She's My Sleeping Pill

Chapter 208 - SECRETIVE JADE

Chapter 208 - SECRETIVE JADE

With the new status added to his name, Stefan became even busier than he ever was. But no matter how busy he was, he would always get off from work at five in the afternoon to pick up his wife and went home. If the other employees go to the basement and followed Cayenne, they would have found out her relationship with the boss already. Sadly, they never thought of doing this.

The days were passing by quickly and the time to visit Jillyanna finally arrived. Cayenne woke up happily in the morning, had a morning walk with Stefan for twenty minutes and bought a cup of hot chocolate on their way home.

At first, she was very adamant of Stefan going to her apartment or even sending her home before. But after formally introducing him to her family, she didn't care about the people who gossiped about her. It's her life and she lives according to what her heart wants not how people wants her to live her life.

When they arrived home, she had breakfast with her family. And Cayenne took this opportunity to ask her brothers about their studies.

"You don't have any failing marks, do you?" She asked both Kyle and Luiz who only smirked in return.

"Me? Getting a failing mark? No way!" Kyle replied to her sister. "Aside from studying, I don't have any other ways to waste my time."

"How about your girlfriend? You don't date her?" Luiz also asked nonchalantly. "I don't have any failing marks. Don't worry about that sis. I won't disappoint you." He added while looking towards Cayenne with a smile.

Kyle chewed his food before answering his brother's question. "We're classmates. We spend our time together in class. We study together and we ate together. I date her on weekends." He placed some bacon on his plates and looked at his sister. "Don't worry, Yen. I won't let my relationship get in the way of my studying as I have promised you."

"Oh." Cayenne replied perfunctorily. "I'm not really against your relationship and mama didn't say anything against it either. Just keep up with your studies."

Emerald didn't say much. When it comes to their house rules and governing their studies, everything was carried out by Cayenne. She wasn't very strict when it comes to her brothers' studying but she wouldn't accept failing marks either. Average grades were enough for her but then, she's gifted with two smart younger brothers and they're very understanding as well.

'God, thank you for blessing me with these children.' Emerald thought mentally making her tear up and cry in the middle of having their meal.

"Ma? What happened to you?" Stefan was the first to notice since he was sitting right in front of her mother-in-law. "Are you alright?"

"Ah?" Emerald wiped her tears as soon as she can but her children still saw her crying. "Yeah, I'm alright. I just remembered some things and I get a little emotional with the memories."

"Don't get too emotional. It's bad for your health." Cayenne told her mother and smiled at her. "You can always count on us so don't think too much, alright?"

"Hn. I will leave everything to you."

After the emotional breakfast, Cayenne and Stefan took a shower. It was the third time this week that they showered together but they didn't do anything inside the shower. Although, Stefan had to stay a little bit longer than her to relieve himself.

"Tonight, we can do it, right?" Stefan asked her in the middle of scrubbing his wife's back.

"Hn. I don't have work tomorrow so, it's fine."

"Does this mean I can only do it once a week?"

"For now. Just bear with it, 'kay?" Cayenne turned to face him and kissed his face. "Once I get used to it, we can have it twice a week."

"How can I say no to my lovely wife? Of course, I'll agree." Stefan kissed the tip of her nose before continued scrubbing her body. They flirt, they kissed, they touched each other's body but that was it. Stefan didn't mind it at all. Unlike those other women he had carnal relationship in the past, he treasures his wife more than anyone else.

After a long bath, they dressed up and went to buy some gifts at the mall. Jillyanna and Travis didn't like receiving gifts from their friends every time they visit them so, they would buy gifts for Jade and Raizel instead.

They arrived in the Madrigal home half an hour before lunch and Jade came running out of her little play room to meet Cayenne. "Auntie Yen, you're finally here to visit us."

"Hi little sweetie." Cayenne gentle rub the little girl's head and smiled happily at her. "I was a little bit busy with work so, I didn't have time to visit in the past."

"Why do you have to work? Isn't Uncle Stefan feeding you?"

"Ahem." Stefan coughed drily to let them know that the person they're badmouthing was still around.

Cayenne chuckled beside him and her eyes turned to a crescent moon like they're smiling as well. "Uncle Stefan wanted me to stop working but I am happy with my work so, he just allowed me to do it. And I also take some rest from time to time."

"Oh. I see." Jade didn't say anything anymore but she narrowed her eyes towards Stefan. "Girls should be pampered." She mumbled before leaving them to call her parents. She was just about to walk upstairs when Jillyanna and Travis came down. Travis was holding Raizel in his arms. "I don't have to call them." She walked back to where Stefan and Cayenne was and sat beside Cayenne. "Auntie Yen, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"It's a secret. Do you want to talk in my room?"

"Sure." Cayenne looked towards Stefan and the Madrigal couple. "I'll talk with your lovely daughter first. Would that be alright?"

"Go ahead." Both Jillyanna and Stefan told her at the same time.

Jade held Cayenne's hand and led her upstairs to where her room was located. The three adults were left in the living room along with Raizel.

"What's your daughter being secretive about?" Stefan asked the couple in front of him.

"I don't know either." Travis replied.

"She shares everything with us but she didn't tell us anything that might relate to Cayenne so, it must only be an exclusive matter for your wife." Jillyanna added to the conversation. "So, how is your life being the new CEO of all the Dumrique properties? Did you still make time for her or do you always face your work?"

"Before it was work first, women second. Now, it's wife first and wife second. My work? I don't which part in my priority lists it falls. I only work when she's working but when she's not, I don't work either."

Jillyanna couldn't stop herself from chuckling. Before, she seldomly meet this man because he prioritizes his work so much. During her wedding, he also left early because he's got an appointment. He was a work maniac but when Cayenne appeared, he started to relax and spend less time working.

Jillyanna didn't know that the reason why Stefan worked so hard was to tire himself until he'll collapse and fall asleep. He worked day in and day out and once he collapsed, that's the time he can sleep. Travis knew about it and introduced him to one of the best psychologists he knew but his insomnia was so severe that they can only help sleep with hypnosis; and it's not good for the body.

Now, there's Cayenne who can make him fall asleep without the help of hypnosis or the help of sleeping pills. Truly an angel sent by the god above.

In Jade's room, she let Cayenne sat on the couch near the window wherein you can see the back garden of their home. The place was really beautiful and the flowers were blooming to its fullest. 'I want a garden like this, too.' She thought to herself.

Jade was rummaging through her things, looking for something that she wanted to show her beautiful guest. "Auntie Yen, I heard that you have no father."

"Hn. He left when my mother got pregnant of me. So, my mother had to raise me by myself."

"We're the same. My father left when I was young and my mother was also pregnant at the time. We were so poor and we didn't have money to send my mother to the hospital. In the end, my mother and little sister died and left me alone. I was then, sent to the orphanage where I met my parents now. They gave me a home and a family."

"Life is really full of surprises don't you think? We lost something and we gain something. When we feel sad and lonely, someone will come to light up our way."

"Hn. I agree." Jade found the picture she was looking for. "Do you want to know how your father looks like or if he's still alive?"

"Of course, I want to. I have never seen him and my mother has no picture of him. But I think, I'll just give up on it. My mother doesn't want me to find him."

"Oh. Then, forget about me taking you here."

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