Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 540: The Third Legion

Chapter 540: The Third Legion

540. The Third Legion

Betrugil was going to die here. Or at least, he was pretty sure he was going to die here. The Expanse was infamous amongst the denizens of the Demon Kings Domain for its incredible danger. And now, he was here at the Third Legion of the Expanse.

The Expanse was simply meant to be the main borders of the kingdom. There were a total of four legions guarding each cardinal direction Betrugil didnt really know what that meant, but apparently it was a convention that the Mortal Realm followed. Regardless, each of the legions tended to undertake defensive roles, protecting the Domain from wandering wild Demons.

But the Third Legion was different. It was led by Hartia the Ruler of the Border. And unlike the others who simply made it their goal to protect what was already there, the [Unseelie Lord] was determined to expand what was not yet claimed. It was risky. It was dangerous. And Betrugil thought it was incredibly stupid.

However, he had no say here. The Demon King himself had ordered this to happen. And now, the Archdemon of Sloth had no other choice but to follow through with this mission. An idiotic mission. After all, he had to wade through the Expanse alongside the vast swathes of lower-leveled Demons gathered here.

He dragged his feet as he walked over the rubble. Considering his size as an [Abraxas], it was a rather annoying task to clamber over these large rocks. He was also just tired and bored. He saw a squirming [Hellhound] caught in the fallen debris, and he flicked a finger. The wild Demons neck twisted, before it went limp.

Betrugil yawned as a nearby pair of Greater Demons gaped at him. They pointed, whispering as he continued on.

What is an Archdemon doing here?

Is he new? I thought there were only six Archdemons here

He ignored them. This was the Expanse. Betrugil knew that the sight of an Archdemon was incredibly rare here. This was the place where loyalty to the Demon King was built. This was where the weak went to die.

A large majority of newly-recruited Demons from Advent were often placed in one of the four legions of the Expanse. They would either be forced to grow stronger or to perish here. However, while Betrugil passed through the Expanse to enter the Demon Kings Domain, he had never once been forced to work for the legions.

It was a simple reason, really. Betrugil had been an Archdemon when he had been discovered by the Demon Kings forces. That meant he was already powerful enough to be of immediate use. He was forced to undergo a loyalty test, and that was about it. Then with his special abilities, he was placed in charge of one of the many Enclosures.

That had been boring, but it suited the Archdemon of Sloth. All he had to do was guard these domes teeming with wild Demons. He wasnt even one of the Demons in charge of controlling and manipulating them. It was an easy job. There were the occasional cases of wild Demons breaking free from their control, trying to break free from these Enclosures. Betrugil was tasked with taking those down before they could cause too much damage.

He shook his head as he heard the earth rumbling. He saw the shaking of the nearby mountains, then he watched as rock and stone broke off to build a new wall ahead of the valley. This current task, while not that difficult for an Archdemon like him, was incredibly tedious, and he wished he could return to the Enclosures.

Or better yet, if I could be tasked with that Betrugil thought to himself as he glanced back towards the piles of corpses far back. There were large mounds of bodies that of both the dead wild Demons and dead members of the Third Legion. 

He watched as a pair of winged [Fiends] descended from the sky and began to cast a spell. The piles of corpses began to levitate into the air as the winged Demons slowly drew back, transporting the bodies further back into the Demon Kings Domain.

Now that job was the most boring job in all of the kingdom. But it was necessary, and it was somehow the safest job out there. Betrugil wished he had the privilege of working that unfathomably boring but secure job. Unfortunately, Regnorex had other plans for him.

And now, the Archdemon of Sloth was trapped here at the Expanse, roped into this mission with three other fools who didnt care that they were all probably going to die here. Their job was simple, boring, but ridiculously dangerous.

They would have to wait before the [Unseelie Lord]s wall as a horde of wild Demons gathered at the other side. Then the wall would collapse, crushing a large chunk of the wild Demons. The Third Legion would search the rubble, executing any wild Demon that survived as a new wall was built. The rubble acted as a carpet for the cracked crevices and the lava spreading throughout the wilderness as a result of Revelation. They would slowly expand the Domain of the Demon King, bit by bit, little by little. 

