Spiteful Healer

Chapter 78: Departure

Chapter 78: Departure

“What would you like to purchase?” Aegis asked an excited looking level 6 Gnome Priest player who stared up at him wide eyed over the counter of the Night Hunter’s Kiosk he was currently standing behind. Around him on the shelves hung the wares that he’d helped Tullan produce over the course of the last week in order to pay Tullan back for the necklace.

“Oh… oh… nothing, I didn’t want to purchase anything. I just wanted to say hi to my friends at school. Hi friends!” He waved towards Aegis’ livestreaming camera icon, barely looking Aegis in the eyes.

“Right… uhm, could you make room for someone who is looking to buy something?” Aegis tried to be as polite as possible. It wasn’t the first encounter like this, and it made him wonder once again just how many viewers he currently had, but ultimately he’d felt it best if he left the number hidden for his own sanity.

“Y-yeah, sure. Jonathan sucks!” The gnome shouted at Aegis before scurrying away back into the crowds of Kordas. The Night Hunter kiosk was set up in the middle of the Kordas Market Square, surrounded by hundreds of others from various guilds and players attempting to peddle their wares, though most of the customers were now lining up in front of Aegis’ kiosk which caused the other merchants to throw Aegis nasty glares - both player and NPC alike.

“H-hey there. I’d like to buy that sword.” He pointed specifically at an iron sword that Aegis had made under Tullan’s instruction a few days ago. Aegis looked up at the human fighter player curiously.

“You sure you want that one? One of these is a bit higher quality, we’ve still got them in stock. Just a few more coins than that one.” He motioned to the swords made by Tullan.

“No thanks, I’d like that one. Specifically. It says it’s made by you, right?” He confirmed.

“Y-yeah, I guess.” Aegis shrugged awkwardly as he took the sword down off the display shelf behind him and placed it on the counter.

“Can you… do you think you could sign it? With a Jewelcrafting kit?”

“Seriously?” Aegis raised a brow at him, not believing his own ears.

“Y-yes, you’re like, the first big celebrity we’ve had in Kalmoore. You know, aside from Winter. People say Kalmoore is filled with wimpy players who don’t do anything cool, and you’re proving them wrong! Please?!” He pleaded desperately as he spoke extremely fast.

“I, uh… I guess…” Aegis awkwardly took out his Jewelcrafter kit, but just as he was about to start working on it, a fist slammed down on the kiosk.

“Yo.” Herilon smiled. “Long time no see.”

“Excuse me, it’s my turn in line.” The fighter player growled at Herilon.

“Relax buddy, this Kiosk belongs to us. You’re up.” He motioned to another Night Hunter member who was standing behind him.

“I’m here to relieve you, Aegis.” A beautiful female Satyr smiled at Aegis with a curtsy. She had pure white fur with brown spots and tiny little stubs for horns protruding from her forehead, wearing simple clothes and the Night Hunter tabard. [Shelly - Level 19]. Aegis was surprised, it was the first Night Hunter member he had met that was lower level than him, but after her curtsy she moved behind the Kiosk and motioned him out.

“Tullan said the dungeon team wouldn’t be back for another day.” Aegis said to Herilon.

“Our dungeon delve finished early, the boss ended up being a pushover. Go get your Priestess, the Airship leaves in an hour.” Herilon replied.

“Really? Alright.” Aegis let out a sigh of relief.

“Wait, what about my signature?” The fighter player called after Aegis. Aegis had half a mind to keep walking away, but thought better of it.

“Right, one second.” Aegis said to Herilon as he turned back to the counter and pulled out his kit, quickly engraving ‘Aegis’ into the hilt.

“Wow! Thanks!” The fighter cheered excitedly.

“That signature raises the price by 50 gold.” Shelly smiled as she held her hand out to the player, whilst Herilon grabbed Aegis by the shoulder and led him away.

“Go on, make it quick or we’ll leave without you.” Herilon urged him from the district as the line of people in front of the Kiosk all watched him leaving, some letting out audible sighs of disappointment. Aegis didn't waste any time and rushed off towards the Shrine of Eirene where he found Priestess Clara in her typical attire watering plants within the Garden as he approached.

“Priestess Clara, the Airship is ready to leave for Kriene now, if you could prepare your things.” Aegis asked her politely.

