Run, Girl (If You Can)

Chapter 195: An Entirely Different Experience

Chapter 195: An Entirely Different Experience

Going off of her experience at Lydia's bachelorette party, Keeley planned things out so it was two days before the wedding and everyone had enough time to recover from their inevitable hangovers. Jennica thought it was a great idea and told Cameron to make sure his bachelor party was on the same day.

In the end, Keeley decided against doing the pole dancing class again. Jennica was way too stressed and needed to relax before her big day. Going to a spa for the day and having a sleepover in a hotel watching cheesy old musicals seemed like the best bet.

It was funny. Her own 'bachelorette party' had been at a spa too but it was an entirely different experience.

For one, the spa she went to with all the socialites and Roslyn Hale had been one of the most exclusive in the city. More importantly, she wasn't friends with a single person there so it was incredibly awkward and felt like little more than a networking opportunity.

Jennica's party was made up entirely of friends and family so even though it was supposed to be a relaxing atmosphere, people could still get a little rowdy. One of her actress friends made a gigantic splash as she sank into the whirlpool, resulting in more than a few stares and some awkward laughter.

Jennica's sister-in-law Alison took advantage of a specialty pregnancy massage they were offering because she was six months along with her second child.

Keeley had heard Jennica ranting about her mother's obsession with grandchildren before; she was happy to gain a niece or nephew but wasn't terribly pleased the announcement happened while she was engaged. Apparently it made her mother put pressure on her to get pregnant immediately.

She confided that she had no plans to get pregnant until she had at least one more good play or musical under her belt for her resume. So far she hadn't had much luck this year; only getting a couple of commercials and a month long production at a dinner theater where she had to perform every night.

The extra pressure only added to her existing wedding stress, hence the spa day. Keeley specifically booked a destressing aromatherapy massage for her friend to help her unwind.

She didn't need a massage herself; she was perfectly happy with a simple facial and lying by the pool in a fluffy robe with cucumbers on her eyes as she listened to the gentle sounds of moving water.

"This is the life," Valentina sighed happily from Keeley's left.

She had joined her for the facial. It was a miracle she was even able to get time off for the bachelorette party, rehearsal, and wedding. The poor thing had been forced to trade a week's worth of undesirable graveyard shifts for this.

Keeley hoped Jennica appreciated the sacrifices their friend was making on her behalf. Whenever Valentina had a graveyard shift she stumbled like a zombie for days afterward, losing her signature smile for once.

"I wish I could do this all the time," she continued.

Going to the spa was one of the few things Keeley actually liked about her old life. The company was always terrible but if she had been allowed to go by herself she really would have enjoyed it.

She was a sucker for heat therapies—hot stone massages, Jacuzzis, and saunas. All of her worries melted away when she felt warm. It was probably why she always cocooned herself in blankets when watching TV. But one nice thing about the world of the super-rich didn't make up for the rest of it.

"I think it might get old after a while."

Valentina scoffed as if she were crazy before letting out another contented sigh. She wouldn't understand; she hadn't lived through what Keeley had.

Once the facial was done, she left her friend (who had fallen asleep) and headed to the Jacuzzi where Cameron's sisters were relaxing and chatting about their children. They looked up at her and smiled.

"You're one of Jennica's old roommates, right? I'm Carly and this is Chloe."

They both had the same pale complexions and dark hair that Cameron did. If not for the subtle wrinkles around Chloe's eyes and mouth, Keeley would have thought that they were twins.

"Yeah, I'm Keeley. Nice to meet you two."

Carly gave her a once over. "You're really pretty. Are you single? My brother Cooper is too and he's handsome, funny, and has a solid job."

She nearly laughed at the woman's blunt matchmaking attempt. "I am but I'm not looking for any sort of relationship right now."

Cameron's sister shrugged. "Oh well. I figure I have to try all of the single bridesmaids. Cooper's sweet but he's so shy; he'll never get a date on his own."

Keeley couldn't help but wonder if she would have ended up like this with Kaleb if he had lived. Probably not. She wasn't the matchmaking kind.

"Valentina's far too busy to date but you might want to try Michelle." She lowered her voice so no one else could overhear. "I heard her talking earlier; her acting career isn't going so well and she's looking to settle down."

A conspiratorial glint appeared in Carly's eyes and the three of them turned around to look at Michelle, who was sitting in the sauna with her head leaned against the wall. She was a tall and beautiful blonde woman with startlingly blue eyes.

"She seems like Cooper's type," Chloe said approvingly. "Thanks for the heads up. So…tell me about yourself."

Keeley launched into a brief explanation of her studies, hobbies, and career goals. Both women were impressed. Chloe had married a lawyer straight out of college and was a stay-at-home mom while Carly worked as a graphic designer.

"I can't even imagine that much school. Kudos to you."

"It must be nice doing something productive all day," Chloe sighed. "My days are consumed with cooking, cleaning, and playing chauffeur."

The jagged hole in her heart left by learning the truth about her lost child was ripped open even further. Keeley never got to know what that was like. She never got to change a diaper, worrying about packing lunches, or take her child to after school activities.

She had thought she had healed from her loss over the years. Especially since being reborn because she would have the chance to use a sperm donor or adopt this time. But ever since Aaron told her what really happened she grieved all over again.

It wasn't all the time. It had happened a long time ago, plus she was too busy to let grief destroy her. She buried it in work.

Still, there were times it hit her hard. Like right now when someone made a careless offhand comment.

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