She's My Sleeping Pill



Luna left the lovebirds right after lunch. She didn't want to be the third wheel and give the less time in baby making. Or so she thought.

Stefan was currently sitting on the couch while Cayenne sat on him. The two of them were cuddling each other while recalling some memories in the past.

"I never expected that the night I invited you to drink with me will bring us to where we are now. I was just really trying to tease you that night but now, I've fallen so deep with my life for you." Stefan commented while caressing his wife's arms in front of him. "If I had known we'll end up together, I would have invited you long ago."

"Do you know how scared I was that night? I really thought I'm done for. I thought you'd take advantage of me specially that you have the title of being one of the city's playboys. And the next morning when I woke up on your bed, I thought the day will end. I already thought of finding a new job when I got home that day."

"You were?"

"Hn. I was worried that I'll be fired for what happened so, my mind already made up several plans to look for another job."

"I'm glad you didn't."

"Well, you gave me a better offer to feed my family."

"I don't regret making that choice."

"I'm not regretting it either. I'm happy with what we have now."

"If only there are no people stalking us, life would be happier." Stefan blurted out with a deep sigh. 'Can't we just dispose them?' Stefan asked mentally but he didn't dare ask this question to his wife. He didn't want her to think that he's a criminal. His term dispose was completely different to Travis' literal meaning of the word dispose. Stefan would just make traps to lure them out that would put people to jail but Travis was different. If there's a need, he would kill his enemies and he wouldn't even think twice about doing so.

Sometimes, he would dispose Stefan's enemies for him because Stefan won't do it. Although Stefan has no guts to take someone's life, it didn't make him any less of a man. He just had his own ways which were a little less brutal than Travis.

On the other small study table, Chris couldn't stop himself from shaking his head in disbelief. There were people after their life already but the two of them still got time to flirt and reminisce about their past.

Unlike Luna, he couldn't leave the place yet because the two lovebirds need him to be their props later. He can only watch them being flirty in front of him while he was working – really merciless.

After an hour, Stefan and Cayenne decided to go to the mall and buy some gifts for Luiz since he was left at home. He won't be able to see the things that they'll buy for him.

To make sure that their stalkers can see them going out, they followed Chris closely. And when they came out of the parking lot, Cayenne opened the window to show her face from the people outside. After all, Stefan's car was tinted and won't allow anyone from the outside to see them.

"That's the secretary!" one of the men exclaimed while pointing out Chris' car. "And Ms. Ardolf is following him with her husband."

The other man who was responsible for driving immediately started the car engine. They finally found a break to find Cayenne's address after over a week of searching for different ways.

Stefan noticed the car of their stalker following them behind while the secret guards followed them from a certain distance. They didn't get too close to them to make sure that they won't alert their enemies. At the same time, their stalkers didn't know that they were just being monitored by Stefan and his secret guards. They were so clueless at all. If Stefan was really like Travis, these men who's stalking them would have died a long time ago without them knowing their cause of death.

They were idiot in his mind.

They reached the mall and Chris who didn't have any plans to buy anything was pulled by Cayenne to come along with them.

"Don't just spend time working. You have to think of ways to win your love, too."

Chris looked at her with a sheepish smile knowing where she got the information. And since she knew about it, he was hundred percent sure that Stefan knew of his interest as well.

"I have lots of plans to win her over." Chris retorted but he was still walking right beside her. "I'm planning to pursue her formally after the graduation."

"Why wait for that time to come? You can just start pursuing her now. Just so you know, whether you start pursuing now or later, it will not affect Luiz performance and grades in school. However, if you keep dawdling, she might be stolen by someone else." Cayenne said with all seriousness which made a lot of sense.

"The class will have an after party for three days and two nights in Lipa. You can use that opportunity to give her a gift and express your interest in her. I will be giving you days off during the class vacation so, make use of the time wisely." Stefan added while walking to men's department store. He already laid his eyes on something that would look good on Luiz.

Chris looked at them and chuckled. He never thought that he'd be, one day, listening to these two people giving advises and creating opportunities for him, when not long ago, they were in the brink of having a divorce.

'The power of love is stronger than the external forces which were trying to pull them apart.' Chris thought to himself while looking at Stefan and Cayenne. 'Somehow, they look like parents who came to buy things for their son. When will these two have their own baby? They keep flirting but they don't have any results yet.'

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