“Oh yes, of course, I have my bag prepared inside, I’ll just be a moment. Wait here.” She smiled before rushing off into the shrine. When she returned a few moments later, she ran towards Aegis so hastily that she nearly stumbled over her own feet, forcing Aegis to catch her.

“Are you okay?” Aegis asked as she adjusted her robes after the near tumble.

“Y-yes, sorry. I’m just very excited. I never thought I would be able to return to Kriene. I have a lot of friends that I left behind in Arallia.” Her face turned bright red. “Of course, this journey is about you though. They will be very happy to meet you, everyone in the Monastery of the Stars.” She bowed. “I’m ready to go.”

“Right, let’s go then.” Aegis nodded as he led her from the shrine. Her excitement intrigued Aegus, and his mind began to wonder just how developed an NPC like Priestess Clara was. By comparison to the Elite NPCs in the Leadership quest, she acted sometimes as if she was just someone placed in the game world to give out quests, but other times acted more like a person. He couldn’t quite wrap his head around how it all was working behind the scenes, though he came up with a few theories as he made his way up the Skyport Tower with her.

When he reached the top of the tower Aegis saw several workers wearing Night Hunter tabards in the process of carrying crates and barrels onto Leonard’s airship. Gregory stood atop the Airship looking over the side overseeing them alongside Tullan, the two were in a deep discussion.

“Is that our ride?” Priestess Clara asked as she eyed the Airship excitedly.

“Yup, but, I should warn you… The Captain is a bit eccentric.” Aegis said apprehensively.

“O-okay.” Priestess Clara nodded politely. With that, Aegis walked across the wooden pier, doing his best not to look down as he approached the ship. Tullan and Gregory both saw them approaching with quick glances, but didn’t break out of their discussion about cargo weight. Tullan was busy arguing with Gregory about Captain Leonard’s excessive amounts of wine wasting cargo space that could be used for more valuable trade goods.

When Aegis arrived on the deck of the ship, he saw quite a few people standing about. On the port side of the ship, legs hanging off the side, sat Sapphire and the two female NPCs that Aegis had seen nude on the ship a few weeks earlier. Now that they were clothed, Aegis could see their names also had (Elite) next to them, and they were chatting with Sapphire as she wore casual attire in place of her usual armor.

At the front of the ship stood Quinn, Trexon the lizardfolk Sage, and Captain Leonard, deep in a conversation Aegis couldn’t hear. And lastly, the Orc NPC was standing with Herilon on the upper level of the deck near the Stern taking turns smoking a pipe. All the while NPCs were shuffling past them with wheelbarrows containing crates and barrels, leading them below deck one by one. It was noisy and busy, and barely anyone seemed to notice that Aegis and Priestess Clara had arrived until finally Gregory turned from his chat with Tullan.

“Welcome aboard the Sky Darling. Allow me to show you to your rooms.” Gregory motioned them towards the stairs leading below deck before walking in front of them.

“Thanks.” Aegis nodded, but just like before Gregory didn’t seem to care about anything Aegis did. “The Airship is called the Sky Darling?” Aegis confirmed curiously.

“Yes.” Gregory replied with disdain. Aegis looked around to see impressive paintings, carpets and detailing on all of the woodworking of the interior. They were led down a series of hallways until arriving at a wooden door which Gregory opened to show them inside. The room had two simple beds to the left and right, a small nightstand between them, a window to look out the side of the airship just above the nightstand, and a single lantern hanging from the roof. It wasn’t much, but it was all they needed.

“If you need anything else, don’t be afraid to ask. The kitchen is at the end of the hall.” Gregory pointed, bowed, then left the two of them inside the room.

“You want left or right?” Aegis asked Priestess Clara and she first shrugged, but as Aegis continued to wait for her answer, she relented.

“Right, then.” She smiled as she set her bag down on the right bed. “I’m so thrilled. The last time I rode an Airship it was very crowded, this vessel seems much more luxurious. Was it expensive to acquire these tickets?” Priestess Clara asked.

“No, actually…” Aegis shrugged. “Captain Leonard was interested in helping our quest, and let us board for free.”

