved.

"Alright then, that's settled. Next on the list is… Hyonwon Kang, you'll be the club president," Baek Suryong announced. Geo Sangwoong might have been the senior by grade, but Hyonwon Kang had the worse reputation and needed the boost even more.

Hyonwon Kang immediately protested, "Why me?"

"Got any complaints?"

"…No." Hyonwon Kang bowed his head. In truth, he had no real complaints. Even though he was beaten up every day, he knew better than anyone how much Baek Suryong cared for him. After all, without this teacher, he would likely have dropped out of school that rainy day.

You ought to read this at northbladetldotcom.

"Tomorrow, head to the Club Union and submit the new club application."


However, that was that, and this was this. At the mention of the Club Union, Hyonwon Kang's expression soured. "The Club Union? I really don't want to go there…"


Once again, the Black Dragon Pointer came flying, striking the top of Hyonwon Kang's head.

Looking down at Hyonwon Kang crouched on the floor groaning, Baek Suryong clicked his tongue. "You're just begging for yet another beating, aren't you? Now stop whining and go."

"Ugh… Fine, I'll go."

The next day, as soon as classes were over, Hyonwon Kang headed to the Club Union building with a grimace, as though he had tasted something bitter. Students who caught his eye quickly moved out of his way.

A large banner with the words "Election Notice: Now Accepting Candidates for Club Union President!" fluttered at the entrance of the Club Union building.

Looking up at the banner, Hyonwon Kang muttered, "Guess they're electing a new president since Peng Sahyuk's gone."

He stood at the entrance for a while, hesitating, reluctant to go inside. Then, steeling himself, he sighed and pushed the door open.

Read this at northbladetldotcom, or else.

"Welcome… Huh?"

As he stepped inside, the Club Union students who saw him gasped.

"Hyonwon Kang?"

"What's he doing here?"

"Is he here to cause trouble?"

Some had already placed their hands on their weapons or were gathering their inner qi.

To show he meant no harm, Hyonwon Kang raised his hands in surrender. "I'm not here to fight. I'm here to submit a new club application."


"What kind of nonsense is this?!"

Just as I thought, they reacted badly. Muttering softly to himself, Hyonwon Kang walked slowly, carefully making his way through the main hall to avoid provoking the Club Union students.

At the reception desk, an unfamiliar student glared at him.

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Scratching his head, Hyonwon Kang pulled the new club application form from his pocket. "Do I submit this here?"

"……" The student at the reception didn't reply.

Relations between Hyonwon Kang and the Club Union were strained, with frequent clashes, particularly during Peng Sahyuk's time as president.

Well, to be frank, more than half the students here had been beaten by Hyonwon Kang before.

Glancing around awkwardly, Hyonwon Kang forced a smile. "Relax, everyone. I'm really not here to fight today, and I won't fight you in the future either."

"……" The student sitting at the reception continued to glare sharply at him, saying nothing.

"Geez." Feeling awkward, Hyonwon Kang sighed, "Uh, should I apologize? I think I beat you up before…"

"Get lost."


The student at the reception slammed his fist on the desk. "I said get lost! We have no intention of accepting trash like you into the Club Union."


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Irritated, Hyonwon Kang narrowed his eyes. This was blatant abuse of authority. While the Club Union managed the clubs within the academy, they didn't have the right to refuse a new club application.

Suppressing his anger, he said calmly, "As long as the qualifications are met, anyone can establish a new club. You don't have the right to refuse."

"So what? You already know we won't accept it, so why bother submitting it?"

"You little…" Hyonwon Kang narrowed his eyes.

Seeing the student flinch though, he forced a smile instead.

This isn't just about me. It's for my friends, he thought firmly.

"What? You wanna fight? Just because Peng Sahyuk isn't here, you think we're pushovers?"

Angered, more than ten Club Union students began to surround Hyonwon Kang.

Hyonwon Kang let out a hollow laugh, "What's Peng Sahyuk got to do with this? I'm just here to submit a new club application."

"We're not accepting it, so get lost. If you're upset, go complain to a teacher."

"……" A murderous glint flashed in Hyonwon Kang's eyes.

Seeing this, the Club Union members tightened their encirclement. The tension in the air rose, and a fight could break out any moment…

Hyonwon Kang clasped his hands and bowed deeply. "I'm sorry," he said.

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Everyone was stunned speechless.

"…What did you just say?"

"I want to take this chance to apologize to all of you for the wrongs I've done before. I'm truly sorry," Hyonwon Kang repeated.

He no longer wanted to cause problems. He knew how hard Baek Suryong was working to get him into the Heavenly Martial Festival, and he didn't want to betray those expectations.

Bowing my head once is no big deal. Not just my own future, but that of my juniors and seniors depends on establishing this club.

With that in mind, Hyonwon Kang bowed even deeper.

"I know words aren't enough. I won't fight back, so take out your anger on me as much as you want. When you're satisfied, I hope you'll accept my application," he said, his voice sincere and resolute.

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