
Chapter 229: First Night of Training (1)

Chapter 229: First Night of Training (1)

The training was scheduled to start one day after the six participants were selected, and it would last until one day before the competition for the mines.

In fact, the training was not going to be done in the capital, Apso. Instead, the group of six was taken to a small city called Thone, located a few kilometers away from the mountains in dispute.

Bloed and the others took an airship to go to the city. The airship flew for four hours, finally arriving at the city just before sunset.

Once there, Bloed and the others were guided to their lodgings; a military base guarding the border of the Great Savannah in case of an invasion from the Elves or the Sun Kingdom.

Bloed clicked his tongue when he saw the room assigned to him. It was a small bedroom with three individual beds and a small bath behind.

Bloed, Rhone (the batkin), and Atai (the cougarkin) shared a room. The girls were also sharing a bedroom, by the way.

The room was not exactly bad, but to be honest, Bloed recently had been living in rather luxurious places. Even the tent he used when he was traveling was better than this.

Although his tent was a bit too good, to be honest.

Bloed did not mind it too much, though. He used to spend nights sleeping in a branch and wary of the slightest sound when he was in the exiled lands. This was like paradise in comparison.

Atai did not seem to mind either, probably because he belonged to an indigenous beastmen tribe and was used to sleeping in tents. Rhone, on the other hand, frowned visibly when he saw the room.

He said nothing, though. He was not so immature as to complain just because of a room.

The three of them did not have much time to study their rooms, though. Not even five minutes after they arrived, they were called to the training grounds of the military base.

The girls were already there when Bloed's group of three arrived. And they were not the only ones there.

A two-meters tall lionkin was standing in the middle of the training grounds, looking at Bloed and the others with an intimidating gaze.

The lionkin had long blond hair, bulky muscles, and a small scar below his right eye that made him look even more intimidating.

Moreover, he was a demigod!

Another three people were standing behind him. They were respectively Eve, Regina, and Javelin's father.

The lionkin coughed to attract Bloed and the others' attention. When he confirmed they were looking at him, he spoke up.

"My name is Leon Secondmane, General of the Third Army of The Great Savannah, and in charge of guarding the eastern borders from invaders. I and the three people behind me will be the ones in charge of your training this time. They will introduce themselves later, though.

"I already know everything about you, so you don't need to introduce yourself. You only need to know that this training will make you stronger to face the enemies you need to face one week later."

"Stronger?" Greta, the deerkin girl was confused.

The lionkin nodded. "You are indeed talented, the six most talented youngsters in the Beastmen Countries. But to me, you are still lacking. There is a lot you can learn"

Bloed frowned briefly before smoothing his frown. True, he also thought himself was lacking.

But not all of them thought the same.

Particularly Rhone, Greta, and Liu Ying. Although they said nothing, their doubts were obvious.

Leon saw their expressions and smiled.

"It looks like you don't believe me, huh? Well, you will soon realize it yourself. Firstly, though, I'll explain to you your schedule for the next week.

"You will wake up at dawn to eat breakfast. After that, you will learn outdoor survival methods during the morning, and tactics and strategies in the afternoon. At night, you will have different kinds of combat training. After the combat training finishes, you will have two free hours before going to sleep. Any questions?"

"Yes, General." The deerkin girl, Greta, raised her hand. "Who are we going to train with?

"Good question." The lionkin general smiled playfully and then looked at the people behind him. More specifically, the silver-haired Valkyrie. "Mis Regina, why don't you introduce yourself."

"Okay." Regina nodded and walked forward.

Bloed and Liu Ying were surprised. Regina was going to train them?

When did she agree to this?

They looked at Regina in confusion, but Regina acted as though she did not know them.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Reginleif Norman, a saint. And I'll be in charge of your combat training. During the next week, the six of you will fight together against me each night."

Bloed felt the other participants taking a deep breath after hearing Regina's words.

Demigods were divided into three levels, Transcendence, Sainthood, and Apotheosis, equivalent to S-Grade, SS-Grade, and SSS-Grade ESPers.

In other words, Regina was not just any demigod, but a saint. Someone that had already surpassed the first level of demigod.

The thought of fighting against someone like that was crazy to the others.

Even a demigod in the first level, a transcendent, could kill them with just a wave of his hand. How were they supposed to face a saint then?

Seeming to understand their thoughts, Regina smiled.

"Don't worry, I'll suppress my cultivation to your level. In other words, the six of you will fight against a peak B-Rank me."

When the group heard that, they sighed in relief.

But immediately after that, several of them frowned.

Regina's curved her lips up.

"It looks like most of you don't think I can defeat you."

The batkin, Rhone, hesitated slightly before nodding.

" To be honest, even if you are a saint, I don't think you will be a match against the six of us at the same level."

"Is it so?" Regina's smile turned very bright. "Why don't we try then? Come on, tonight I'll teach you your first lesson. I'll show you the true difference between your strength and the true peak of B-Rank."


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