“Oh, delightful! I’ll have to thank him in the name of Eirene later.” She smiled as Aegis sat on his bed across from her, looking out the window at the clouds drifting through the clear blue sky. He slowly felt the excitement of riding an Airship creeping up inside of him. It wasn’t so fantastical - he’d ridden in Airplanes before in the real world, but something about a flying boat that was open to the skies above made it more interesting. Just as he was drifting off in thought he watched as a small white ferret suddenly appeared in the doorway of their room, staring between the two of them. Priestess Clara noticed it as well and looked at it with a smile.

“Aw, is that someone's pet? It is very cute.” Priestess Clara asked, and it turned to look at her with a light head tilt. Aegis found it a bit odd that it had no nameplate above its head and wasn’t sure what to make of it. “Come here little guy.” Priestess Clara called to it while patting the bed beside her. It seemed to understand her and quickly ran up the bedpost and across the mattress, but rather than stop beside her it climbed up onto her shoulder and sat there. “Oh, oh okay, you can stay there little guy.” She smiled while gently petting the creature and it leaned into her hand.

“I have something you might like.” She ruffled through her bag and found a pouch of dried meat, feeding a piece to the Ferret who gladly accepted. Aegis watched them for a bit as it continued, but eventually went back to daydreaming.

“The Captain says we are prepared to leave, and would like everyone on deck.” Gregory shocked Aegis out of his daydream as he re-appeared in their doorway sometime later, lightly knocking on the door frame.

“Let’s go.” Aegis said to Clara and she gave him a nod, following behind him with the Ferret on her shoulder. When the two arrived back on the deck of the Airship, Aegis could see that the plank connecting them to the pier was gone and no longer were workers transporting goods. Gregory stood at the front of the ship with Captain Leonard, whilst around the central mast stood Sapphire, Herilon, Trexon, Quinn and Tullan.

“Winds are favorable. I suppose it is time for farewells.” Captain Leonard sighed as he walked towards the starboard side nearest the pier and looked over the side of the ship. Aegis followed him with his eyes to see standing on the pier looking up at him the two female NPCs and the Orc NPC staring longingly up at him.

“Farewell my loves, I shall return in but a months time, and I will miss you all every moment that we are apart.” Captain Leonard called down to them.

“Can’t we come with you Leonard?”

“It hurts my heart to be separated from you!” The two ladies called up to him.

“Alas, I cannot risk putting you in harm's way. I don’t know what I would do with myself if any of you were ever hurt. You’ll be safe here in Kordas. I promise to return to you as soon as possible.” Leonard waved them off. Aegis could see them crying and covering their faces as they lowered their heads in sorrow while Leonard turned to face him.

“I must admit, I was not expecting you to be able to convince Quinn and five of her highest level members to join you on this journey. I suppose it’s my fault for underestimating you.” Captain Leonard sighed. “Nevertheless, I am a man of my word, so let us embark on a journey to Kriene! I can’t wait to resupply on Arallian Wine, it’s absolutely delightful.” Leonard said while turning from Aegis and moving towards the Helm of the ship on the upper level of the deck. As he stepped away, Quinn and the others stepped forward.

“Thank you guys, all of you, for coming along. I really appreciate it.” Aegis smiled at them.

“We’ll be thanking you for all that iron.” Tullan shrugged.

“I wanna know what the quest reward is.” Sapphire wiggled her ears excitedly.

“I’m hoping some idiot tries something.” Herilon grinned. “Been awhile since we’ve had some good PvP, and I’ve heard rumors it’s been getting pretty lawless over in Kriene.” He added.

“It is my duty as a Sage to collect knowledge from all lands, not just Kalmoore.” Trexon smiled, revealing his lizard tongue wiggling excitedly within his long scaly snout. “I’ve heard a lot about Arallia’s libraries, there will be much to read.”

“You’ll have a week. All of you, a week. After that we’re packing up and heading home.” Quinn motioned to the bunch, including Aegis. “I’m guessing this is your first time flying in an Airship?” She turned to Aegis and Clara.

“Not I.” Priestess Clara bowed politely.

“Yes.” Aegis nodded.

“Well, it’s pretty simple.” Quinn smiled. “Just don’t fall off the ship.”

