Royal Secret: I'm A Princess!


[WHY IS my life so fucking hard?]

Neoma, because she was too fucking self-absorbed, barely remembered that her Papa Boss had the same lifespan as her.

[We only have five years to live...]

Watching her Papa Boss and Mama Boss exchange warm glances as if they were the only ones in the room made her feel guilty.

Her father's lifespan was shortened because he had to pass down his Moonglow to TWO heirs. The throne couldn't choose between Neoma and Nero, hence the throne recognized both of them as its rightful heirs.

Although Nero would end up taking the throne first, she was still an heir since she was destined to be the empress regnant after Nero's turn.

Hence, Papa Boss was forced to give his Moonglow to both Neoma and Nero.

[My poor Papa Boss…]

"Neoma, what's wrong?"


It seemed like Neoma had been too distracted for her to only realize that her parents' attention was now focused on her. "Yes, Papa Boss?"

"What's wrong?" Papa Boss asked worriedly. "You look paler than normal, Neoma."


Neoma quickly smiled to assure her parents that she was fine. "I'm fine, Papa Boss. I was just thinking about what to do if Calyx and the crows showed up tonight to ruin Nero's engagement. That psycho crow is obsessed with Nero, so I wouldn't put it past him to gatecrash the party later."


She was sooo good at lying that it was actually scary.

"I understand what you're worried about, but relax, baby," Mama Boss said, assuring her that everything would be fine. "Trust our people."

Neoma smiled and nodded. "Okay, Mama Boss."

"Are you sure that's the only thing you're worried about?" Papa Boss asked worriedly. "It looks like something else is on your mind, Neoma."


Of course, it wouldn't be easy to fool Papa Boss.

[Papa Boss knows me longer than Mama Boss does, so it's not surprising that Papa Boss can see right through me.]

"I'm really alright, Papa Boss," Neoma said. "I'm just getting a little emotional since Nero is getting engaged already, while my love life is in shambles."

Well, that wasn't entirely a lie.

Although having a boyfriend wasn't her priority at the moment, she wouldn't say that she was happy breaking up with Ruto on such a bad term.

She just didn't have the time to mourn it.

"You did well breaking up with Ruston Stroganoff," Papa Boss said, scoffing. Fortunately, her father believed her this time. "He's no longer the Ruston Stroganoff who would do everything and anything for you, Neoma. Right now, he'll do you more harm than good as Levi's divine son. Just forget about that boy."

"Nikolai," Mama Boss scolded Papa Boss right away. "Your daughter is already heartbroken. Don't say mean things to make her feel bad."

Papa Boss just scoffed, then he changed the topic. "We should leave soon. It's time for the engagement ceremony to begin. But first…" He turned to Geoffrey Kinsley– who was standing near the door while holding a velvet box– and motioned the Paladin to come closer with his finger. "You forgot to wear something important, Neoma."


Geoffrey handed Papa Boss a velvet box, then the Paladin bowed and quietly returned to his post.

Papa Boss opened the box then.


"A tiara," Neoma said, mesmerized by the beautiful tiara. "So pretty."

It was a silver tiara with red gemstones in it.

[Are those rubies?]

"This crown was made from literal moonstones, while the red gemstones were made from Yule's blood."

Neoma almost choked on her saliva.

[Okay, so that tiara wasn't made of silver and rubies– it was made from literal moonstones and Lord Yule's blood, huh?]

"The last owner of this tiara was Nichole."

Neoma's eyes sparkled. "Ah! So, this is the tiara that the royal princesses of the Imperial Family wear."

"That's right. You should have received this the moment you awakened your Soul Beast, but I was such a scumbag back then."


"It's good that you have self-awareness, Papa Boss."

Her father just chuckled.

Even Mama Boss smiled and shook her head, then she volunteered to hold the box while Papa Boss picked up the tiara.

"It's better late than never," Papa Boss said, then he carefully put the tiara on top of Neoma's head. After that, her father looked at her with a proud look on his face. "As expected, it suits you, Neoma."