And they did this again. 

Betrugil flicked a finger, bringing down a rampaging [Arachne].

And again. 

He watched as a group of [Hellbeasts] were torn to shreds by a flurry of spells from the army.

And again.

The wall collapsed, sending a terrible earthquake that rumbled far and wide. Betrugil shook his head, seeing the clamoring wild Demons lying amidst the fallen rubble. And as the dust settled, the Third Legion mindlessly charged forth.

We really are going to die here...

He murmured.

And they did this again.



Haec remembered what it was like to live through the Expanse. But that was back during the Cycle of Advent it had been throughout Desolation, followed by Quietus. He had been forced to fight amongst the Third Legion under the Ruler of the Border. And the battles back then had been much harder than it was now.

Despite the fact that it was now Revelation when all the strongest wild Demons rose up from their Lairs he found this to be easy. He just followed along as the army marched forward, before slaughtering wild Demons that were practically dead. 

When he had been here as a mere Greater Demon, he had been forced to fend off hordes of wild Demons far above his level. The Third Legions numbers would quickly dwindle, before being restored by a new fresh group of arrivals. Haec had leveled greatly during his time here. It was where he had made a name for himself he had evolved from a Greater Demon to an Archdemon in such a short amount of time.

That was when he had finally been allowed to leave. Hartia himself had sent Haec away from the Expanse to be granted an audience with the Demon King. And during that time, there was a brief period when Haec was completely alone.

You know, I only became an Archdemon because of you.

A voice spoke up, and he looked up from the dead [Hellwolf] at his feet. Haec stared at Taburas as she sauntered up to his side with a sweet smile on her face.

When Hartia sent you away, I was livid. I wanted to go with you. But they wouldnt let me. They said theyd only let me follow you if I became an Archdemon. So I did. I risked my life, charging straight into the wilderness, slaughtering every wild Demon I could come across. I nearly died so many times, but because it was for your sake, I didnt care. I knew that I would rather be dead than live without you.

The [Succubus] hugged his arm as he stared at her. Haec glanced up, watching as Hartias wall was rebuilt. This Expanse was vastly different from what he knew it was not the same danger he and Taburas had survived.

The Third Legion hadnt hidden behind the safety of a wall. Instead, they pushed out. Constantly battling against the rest of the Netherworld. It had been bloody and grueling. Perhaps Haec wouldnt have survived if he had been forced to undergo this chaos alone. But he hadnt been alone. There had been others with him. Others like Taburas. 

He smiled kindly at her as he slowly drew back. 

Thank you, Taburas.

Perhaps if not for her by his side, he would have died long ago. So he was grateful to her. Taburas smiled affectionately in return, but he stepped away from her. The two Archdemons continued slowly walking their way through the rubble as they spoke softly, even amidst the sounds of battle and explosion.

You have offered me companionship when I was alone when I was forced to undertake our Kings trials. Because of you, I didnt have to survive all that on my own. So I am grateful to have had you there by my side.

Sometimes, Haec wondered why she went through such lengths to be with him. He recalled when they first met it was a chance encountered, and she had saved him as much as he saved her. She could have escaped. He would have freed her and let her live in the safety of Lucernas Lair. But she chose to follow him. And he didnt exactly understand why.

I am glad I could be of use to you, Haec. I will follow you wherever you go, always.

Taburas just sidled up next to him. He closed his eyes. Unfortunately, he would soon have to leave her. For Salvos, he was going to leave the Demon Kings Domain. 

It hurt him, knowing that he was going to be leaving Taburas alone. But he couldnt take her with him. Because by leaving, he would be hunted down. And in doing so, he would endanger her life too. That was why he couldnt bring her with him.

And he felt guilty about it. Certainly, Taburas wouldnt be happy about it. But he had no other choice. He would hurt her to protect her, but then she would survive. Haec eyed the [Succubus] as he cocked her head back at him.

What are you thinking about, Haec?


He shook his head, before turning away from her. She stared at him, perplexed. And he looked down at the metal band wrapped around his right hand. 

I am thinking about nothing.

First, he had to shatter this collar. Then he could finally be free again.

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