“Prepare to sail!” Captain Leonard shouted. “Say your farewells, darlings, for the land underneath your feet will soon be but a fleeting view in the distance.” He cheered as Aegis looked up at him. Captain Leonard had one hand on the helm while his other hand gave off a green glow and he waved it around. Aegis could see him whispering the names of his abilities under his breath and watched as the main sail unfurled down the mast and the wing sails on the sides began to spread and catch wind. The creaking of several mechanical mechanisms could be heard beneath the deck as the Airship began to slowly drift forward.

Off to the side, Aegis saw Gregory untying the last few ropes that bound them to the pier, and within a few seconds they had drifted away from the Skyport tower. They were on a ship simply floating freely in the open skies, the wind picking up and brushing against their faces, causing their hair and cloaks to billow in the wind. The ship rotated around a few of the other Kordas towers, nearly bumping into some of the taller ones as Aegis watched the ship maneuver through the city.

“Don’t worry.” Quinn said as she spotted Aegis wincing as they nearly scraped one of the towers with a side sail. “Captain Leonard may not look it, but he’s one of the best Pilots in the game. Unfortunately, like all Airship Pilot class players, he’s stuck as a beginner.” Quinn reassured Aegis.

“Why is he stuck at Beginner?” Aegis asked.

“Because no one knows where to find an intermediate Airship Pilot quest.” Trexon replied. “Believe me, plenty of players have tried, including myself.”

“And you thought you had it bad with your quest, right?” Sapphire giggled at Aegis. Once the Airship was clear of the taller buildings of Kordas it began to pick up speed, sailing high over the city walls and over the vast Kalmoore Landscape. Aegis and Priestess Clara both moved to the side of the deck to look at the beautiful scenery. Wide fields, lush forests, tall mountains, and even ancient looking ruins. Aegis could make out groups of players battling in the ruins below against skeleton type enemies, looking like little ants shooting bolts of magic at each other from this high up of a view - it was a wonder to behold.

“What’s that?” Aegis asked as he’d suddenly spotted a large jagged white stone protruding from the landscape. The stone was glowing and had a man-made wall constructed around its base, complete with Kordas guards visible patrolling the tops of the walls.

“That? That’s an Island stone. Every Island has five of them.” Quinn replied.

“They are what allow the islands to float above the Abyss. They’re the same thing that the Airships use.” Trexon explained. “I’d suggest you leave them alone though. Awhile back there was an Abyssal invasion where high level Abyss creatures targeted the Island stones.” Trexon explained.

“Oh, yeah, my friend Darkshot mentioned something about that.” Aegis recalled. “The stones were all destroyed, right?”

“Yep, and the entire island fell down into the Abyss. All the players had to choose new islands to play on. Pretty crazy, huh?” Sapphire said with an excited grin.

“You don’t have to worry about that happening here. As you can see, We’ve already organized the Kordas military to fortify all of Kalmoore’s Island stones, and we’ve set up protocols with the biggest Kalmoore guilds should an invasion happen here.” Quinn explained. “If you ever form a guild, I’d hope you would join in on those protocols.” Quinn added while nudging him.

“Y-yeah.” Aegis nodded as the Airship soared beyond the Island stone, Clara and him following it with their eyes for as long as they could.

“There she is, prepare for the drop!” Captain Leonard shouted down to them, pointing ahead. Aegis saw what he was pointing at immediately. Directly ahead of them was something like out of a nightmare - the land just suddenly ended. But instead of something like a blue ocean, it was a black sea of writhing mist as far as the eye could see.

“Spooky huh?” Sapphire mocked as she saw Aegis’ wide-eyed expression.

“That’s the Abyss. No player or NPC has gone down into it and come back out alive. We’re guessing that's level 500 territory, or something.” Quinn shrugged.

“What do you think is down there?” Aegis asked curiously as he watched it get closer and closer.

“The rest of the world, of course.” Trexon replied.

“A lot of strong enemies.” Herilon smirked.

“Tons of rare ores and treasures.” Tullan said.

“Adventure.” Quinn answered.

“Fear… and Suffering… and Anger.” Clara spoke quietly so that only Aegis could hear her over the winds blowing over the deck. Aegis felt a tingling sensation in his body as he felt the hairs stand up on his arms. The ferret on Clara’s shoulder dug into her robes and crouched down in anticipation while Aegis watched everyone bend their knees. Aegis did the same, he didn’t know what Captain Leonard meant by preparing for a drop, but he was worried it would be literal.

