Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 530: Finding Salvation

Chapter 530: Finding Salvation

530. Finding Salvation

Haec had made up his mind. He marched straight for the throne room, even despite the protestations of Taburas. He heeded her words, then ignored it.

But Haec, the Demon King said

He didnt care. He couldnt mill around in this place any longer. Somewhere out there, Salvos was fighting. His leader was here. She had to be here. Back in the Netherworld. After all, that was what she promised. 

Because they were companions.

Haecs eyes fluttered shut as he came to a halt right before the gilded double doors. He hesitated for a moment. If he upsetted Regnorex, it was entirely possible but no. The memory of the time spent with Salvos drove Haec forward, and he entered the throne room.

Taburas waited far from the entryway, hiding behind a pillar as she watched him step into the vast chamber. She was quivering. Even from the corner of his eyes, Haec could see the [Succubus] shaking in fear. 

But he was not afraid of anything. Not now, not ever as long as he knew that Savos lived, and that she was searching for him, he held no fear. He raised his head, staring at the ceiling of the throne room. It was gone. All he saw was a crimson dome. The sky of the Netherworld, unaffected by Revelation.

The domed roof was gone. And that was not all large chunks of the Demon Kings castle were missing. Haec saw spires that extended halfway to the sky, with their upper halves simply having mysteriously vanished.

It was odd. But every Demon in the castle knew what had happened. The parts that were no longer here they were in the Mortal Realm now. They had crossed the planes. It was all part of the Demon Kings plans. Everything had been proceeding smoothly. Until they werent.

It had enraged Regnorex. The Demon Kings fury had caused the entirety of his Domain to quake in fear. Even Haec had been afraid for a while. But now he overcame his terror. He marched up to the Demon Kings throne, facing forward without slowing.

He had expected to see Regnorex waiting there. Haec had thought that the Demon King would punish him immediately for trespassing into the throne room. But he paused when he saw nothing.

Regnorex wasnt there. The throne was empty. Haec blinked.


Why have you disturbed me?

A voice asked. And Haec froze. He recognized the speaker immediately. It was Regnorex. It had to be the Demon King. But where was his voice coming from?

Haec spun around, only to see the doors slamming shut behind him. Taburas cried out, only to be cut off by the banging of the double doors. Haec blinked a few times as Regnorexs voice echoed around him.

I have asked to not be disturbed. You have no reason to be here, Heir of the Netherworld.

Haec pursed his lips when he heard his Title being mentioned. He stiffly raised his head, finally pinpointing the source of the voice. There, up above the room, standing outside of its peripheries, was the Demon King.

Regnorex stood at the ledge of where the dome roof had once been, overlooking the rest of the Netherworld. He did not move. He did not glance back. His dark cape billowed with the wind, and he spoke a single command.


And Haecs eyes went wide. The Heir of the Netherworld soared through the sky, carried by a black aura at his feet. It formed a cloud that lifted him until he was right next to the Demon King, in which he just stared.


He opened his mouth, but Regnorex cut him off.


Yes, my King.

Haec dropped to his knees in an instant. His legs didnt tremble, nor did his hands shiver. He just bowed his head low as the Demon Kings gaze bore into the far distance. For a moment, all was silent.

Lightning thundered beyond the borders of this kingdom. The earth cracked open, and loud blasts reverberated all throughout the Netherworld. But it was safe here within the Demon Kings Domain. This was a sanctuary for all Demons. 

Even Haec couldnt deny that he felt at ease here, especially inside the walls of the castle. He gritted his teeth as he thought of Salvos once again. Regnorex remained silent for a moment longer before craning his neck back.

It is ugly, is it not?

The Demon King asked, and Haec raised his head. The Heir of the Netherworld stared up at his king for a brief moment, before looking towards Revelation.

It is, my King. It is a disgusting sight.

Haec replied reverently, and Regnorex nodded.

It is such a terrible thing, and yet, it happens so frequently. I have experienced hundreds of cycles of Revelation alone, my Heir. And I had hoped you would not have to experience one for yourself. I had believed that we could cross over to the Mortal Realm before this planar disaster began.

