Soul of the Warrior

Chapter 196: Timing

Chapter 196: Timing

Reivyn continued to work on his own personal improvement during his free time. He couldn't dedicate his time specifically toward building his Qi pool. He didn't let any of his Skills fall by the wayside.

That was only during his personal time, though. His duties throughout the day were mainly to make sure the mercenaries were always doing something productive. That didn't mean they were constantly training. Keeping morale up by allowing leisure and rest time was an important mission. There was a delicate balance between driving the men hard enough to constantly improve and be ready at all times and keeping their spirits up.

The amount of alcohol consumed by a unit was a direct correlation to the level of morale, and Reivyn was pleased that there hadn't been any incidents fueled by over consumption of the substance.

Alcohol was prohibited from entering the barracks, period, and the officers and NCO's did a good job keeping it out, but it wasn't forbidden for the men and women to indulge themselves when they knew they weren't going to be on duty.

If they weren't stationed at a wartime camp, the restrictions on alcohol would be lessened, though never removed entirely. It was one thing to tolerate it, but it was another thing entirely to encourage it.

Reivyn wasn't worried that the mercenary soldiers would be too drunk to perform if the city was unexpectedly attacked, either. With magical means and potions from the alchemists, it was possible to sober up extremely quickly. It wasn't pleasant, though. It involved the forced expulsion of the poison from their system.

Reivyn wasn't much of a drinker himself, and he was always on duty as the commander, so he never participated. He wasn't aloof to the other officers throughout the city, either. They had gotten together on multiple occasions to build a rapport between each other, but Reivyn opted for drinks that wouldn't negatively affect him.

Some of the younger officers had thought it would be funny to spike Reivyn's drink on occasion. They weren't doing it out of malice, and the amount of alcohol they tried to slip him would barely make him tipsy, but none of them had ever succeeded. They couldn't figure out how Reivyn seemed to have eyes in the back of his head and always managed to spot their attempts. It had become a sort of game to see who could pull it off.

Reivyn wasn't mad about it, either. He recognized they were just trying to blow off steam. He even actively participated in the shenanigans. He would feign to not notice until the very last moment when the cup reached his lips, but he would always smirk and wink at the person responsible as he sat the drink back down and ordered a new one.

He had endeared himself to the younger officers with his willingness to go along with their fun and not hold a grudge, and he had gained the respect of the older officers with his competence in running his mercenary company.

Nobody had seen him fight before, but stories spread as the mercenaries bragged to the other soldiers in the city. Refix had gained quite a bit of notoriety, and Vyria couldn't leave the barracks without a disguise for fear of being followed by adoring fans. Word of her prowess with the sword had gotten out, and she was a beautiful young girl, too.

Reivyn had to shut down some of the younger officers who asked to be introduced to her a couple times. After outright rejecting all overtures, though, they stopped trying to get him to intercede.

The young officers weren't looking for a fling with one of Reivyn's subordinates. They were looking for wives to marry into their families, so Reivyn wasn't offended. It wasn't Reivyn's place to explain her circumstances to anyone, though, so he just said there was a situation they were unaware of that precluded her from seeking a marriage partner.

Reivyn had relayed this information to the two Cultivators. Xudrid had laughed it off, and Vyria's face had turned red with embarrassment. Xudrid had explained that she was the daughter of the patriarch of their sect, so he assumed she had never encountered a situation where anyone was so bold as to proclaim their intentions outright. They thanked Reivyn for his discretion and it was left at that.

Life in the city of Piori went on, but Reivyn never let himself forget that they were technically on the front lines of a war. Everything seemed peaceful on the surface, but there was still that strange undercurrent with the washed out colors and strange sense to the ambient Mana.

The patrols continued, and some of the platoons even took turns manning some of the outposts for a turn. So far, it seemed like the invaders were content with whatever they were doing beyond their sight.


"Reivyn, do you have a moment?" Kefira knocked on his office door and walked in.

Reivyn immediately put his reports down and stood up as he motioned for Kefira to take a seat across from him.

"I always have a moment for you, you know that," Reivyn said with a smile. Kefira didn't smile back.

"We've been here for three months now..." She said, trailing off.

"I know. Time seems to fly around here," Reivyn nodded his head.

"Yes, but it's already been three months..." Kefira emphasized the time again.

Reivyn frowned as the tried to figure out what she was alluding to. It only took him a moment to remember, though, and his smile also slipped from his face.

"So you're heading back, now?" Reivyn asked.

"I'm afraid so," Kefira said with a sigh. "I tried to feign ignorance, but Sefia has been keeping close track of the passage of time. I tried to argue with her that we were stationed on the front lines so it was inappropriate for me to leave right now, but she countered that it only applied if we were in active battle or siege with the enemy."