"Of course, Papa Boss," Neoma agreed, grinning. Then she knitted her eyebrows when she realized something. "Aren't you going to wear your crown, Papa Boss? You wear it on formal occasions and banquets hosted by the Imperial Family."

"I don't need to wear it from now on," Papa Boss said. "Everyone knows I only reclaimed the throne to pass it on to Nero later. It's fine even if I don't wear the crown anymore."


Neoma belatedly realized why Papa Boss didn't wear his crown today.

[Mama Boss can't wear a crown because she's not the empress. That means all of us would be wearing a crown except Mama Boss if Papa Boss had worn his. I shouldn't have asked.]

"Let's take a family picture later," Neoma said to change the topic. "With Nero and Hanna."

Mama Boss smiled and nodded. "That's a lovely idea, baby."

"We should go," Papa Boss said, offering his arms to Neoma and Mama Boss. "Shall we, ladies?"


THE EMPEROR should be the last to enter the Callisto Hall.

[Fuck, I forgot to change the damned hall's name.]

Anyway, Neoma entered the grand hall with Papa Boss and Mama Boss.

[The entire grand hall looks so dreamy.]

She couldn't believe that Hanna only had at least seven days to decorate the hall that way.

[Well, I guess nothing is impossible when you have money.]

Even the guests were dressed appropriately despite the short notice.

[Speaking of the guests…]

Naturally, every single person in the grand hall bowed their heads as the Imperial Family descended the grand staircase.

[Ah, it's comfortable since most of the guests are on our side.]

Yep, none from the Noble Faction was invited.

Not even the Northern Lords.

Well, Melvin Lucchesi was there as Nero's secretary. Sandie Morrisley was also there as Hanna's academy friend. But no one else from the Neutral Faction was invited.

[Hanna is such a cold-hearted woman, huh?]

Who would have thought that the frail and meek lady who wouldn't dare join a men's conversation in the past would grow up as a poisonous flower?

[Hanna is scary.]

The guest list for the royal engagement was clearly a warning to the nobles.

["If you don't take my side, then say goodbye to your social status."]

Neoma wasn't sure if it was wise to make enemies out of the nobles right now, but she just decided to trust Hanna.

[She knows what she's doing anyway.]

Neoma scanned the room, remembering the faces of the nobles that Hanna chose…

… and that was when she saw a familiar face with a crowd that she had never seen before.

Not even in her first life.

[They're with Uncle Glenn, though?]

Moreover, the four big men all had the same hair and eye color as Uncle Glenn. And they all actually looked like each other.

[Ah, could it be…?]

"Those are the Extons," Papa Boss whispered, confirming Neoma's thoughts. "This is the first time that they stepped foot in the Royal Capital after I ascended the throne."


It had been a long time, then.

That probably explained why the nobles seemed to be avoiding the Extons.

But, to be fair, there was something else that made it hard for anyone to approach that family.

[They reek of blood– monster blood, to be precise.]

And it smelled really bad.

[Fortunately, only people on my level could smell it.]

Aunt Brigitte was standing near the Extons with Skylus, Monik, and Claude.

[Ah, there's also Nowell Elwood– Aunt Brigitte's cousin-slash-chancellor.]


There were a lot of familiar faces than Neoma initially thought.

Jasper oppa and his vassal families were also present.

The Wisterias, the Dankworths, and even Marquis Vincent Lennox were there.

[Most nobles here came from Hanna's academy friends.]

As expected, Hanna inherited Duchess Amber Quinzel's title as the 'star' of the social circle.

[I may be the Imperial Princess, but Hanna has more influence over the nobles than I do.]

Now Neoma could understand why Papa Boss preferred Hanna to be the Crown Princess over Dahlia.

[Not that Dahlia wants to be the Crown Princess.]

Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt an intense gaze directed at her face.

[Gosh. I know I'm pretty, but who would stare at me so openly…]

Ah, so fucking handsome.

Neoma's brain buffered for a moment when her gaze landed on Rubin Drayton's face.

Yep, it was her ex-fiancé who was looking at her so intently.

[No wonder Lewis' bloodlust is leaking a bit.]

Neoma wanted to avoid Rubin's gaze, but her competitive spirit wouldn't let her. If she avoided her gaze, it was like admitting that she had lost their little staring contest.

