Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Chapter 711 - 711 ROYAL SCANDAL (6)


“ARE YOU alright, Nero?”

“Do I look alright to you?”

Calyx, who was already used to Nero’s bad temper, just laughed it off. “No, you don’t,” he said, putting an arm around his shoulders as they sat on the sofa. “Were you upset because of your parents’ sudden appearance?”

He didn’t need to ask because it was obvious that his hunch was correct.

After talking to the former emperor and Lady Roseheart, Nero walked out of the courtroom and went straight to the parlor.

Calyx followed his brother while his mother went to the other parlor room to change her clothes. After all, his mother’s gown was damaged after the former emperor’s attack earlier. The Empress Dowager had to dress properly to assert dominance, right?

“Why didn’t you and the Empress Dowager greet Father earlier?” Nero asked with furrowed brows. “You let me face Father alone.”

“Well, Father is scary,” Calyx said, laughing. “Moreover, Father seems angry at me and my mother.”

“Father is always angry about something.”



Hearing that made him worry about something.

“Nero, I thought your memories of our father are hazy?” Calyx asked, trying to mask his nervousness. “Did your memories get clearer when you met Father earlier?”

“I never really cared much about my parents,” Nero said, shrugging. “But isn’t it common knowledge that Father is always in a bad mood?”

“Oh, you have a point.”

“Are you nervous about Father’s sudden appearance?”

“Why would I be nervous? It’s a joyous occasion.”

“I don’t think you’re being honest,” Nero said while observing Calyx closely. “Calyx, I know that you’re putting in an effort to sabotage this trial.”


[Am I caught?]

“Are you afraid of Neoma?”

He frowned, not liking what Nero just said. “And why would I be scared of Princess Neoma?”

“I don’t know– you tell me.”

[Why is Nero so unnecessarily sharp? Oh, well. It’s just one of his charms.]

“Neoma is your twin sister,” Calyx said, laying his head down on Nero’s shoulder. “Don’t people say twins have a special bond that no one else can break?”

Nero scoffed. “Ridiculous.”

“What if you end up liking Neoma more than you like me, Nero?”

“You’re speaking nonsense, Calyx. Do you think I’d get Neoma arrested if I like her?”

“Really?” Calyx turned to Nero, placing his chin on his brother’s shoulder. “You don’t like Princess Neoma?”

“Do I look like I do?”

To be honest, Calyx could see that Nero hated Neoma and his parents.

But he had to make sure because the crows’ next move depended on Nero’s state. And Calyx was the one in charge of judging Nero’s worth to their plan.

“No, you don’t,” Calyx said, smiling at Nero because he was satisfied by his brother’s current disposition. “But putting Princess Neoma behind bars won’t be easy because she has your parents’ support. Moreover, her backing is pretty solid. That’s exactly why I’m doing the dirty work for you.”

“You’re sabotaging the trial for me?”

“Of course,” Calyx said firmly. “Nero, I have no intention to compete with you for the throne. However, that’s not the case for Princess Neoma. It’s obvious that she wants the throne for herself.” He raised an eyebrow at his brother. “And it seems like our father favors Princess Neoma over us.”

Nero frowned, but he didn’t say anything back.

And Calyx found it amusing.

[I don’t even have to do anything to make Nero feel lonely. It’s obvious that Emperor Nikolai favors Princess Neoma over Nero, after all.]

“Father no longer has the right to choose his heir,” Nero said firmly, his eyes turned glowing red. Obviously, his poor brother was upset because of his own parents. “Moreover, I’m already the Crown Prince. I won’t let Neoma steal my rightful place.”

“That’s right,” Calyx said, patting Nero’s head gently. “I’m willing to be the bad guy to make sure that you’ll ascend to the throne, Nero.”

Nero scoffed, his eyes returning to normal. “Don’t you trust me?”

“Princess Neoma is using underhanded tricks, but I can’t let you do the same,” Calyx explained. “You’re the Crown Prince, so you have an image to protect. Hence, I can’t let you dirty your hands just to fight your twin sister.”

