Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Chapter 706 - 706 ROYAL SCANDAL (1)


“WHAT’S the meaning of this?” Hanna asked in a calm yet cold voice, her green eyes glowing menacingly. “How dare you block my path in my own house?”

Lucien Attewell, the crazy mage who loved explosives and one of Nero’s personal knights, flinched but didn’t move out of the way.

Hanna remained firm as well, the rest of the Black Hawk Knights standing behind her.

[Their timing is perfect, huh?]

Her mother and father went to the court early.

Since she still had things to do and prepare, she was left in the mansion.

But just when she was about to leave, Lucien Attewell and a troop of royal knights came barging in.

[They’re obviously here to stop me from attending the trial.]

The trial was open to the public, but only high-ranking nobles were allowed inside the court to watch. As the Quinzel Princess, she had the right to enter the court.


But clearly, Calyx Dalton and the fake Empress Dowager didn’t want her there.

“Young Lady Quinzel, several people were kidnapped from the Royal Palace last night,” Lucien Attewell said. “And we were informed that Count Kyle Sprouse was last seen in your house.”

Hanna almost laughed at the poor excuse Lucien Attewell gave her, but she remained serious. “I didn’t even know Count Sprouse was missing, and yet you’re saying the count was last seen in my house?”

Of course, that was a lie.

[But if the enemies are lying straight to my face, what’s wrong with doing the same? They must have a taste of their own medicine.]

She knew that the crows were only suspecting her because after Neoma, she was the one with the highest position among the royal princess’ allies. To be fair, Lord Jasper should be higher in position as a duke.

[I only outranked Lord Jasper because I’m the future Crown Princess.]

Anyway, the crows knew that she had the power and resources to keep the likes of Count Kyle Sprouse from getting found again. Hence, they immediately suspected her of hiding the kidnapped count.

[And since I don’t have time to move Count Sprouse to another place, they knew I had no choice but to hide the count in our estate.]

That was pretty smart of the crows.

“Her Majesty the Empress Dowager doesn’t want to suspect the future Crown Princess of the empire of treason,” Lucien said indifferently. “Hence, Her Majesty the Empress Dowager wishes Young Lady Quinzel to ease her worries and let us search your house. If Young Lady Quinzel isn’t hiding anything suspicious, then please allow us to do our job.”

“Your job?” Hanna asked, letting out a chuckle that sounded sarcastic. “Lucien Attewell, who do you serve?”

Lucien, who obviously got her point, flinched once again. “Prince Calyx informed me that Prince Nero allowed me to do what Her Majesty–”

“You didn’t even receive the order from Prince Nero directly,” she said, cutting him off. “Lucien Attewell, I’m quite disappointed. You are supposed to be Prince Nero’s knights, but you’re acting like a lapdog for Prince Calyx and the Empress Dowager.”

This time, Lucien who was acting polite all this time changed his demeanor. His eyes turned sharp and cold. Obviously, he was offended by what Hanna said. “Young Lady Quinzel, if we found Count Sprouse or any of the missing people from the palace, will you give me permission to blow up the Quinzel Mansion?”

[Yes, this is the crazy mage that I know.]

“Are you crazy, you disrespectful brat?!”


Hanna suddenly remembered they weren’t alone when one of her family’s knight yelled angrily.

“How dare you threaten our princess?!”

Of course, the royal knights behind Lucien Attewell didn’t keep quiet either.

“With all due respect, it was Young Lady Quinzel who started it!”

“Young Lady Quinzel may be the future Crown Princess, but that doesn’t give her the right to ignore the Empress Dowager’s order!”

“And when did our young lady ignore the Empress Dowager’s order?!”

“That’s right! Our young lady was being reasonable when she asked for proof before you search the estate!”

“Even if it’s the Royal Family, they don’t have the right to suddenly barge in and demand our young lady to let you search the estate without showing proof of the crime you’re accusing our household of!”

Since the Quinzel Knights were right, the royal knights couldn’t talk back anymore.

But the royal knights quickly found a new way to pick up a fight with the Black Hawk Knights.

“The Black Hawk Knights are being arrogant now!”

“Even though you serve the Quinzels, you still have to answer to the Royal Family!”

“Enough,” Hanna said firmly, shutting up both side. Now that it was finally quiet again, she focused on Lucien. “You’re free to search my house. But if you don’t find anyone there, I’m going to blow up Prince Calyx’s palace.” She then put a hand on Lucien Attewell’s shoulder and whispered. “And I’m going to punish you for serving other members of the Royal Family WITHOUT Prince Nero’s direct permission.”


GLENN shouldn’t have been surprised.

He, his entire family, Miss Dahlia, and Lord Manu were about to leave the royal villa to attend the court when, suddenly, Alucard Dionisio and Dustin (the “half-saint”) came barging in with a squad of royal knights.

Clearly, they were here to stop them from attending the trial.

“I know that the Royal Family owns this villa,” Glenn said politely, standing in front of Lord Manu and his family in a protective stance. “Even so, you don’t have the right to suddenly barge in like this. I know I used to serve as the former emperor’s Paladin. But you haven’t forgotten that I’m now the king of Hazelden Kingdom, have you?”

“Your Majesty, we’re here under the Empress Dowager’s orders,” Alucard Dionisio said politely. “I’m here… to escort Lord Dustin who wants to… uh, play with Prince Skylus since they’re both saint candidates?”

“Did Prince Nero send you here, Sir Dionisio?”

The knight shook his head awkwardly. “But Prince Calyx said Prince Nero lent us to him.”

“You didn’t hear it from Prince Nero directly?”

Alucard Dionisio shut his mouth as if he was embarrassed.

It was ridiculous.