The Demon King turned around, looking away from the unfurling chaos. He just turned to face Haec with a melancholic gaze.

Alas, I have learned long ago that not all plans can be seen to completion.

Haec hesitated. Was he supposed to say something now? He had thought that Regnorex would be angrier. But somehow, the Demon King just looked morose. 

Regnorex merely sighed.

I wished to put an end to our suffering, my Heir. I had thought that your generation would be the first to find salvation. True salvation. Not the faux Salvation of the Netherworld.

Haec waited, and the Demon King looked down at him. Regnorex placed a hand on his Heirs head.

But there is no need to fret, for I have foreseen countless futures. I have prepared for such setbacks. I see all. I know all. And I can tell you with utmost certainty, there is no future where our people shall not live in paradise.

The Demon King brought a hand down to Haecs chin, before making him raise his head. Haec stared up for a moment. He wasnt sure if he had a place to speak at this moment, but he took his chance.

My King, I wish to serve you.

It was a simple set of words, but it piqued the Demon Kings interest.

And what is it you desire?

The Netherworld is in chaos. Our people guard its borders from the wild Demons pouring from beyond, and I cannot remain idly by as they suffer, and I wait here like a fool.

Was it a lie? Haec felt like he was lying. But he also felt like he was telling the truth. He couldnt wait here not in this castle. He had to go out, beyond this Domain. To Revelation.

I wish to help. To sally forth and face the mindless hordes in battle. Please, let me be of use to you.

Haec placed a hand on his chest. Regnorex did not react. The Demon Kings gaze remained fixed on him as he spoke insistently.

My King

Are your intentions pure?

Regnorex finally spoke over him. Haec tensed. He suddenly felt an overbearing weight press down on his shoulders. He tried to work his jaw, only to realize that the Demon King was testing him. 

It was as though Regnorex was staring into his soul.

Haec didnt give an immediate reply. He just stared up as the Demon Kings figure seemed to loom over him. A powerful pressure made his feet wobble as Regnorex spoke once more.

Tell me do you desire the safety of our people before all?

Those words made Haec hesitate. But he thought long and hard for a moment, remembering his leaders face. And the Heir of the Netherworld nodded.

I do. 

Regnorex shook his head as he let go of Haec.

Then go.

The Demon King commanded.

Take Taburas, Bertrugil, and Laxi with you. Meet with Hartia at the western borders of our Domain. You may fend off the wild Demons threatening to enter our lands. And perhaps, if you do, you may even evolve into a Primeval Demon.

Haec paused for a moment. He hadnt expected such a swift response, but Regnorex flicked a finger. The cloud that Haec stood on began to descend, and he rose to his feet. He bowed at the Demon King as he answer softly.

Yes, my King.

And a smile slipped into his lips as a thought crossed his mind.

I can finally see Salvos again



I continued exploring my kingdom. I wasnt sure what else it held, and there were a myriad of other paths for me to choose from. I had ascended quite a fair bit ever since escaping the [Basilisk]. Now, I was trying to find my way back down but without actually running into the Primordial Demon again.

However, I found it incredibly hard to descend because

Why are there so many dead-ends?

I groaned as I came to the very end of a collapsed tunnel. I shook my head and sauntered forward. I placed a hand on the rubble, murmuring.

Is there anything on the other side of this?

I wondered aloud. I tried to use my spatial senses to detect what could be waiting there, but even despite the range of my spatial senses, I saw nothing but rubble ahead of me. I pursed my lips and drew back. I kicked a nearby rock as I grumbled, walking back up to an intersection of tunnels.

This is boring! I want to find something already!

I exclaimed. And right as I reached the chamber leading down various tunnel paths, I came to a halt. I saw figures standing there, waiting for me. Beings that hadnt been there just a few minutes before. I blinked as they turned to face me.

There were three of them, and they hissed at me.

[Gargoyle - Lvl. 155]

[Gargoyle - Lvl. 157]

[Gargoyle - Lvl. 151]

More of them? And theyre all Primeval Demons too!

I exclaimed, before bracing myself for their attacks. They charged at me as I groaned.

You [Gargoyles] are so annoying!

And we clashed in battle.

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