[Fuck, this pride of mine…]

"His Imperial Highness Prince Nero and Lady Hanna Quinzel have arrived!"


Thanks to the announcement of Nero and Hanna's arrival, Neoma could avert her gaze without losing her dignity.

[Oh, wow.]

Hanna was so freaking pretty.

[Her dress is a little boring for me since it's plain and conservative, but it looks hella elegant on Hanna. Of course, it's thanks to Hanna's gentle face and gracefulness.]

On the other hand, Nero looked extra handsome tonight.


[We have the same face, duh.]

Anyway, Nero's crown was almost similar to Neoma's tiara.

[Gosh, even our crowns are twinning tonight.]


THE ENGAGEMENT ceremony was simple and quick since the de Moonasterios had always been known to be very impatient.

Even so, Hanna was satisfied.

The moment Nero held her hand and put the Moonlight Ring on her finger, she felt relieved. All the hard work that she had done the past few years finally paid off.

[I'm the Crown Princess now.]

"It suits you, Hanna," Nero said while looking at the hand that he was holding. Then he raised his head to look at her face. "As expected, you're the only lady who deserves to be the Crown Princess."

Hanna wasn't a fool.

She knew all along that Nero only loved her competence and her immaculate background as the Quinzel Princess.

But she was satisfied with that for now.

[Nero and I are both young. We can improve our relationship from here on.]

"Ah. I should address you properly," Nero said, caressing her cheek with his hand. "Princess Hanna."



Now that she was the official Crown Princess, her title had already changed from 'lady' to 'princess.'

[And soon, I'll be the empress.]

"My princess."

Hanna smiled. "Yes, my prince?"

Nero smiled, and it was one of his rare genuine smiles. "I know that our parents are watching, but we need to end the ceremony with a kiss." This time, his smile became teasing. "My princess is smart, so you know that already. Don't you?"

She definitely blushed.

Of course, she was aware that a kiss on the lips would end the ceremony. Hence, she was already prepared mentally.

Even so, doing it in front of their parents and other nobles made her feel shy.

[This is our first kiss on the lips, after all.]

"Are you shy?" Nero teased her while cupping her face between his hands. "Just close your eyes and pretend that we're the only ones in the room, my princess."

Hanna smiled, liking how Nero addressed her now. "Alright, my prince." She smiled and closed her eyes. "I'll leave it to you."

And the royal engagement ended with Hanna and Nero's first kiss.



Neoma loved Nero and Hanna as her twin brother and best friend, respectively. But it was still disgusting to see the two kissing right in front of her.

[I mean… I don't need to see my twin brother and my best friend making out…]

But she was probably the only one who felt that way.

Papa Boss looked indifferent as if he was just watching two businessmen close a deal. On the other hand, Mama Boss was smiling while clapping lightly.

[Fine. Let's just clap, too.]

Neoma was about to put her hands together when her eyes caught a pair of familiar light blue eyes.

[Gosh, why is he looking at me again?]

Yep, it was still Rubin Drayton.


She only whispered it, but a soft whisper came back.

"Yes, Princess Neoma?"

"Bring Rubin Drayton to the second-floor Balcony."



"I… don't want to."

Neoma looked over her shoulder and gave Lewis a scolding look. "Don't make me repeat myself, Sir Crevan."

Lewis obviously looked shocked when she addressed him by his title, then he quickly bowed his head as if he was afraid. "As you command, Princess Neoma."


"IS IT alright for me to be here, Princess Neoma?"

"Yep," Neoma said casually, leaning against the railing while crossing her arms over her chest. "It's fine since I invited you here, Lord Rubin."

Right now, the two of them were in the Balcony.

Yes, it was the one that was reserved for the members of the Imperial Family.

"But I don't have much time, Lord Rubin.

[After all, Mama Boss and Papa Boss' surprise wedding will begin soon.]

"If you have anything to say, say it now," Neoma said impatiently. "I'm a busy woman. So, if possible, please be quick and precise."

Rubin fell silent for a moment, then he looked at her with a determined look on his face. "I love you, Princess Neoma."



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