As a former royal knight, he didn’t like it.

[During my time as a Paladin, I never let anyone order me aside from Emperor Nikolai, unless His Majesty PERSONALLY asked me to.]

But this young knight was running an errand for the Empress Dowager.

[Without getting permission from Prince Nero directly, at that.]

And the worst of all?

“It seems like you don’t even understand the order you were given, Sir Dionisio,” Glenn said. He wanted to remain polite, but he couldn’t hide his disappointment. “As a former White Lion Knight, I’m saddened by your attitude.”

Alucard Dionisio seemed to snap after hearing that.

But Dustin, the half-saint, stepped forward. “Your Majesty, please don’t scold Alucard too much. I was the one who pleaded the Empress Dowager to allow me to play with Prince Skylus today.”

Glenn was about to say something but Brigitte, his queen and lovely wife, stepped forward.

“Let’s drop the act since we all know the real reason why you’re here,” his wife said calmly while rubbing her baby bump. The smile on Brigitte’s face was pretty but chilling. “Skylus, darling, come and play with the young lord.”


Skylus appeared behind his mother while holding Monik’s hand, and Monik was holding Claude’s hand.

Glenn’s heart instantly melted.

[Aww… my children are so adorable!]

“Is it okay if we play with Dustin, Mommy?” Skylus asked his mother with sparkling eyes. “Is it okay if Monik noona and our maknae Claude play with us, too?”

“Of course, darling,” Brigitte said, then she faced Alucard Dionisio and Dustin and laughed at the poor boys. “Even if we get locked up here because of some underhanded move, Princess Neoma will still come out victorious. After all, Princess Neoma didn’t return to play.”

“The Black Witch…” Dustin whispered to himself, his eyes opening wide. “Where’s the Black Witch?”

“Why are you looking for Miss Dahlia when you’re here to play with Prince Skylus?” Lord Manu asked. “You’re not leaving, are you?”

Dustin frowned, especially when the children giggled.

Monik and Skylus were whispering something in Claude’s ears.

[Monik and Skylus’ eyes are glowing…]

Seeing his children’s happy disposition, Glenn’s heart was put at ease.

[Everything will be fine.]


EVERYTHING wasn’t fine.

Paige already expected that the crows would do dirty tricks to stop the commoners from attending the trial, but she didn’t expect them to be THIS violent.

“Help us!”

“There are heavily injured people here!”


“Please stop pushing!”

Paige was floating in the air, watching the stampede below her.

The people who gathered in the plaza to attend the trial were now in a stampede. It was all because of the masked men (obviously crows) throwing Mana bombs everywhere. Her “siblings” were already done capturing the crows, but the damage had already been done.

“Paige, the crows found and destroyed all the video cameras that we planted around the royal capital,” Jeno, who was standing on the cloud next to her, reported. “What should we do? Do we have time to plant new video cameras?”

“Forget about the cameras,” Paige said while shaking her head. “Let’s prioritize saving the people first because I’m sure that’s what Princess Neoma would want us to do.”


[SHOULD I just start a rebellion?]

That was the first thought that entered Neoma’s mind when she saw the almost empty courtroom.

[Gosh, the crows are playing dirty again.]

Only the fake Empress Dowager, Calyx, and the Twelve Golden Families were there when Neoma arrived with Nero and Lewis.

[Not even a single guard in sight.]

The bleachers around the platform were naturally empty.

[They didn’t even let the other nobles attend the trial.]

“Am I supposed to just stand here?” Neoma asked, standing on the platform that was obviously designed for the sinner. It was against the protocol, but Lewis stood behind her. Nobody seemed to care, though. “Gosh, it feels like I’m already sentenced to death.”

She was talking to Calyx and the fake Empress Dowager on the balcony of the second floor, sitting on their fancy seats.

Soon, Nero joined the two.

[Of course, the Crown Prince’s chair was the fanciest.]

“Don’t worry, Princess Neoma,” the fake Empress Dowager said with a smile on her face. “We will judge you fairly.”


She discreetly turned to the side where the Twelve Golden Families were.

Duke Rufus Quinzel looked pale and worried.

And the Northern Lords weren’t there.

[Ah, we’re fucked.]

“Should I just plead guilty?” Neoma wondered out loud. “It seems like the majority of you have already decided that I’m guilty.”

“If you are guilty, we won’t stop you from pleading guilty,” Nero said indifferently. “Who knows? We might give you a lighter punishment.”

“Right?” Calyx agreed with Nero. “But you must confess to your crimes first, Princess Neoma.”

“Alright, I’ll do that,” Neoma said, shrugging. “I plead guilty for being the most beautiful lady in the empire.”

Everyone looked shocked and offended by what she said.

Only Lewis smirked and found it funny.

[My “son” really gets my humor.]

But she wasn’t done yet.

“I also plead guilty to being more competent than both the two princes combined,” Neoma said arrogantly. “Moreover, I plead guilty to being too awesome and too good for all of you.”

“Princess Neoma, what do you think you’re doing?!” Marquis Vincent Lennox yelled angrily, slamming his hands on the table as he stood up. “The court is a sacred place, and yet you dared to turn this into a joke? You mannerless wench–”

The marquis suddenly stopped talking when the doors suddenly burst open.

It looked like it wasn’t supposed to be open because Nero, Calyx, the Empress Dowager, and Marquis Lennox looked shocked.

Neoma, on the other hand, smiled widely.

“This trial is a joke, so what’s wrong if my daughter turns it into a full circus?”

That arrogant manner of speaking…

“Are we late, baby?”

And that gentle voice…

Neoma smiled, but her eyes were also brimming with tears. “Mama Boss, Papa Boss!”


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