As the Airship crested over the edge of the island, it did exactly that, it dropped downwards and lost altitude as if the Island of Kalmoore had been propping it up, causing it to slowly soar downwards a few dozen meters until it was close to eye level with the edge of Kalmoore behind them and the black sea of mist was about 50 meters below them. Aegis and the others all climbed up to the upper levels of the Airship by the stern, walking past Captain Leonard to look back and see Kalmoore fading away in the distance behind them.

That was it, a sense of finality set in for Aegis - he was leaving Kalmoore, and something about that settling in gave him a slight chill of nervousness and excitement.

“It’s a 7 day flight to Kriene. I’ll be holding her steady and silent to avoid attracting any unwanted guests.” Leonard said as he made some last minute adjustments to the helm, casted a few more skills, then released it. He stretched his arms up and Aegis felt a bit of anxiety the moment the helm was unmanned. “Don’t worry Darling, You’re as safe as can be, I’ve flown to plenty of islands. Just be sure that if we’re attacked by any Rocs, Dragons, or Reapers, you’ll be on deck.” He started speaking to Aegis, but finished at Quinn.

“My hawks are already circling the ship.” Quinn pointed at a few dark brown birds that were flying a good distance away from the Airship that Aegis’ hadn’t even noticed until Quinn pointed them out. “If you hear them start squawking, it’s all hands on deck. Otherwise, you’re all free to relax.” Quinn instructed the others.

“Dragons, and Rocs? And what’s a Reaper?” Aegis asked curiously.

“Big scary black winged abyss creatures. The type that fly.” Sapphire said while trying to sound as ominous as possible.

“Don’t worry, with the six of us on board you’ll be fine.” Herilon assured Aegis as he walked towards the front of the Airship.

“You’re lucky, usually aint no one wants to come on trade missions with me. ‘Specially to a place like Kriene. The place is a boring desert.” Tullan shrugged.

“Wait…” Aegis counted them again. “You said six, but there’s only five?” Aegis asked, causing Sapphire to chuckle while simultaneously Quinn turned to Clara with an annoyed expression.

“Ren, did you climb on the Priestess without telling them who you were first?” Quinn scolded the ferret on her shoulder. “Get down from there, that’s creepy.” She angrily wagged her finger, and the ferret suddenly leapt off of Clara’s shoulder. While in the air, the body of the ferret twisted and morphed as puffs of green mist exuded from it, slowly growing outward into the shape of a young elven boy wearing simple leather armor. He had short wavy green hair, freckles, and big pointed ears with a silly shy grin on his face. [Ren - Level 60].

“Oh my, I’m sorry, I thought you were a real Ferret.” Clara replied nervously.

“Don’t apologize to him.” Quinn waved it off.

“Hi, I’m Ren! I’m a Beastshifter, intermediate druid class. Nice to meet you!” He held his hand out excitedly to shake Aegis and Clara’s, which they both awkwardly obliged. “I’m a bit weaker than the other guys, but Quinn said I could come so I can see the beasts in Arallia, and learn more forms. Beastshifters can shift into any beast that they’ve studied and understand. Do you want to see all the Beasts I know how to shift into?” Ren spoke a mile a minute with a big dumb grin on his face.

“No one wants to see your Beasts.” Quinn pressed her hand down on his head. “Sorry, he’s my little brother, so I had to bring him along. He promised he wouldn’t get in the way though, remember?” Quinn locked eyes with him angrily.

“I’m not getting in the way, am I? Am I getting in the way? Sorry about that, I was just so excited to meet you guys, but then I got nervous, so I thought, maybe if I meet them as a ferret, they’ll like me more, because everyone loves ferrets.” He rambled on.

“I do like ferrets.” Clara replied politely.

“Shouldn’t you be in the kitchen preparing us something to eat?” Quinn scowled.

“Right, I did say I would handle the chores, didn’t I? Ok, I’ll get right to it. Don’t worry everyone, lunch is on the way. And it will be very delicious!” Ren called out excitedly as he ran below deck and Quinn rolled her eyes.

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