"Hmm, yes, that is how your mother put it."

"So I have to go, and I can't dawdle, either. I thought I was pulling a fast one one Sefia, but it looks like my plans backfired. She timed her reminder in such a way that the teleporters won't immediately be synced up to Wispan, and she ambushed me with an invitation to a ball from Alwin. I can't ignore it this time, either, and I'll have to perform my 'diplomatic' duties before I can leave."

"In that case, I'll see about getting permission to visit the capital with you," Reivyn said. "I can leave my father in charge. All of the officers are competent, and everyone respects him and will follow his orders."

"Good. I can wait as long as it takes for you to go speak to prince Allik, but I'll have to leave soon."

"Then I better hurry, huh?" Reivyn said.

He stood up and walked around the desk. Kefira stood up, and the two shared an embrace before they left. Kefira went to her room where Serilla was packing away their things, and Reivyn made his way outside.

Before Reivyn left the barracks, he made his way over to his father who was watching a platoon of soldiers drill. Refix turned and faced his son with an expectant look on his face as Reivyn approached.

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"Dad, it's the appointed time for Kefira to leave to go back to Wispan for a time," he said. "I'm going to go speak to prince Allik and see about accompanying her to the capital."

"Alright, son," Refix nodded. He clapped Reivyn on the shoulder with a grin on his face. "You have nothing to worry about here. We can hold the fort."

"Thanks, dad."

Reivyn once more made his way through the city to the headquarters building. He wasn't running through the streets, but he wasn't wasting any time either. He still kept his Divine Sense on full blast. Its range had continued to expand as he gained Levels in the Skill.

The guards on duty outside the headquarters simply waved Reivyn through, and he made his way up to the prince's office. He hadn't had much reason to visit the prince outside of the morning briefings for a while, but nothing had changed.

The retainer was still busy with his own job in the side room, and Prince Allik was busy managing the overall situation. Reivyn knocked on the door and waited. He noticed that the retainer lifted his head and seemed to glance at Reivyn's position from within his closed office for a moment, but he quickly put his attention back to his task.

Hmm, I don't know if that's suspicious or not, Reivyn mused. On the one hand, it's suspicious that he can apparently see me or something. On the other hand, it's perfectly reasonable that he would be able to keep tabs on whoever approaches the prince's office.

Reivyn didn't have to wait long before Prince Allik summoned him.

"Enter," Prince Allik called from behind his closed door.

Reivyn walked into the office and performed a salute to the prince in front of his desk.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Prince Allik asked.

"Sir, Princess Kefira has been recalled to Wispan per her agreement with her mother," Reivyn said. "She has an invitation to a ball from your brother, Prince Alwin, in the capital, and I seek permission to accompany her."

"Denied," Prince Allik said. Reivyn fought to keep a frown off of his face, but Prince Allik continued his explanation. "It's not that I want to keep you here, it's that I need to keep you here. If there wasn't that debacle with the spies, it would be easy to let you go, but you're the only one who can spot them. Until something changes, I'm afraid I can't let you go."

"I understand, sir," Reivyn said.

"Was there anything else?"

"No, sir."

"Very well. I'm sorry, Captain Reivyn, but it's just not a good time. I'll compromise with you, though. Calculate when Princess Kefira is to return from Wispan, and if nothing happens from now until then, I'll let you pick her up in the capital. Does that work?"

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir."


Prince Allik turned back to his reports. Reivyn did an about face and exited the office. There was no use in arguing the point with his superior officer. He wasn't going to convince him to change his mind, and it would only lower the prince's opinion of him. No commander wanted a whiney back-talker.

Reivyn's spirits were low on his return trip to the barracks, but he didn't let it show on his face. He made quick time once again, lest Kefira ran out of time waiting for him and had to leave. It could be argued that Kefira could choose her own time of departure, but Sefia would definitely report back to her mother that she was being unreasonable, so there was no reason to do so.

Kefira and her entourage were waiting at the gate of the barracks when Reivyn returned. Two squads from First Platoon were standing by, waiting to escort her back to the capital. Reivyn nodded his to his father at the sight, and Refix grinned back.

Reivyn walked up and placed his hands on Kefira's hips. She raised her own hands to rest them on his forearms.

"I'm sorry, Kefira, but Prince Allik didn't give me permission to go," Reivyn said.

"I see," Kefira replied with a pout.

"He's going to let me pick you up on your return trip, though, so at least we'll see each other a couple days sooner."

"I guess," Kefira sighed.

The two hugged, and Reivyn gave her a farewell kiss. Their lips lingered a bit longer than usual, but they didn't do anything inappropriate in front of such a large crowd. For once, Serilla smirked at the public display of affection. She was gloating at the impatient Sefia, who was tapping her foot and looking around like she couldn't believe they hadn't left already.