“And that’s what I don’t understand, Calyx. Why are you going this far for me?”

“Because I like you.”


“I like you, Nero,” Calyx said, smiling and being one hundred percent serious. “I won’t be surprised if you were the object of my obsession as a de Moonasterio.”

“That’s disgusting.”

He laughed because he already expected that Nero wouldn’t take his feelings seriously.

[As long as he hates Princess Neoma, I’m fine.]

“I am your Kingmaker, Nero,” Calyx said, caressing Nero’s cheek with the back of his hand. “Always have been, always will be.”

Nero’s eyes suddenly turned glowing red again. “Get away from me, Calyx. I suddenly got the urge to kill you.”

Calyx laughed, but he removed his hand around Nero’s shoulder as he stood up. “You really hate sentimental things, don’t you?”

“Emotions get in the way of thinking logically.”


Calyx was about to say something, but a knock on the door interrupted him.

“Prince Nero, it’s me– Melvin.”

Nero stood up while combing his fingers through his hair. “Come in.”

The door opened and Melvin entered the room while greeting both Nero and Calyx.

“Prince Nero, Lady Hanna has arrived,” Melvin reported to Nero. “And we have a little problem. Her lady came with Lucien and…”

“Hanna must be pissed,” Nero said, then he turned to Calyx. “I need to pacify Hanna, so I’ll go ahead. Tell the Empress Dowager that we’ll still be seated together later.”

Calyx nodded and waved his hand. “See you later, Nero.”

Nero just nodded back before leaving with Melvin.

[The curse is still in effect.]

Calyx stood up and opened the door connected to the room next door.

Yes, it was the parlor room that his mother was using.

And, no, he didn’t walk in on his mother changing clothes.

The Empress Dowager was already having tea when he arrived in the room.

“What are we going to do, Mother?” Calyx asked as soon as he sat on the chair across from his mother. “Emperor Nikolai and Lady Roseheart’s sudden appearance ruined our plan to wrap up the trial quickly. I don’t think the result will be in our favor either. Moreover…”

“I know,” the Empress Dowager said. “They’ll probably bring me down, too.”

“Then should we proceed to our other plan?”

“That’s the only choice we have now,” his mother said, placing the teacup down on the table. “We’ll seize the throne by force and make Nero the emperor…”

“By eliminating Princess Neoma first.”

“Of course,” the Empress Dowager said, smiling. “We’ll show Princess Neoma how the crows managed to eliminate the powerful royal princesses of the past.”

“So that’s the plan,” Calyx said, chuckling. “Since Princess Neoma is going to expose the crows anyway, then let’s introduce ourselves to the public properly.”


“IF YOU have something to say, spit it out now,” Nero said while walking ahead of Melvin who looked more anxious than usual. “I’m not a mind reader.”

“I received a report from the butler of my family, Prince Nero,” Melvin reported in a hushed voice. “Apparently, there was a fight in the residence that my father and the other Northern Lords owned here in the Royal Capital. And now, they are missing.”

The Northern Lords, huh?

According to Duke Rufus Quinzel’s written report, it was the vote of the Northern Lords that made them open the trial to the public.

[But Calyx tried to sabotage this trial. Could it be…?]

“There are also a group of masked people who threw Mana bombs to the commoners who were trying to get here, Prince Nero. According to my people, hundreds were hurt. I know Your Royal Highness knows who’s behind this atrocity.”


That made Nero stop walking, then he turned around to face Melvin. “Be careful of your accusations, Melvin. Even though you’re my most useful aide, I can’t save you once you committed treason.”

Melvin fell silent for a moment before he gathered the courage to speak up. “Prince Nero, I just told you that hundreds of YOUR people were hurt because of the unfortunate incident. But you’re trying to protect the person who caused it.”

“Shut up.”