"I'll see you soon," Reivyn whispered into Kefira's ear.

"Not soon enough."


Reivyn once more threw himself into his training. This was the first time he and Kefira would be separated for a significant amount of time since they had first met each other. They would be apart for considerably more time than they had been separated during the invasion in Drallo.

Reivyn didn't let himself get distracted, though. He knew that it wasn't a permanent separation, and the time for Kefira to return would arrive before he knew it. He still had to make up for the several hours each day that he could no longer practice Mana exercises with her, though.

The nights weren't lonely, but he missed the time he spent with Kefira. He could still practice his Mana Skills and Affinities, but it wasn't as enjoyable as it had been.


Reivyn was going over some documents at his desk when he picked up someone frantically entering the headquarters building and making their way up to the second floor. He set the papers down and exited the office to wait for the man in the hallway.

"Sir, there's a situation with the returning patrol," the young man gave a salute before reporting.

"Oh, what's the situation?" Reivyn asked as he immediately made to descend the stairs. The runner followed closely behind and to the left.

"There are several people injured this time," he answered.

"I see. Go inform the other officers."

"Yes, sir!"

The runner split from following Reivyn as they exited the building. Reivyn immediately spotted the platoon just outside of the growing range of his Divine Sense, and he quickly made his way over.

Reivyn did a mental head count as he walked over, and he was mollified to see that there weren't any missing among their numbers. They were all exhausted, though, and he could see several mercenaries sporting bloody bandages from field dressings.

"Report!" Reivyn barked as he walked up to the platoon commander.

"Sir!" The lieutenant saluted and immediately launched into his report. "We ran into a skirmish with enemy troops on the way back from the outpost. They weren't lying in ambush or anything, we just happened to cross paths. A fight broke out, and the enemy soldiers managed to flee."


"No wounds that would obstruct anyone from their duties on our side, but we didn't kill any of their soldiers, either."

"So they weren't the ones with '1's' branded on their heads?" Reivyn quirked an eyebrow.

"No, sir. They were all armed and armored decently. They all had helmets on, though, so we didn't get a good look at their Number. If I had to guess based on my experience in Drallo, I would say they were at least Number 3 with a Number 4 commander."

"I see. You did good to prevent any casualties on our side. As long as none of ours die, it's a success in my eyes.

"Have the NCO's make sure the men are taken care of, and immediately compile your report. I'll need to get a copy to the Prince as soon as possible."

"Yes, sir!" The lieutenant saluted.

The other officers had arrived while Reivyn was in the middle of getting the report. He turned to Lieutenant Jeckle.

"Lieutenant Jeckle, send one of the irregulars to run to the Prince and inform him of the situation. Make sure he knows that a written report will immediately be sent over once it's ready. Meet with us in the conference room once it's done."

"Yes, sir!" Jeckle saluted and turned to get the task accomplished.

"Everyone else, let's go to the conference room."

The rest of the officers followed him to the small headquarters building. Everyone filed into the conference room and took a seat. Reivyn waited a moment to allow for Jeckle to arrive before he started.

"As far as I know, nothing like this has happened for months," Reivyn said. He looked at each of the officer's in their eyes as he spoke. "Apparently, it was a regular occurrence for the enemy to probe the city when the lines were first established, but they haven't done so in a long time. This could just be a continuation of that practice, but we can't assume so. Until further notice, we have to operate as if an enemy attack is eminent. That means no more liberty and no more drinking for the men."

The mercenary officers were too disciplined to show it on their faces, but Reivyn could tell they were worried. They weren't worried about an impending attack on the city, though. They were worried that their men would sneak out and cause problems if they were cooped up for too long.

"It will be unpopular with the men, but that's life," Reivyn said. "If anyone is caught sneaking out, they are to be harshly punished. This isn't the time to be lenient on them."

"How long are we going to be on alert, sir?" One of the lieutenants raised his hand and asked.

"We'll give it a week for the highest alert level," Reivyn answered. "After that, if the men behave, we can reduce the restrictions a little. It won't be the same as it was before, though, and the men will have a stricter curfew.

"Now that that's, out of the way, until the written report is ready for me to take to Prince Allik, let's review the different scenarios we've prepared for an attack on the city."

Reivyn and the officers spent a significant portion of their time doing wargames with the knowledge they had on their own forces and the enemy forces. He wanted everyone to be fresh on the countermeasures they had come up with over the past several months.

Most of the strategy would be in accordance with Prince Allik's orders, but that wasn't absolute. It was always good to be prepared for any eventuality, and Reivyn was still concerned about the presence of a possible spy placed in a high position of authority.

The men buckled down to prepare for war.

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