“If you wanted a servant who would just blindly follow you, then you shouldn’t have hired me, Prince Nero,” Melvin said. There was fear in his eyes, but his voice was clear and firm. “If something bad happens to my father because of the person Your Royal Highness is protecting, I’ll quit and never look back.”

It wasn’t the first time Melvin threatened to quit.

But this was the first time Nero felt Melvin’s determination.

[He’ll really quit at this rate.]

“And I’m a petty person, Prince Nero,” Melvin added, avoiding his gaze. “I might get back at you if you continue acting like that.”

“Acting like what?”

“Like a puppet,” Melvin said, sighing and shutting his eyes tight. Then he opened his eyes again and looked at Nero with a more determined look on his face. “Prince Nero, you are the Crown Prince. Your job is to protect the empire and its people. Don’t lose sight of your goal just because you’re angry at your twin sister and parents– just like what that person wants you to do.”

The person Melvin was talking about was Calyx, no doubt about it.

“I am not a puppet– let alone Calyx’s puppet,” Nero said sternly. “You’re annoying today, Melvin.”

“Your Royal Highness is ALWAYS stressing me out.”

Nero just scoffed, then he turned his back on Melvin.

He ignored his secretary until he arrived at the main entrance where Hanna and some familiar faces were waiting.

The doors had been shut while the servants were still cleaning the courtroom.

[I didn’t see where Neoma and our parents are, though.]

Even the Twelve Golden Families were no longer in the courtroom.

[They’re probably in the other parlor rooms.]

“Nero, don’t do something like this again,” Hanna said, pushing Lucien Attewell in his way. “If you’re going to ask your people to search MY house, at least give them your direct command instead of letting Prince Calyx boss your people around.”

Ah, right.

Calyx borrowed Lucien and Alucard from him this morning.

Nero turned to Lucien who looked pale at the moment.

[Lucien is an arrogant boy, but he looked scared right now.]

Nero then turned to Hanna who looked immaculately beautiful from head to toe.

[Even her posture is perfect. No wonder she’s the best person to become the Crown Princess.]

Speaking of that…

[Right, we have a duty to fulfill as the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess.]

“I know you’re mad, but let’s talk about it later,” Nero said, extending his hand to Hanna. “I heard there are commoners who are hurt earlier. Will you come with me and check on our people together?”

“Who will accompany you if not me?” Hanna said, accepting his hand. “At least, you have the sense to act as a proper Crown Prince today, Nero.”


[Is it just me or Hanna is being meaner to me day by day?]


NERO WAS quite surprised after arriving in the ‘Square.’

It was the wide space in front of the courthouse where the commoners who wished to watch the trial gathered. Of course, there was still a low barricade that prevented the people from stepping out of the line.

And it was the same barricade that separated Nero and Hanna from the people.

Sanford, Raku, and Melvin were standing behind Nero and Hanna while the royal knights were around them to make sure they wouldn’t get mobbed.

Anyway, the commoners looked thrilled upon seeing them.

“It’s Prince Nero and our future Crown Princess!”

“They look good together!”

“Long live Prince Nero and Young Lady Quinzel!”


That was the first thing that entered Nero’s mind.

[Why are these people so obsessed with the Royal Family?]

“Nero, it’s not the right time to think of something stupid,” Hanna whispered to him, smiling and waving at the people. “We’re here to check on our people, aren’t we?”

Nero nodded subtly, then he cleared his throat before addressing his people. “I heard about the unfortunate incident that happened earlier,” he said, making the people silent in order to listen to him. “As the Crown Prince of the empire, I assure you that we will do our best to compensate everyone who was hurt in the tragedy.”

The people clapped because of his promise.

“And I’d like to thank all of you for coming here despite what happened earlier,” Nero said, faking a sad smile to gain sympathy from the people. “The least thing I could do for you is to assure that you’d get to witness it– the downfall of the royal princess who deceived the empire, that is.”

Hanna turned to him with a shocked and betrayed look on her face.

Nero pretended he didn’t notice the hateful look his fiancé was giving him.

[This trial is only a means to cement my position as the Crown Prince.]


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